It is used in Wade-Giles (one of the romanization systems in Chinese) for apical dental unrounded vowel as in tzû, tz'û, ssû, corresponds to present zi, ci, si in Pinyin respectively.
In Afrikaans, û is a punctuated form of u and a usage example includes "brûe". plural of "brug" (= bridge).
Û represents [uː] in Emilian dialects: in the Bolognese dialect, anvûd [aŋˈvuːd] means "nephews".
In French, û does not change the pronunciation of the letter u except in jeune "young", which is pronounced differently from jeûne "a fast". In some other words like mû, the circumflex has no disambiguating value; attempts have been made to abolish it in such words. See Circumflex in French. Û also often appears in words that used to have an "s" after the "u": the French word for August, août, used to be written aoust.