كانت رئاسة وزراء الأمير ناروهيكو هيغاشيكوني الذي كان رئيسا للوزراء لمدة أربعة وخمسين يوما في عام 1945 الأقصر في تاريخ اليابان. وأطولها رئاسة شينزو آبي لمدة ثماني سنوات على فترتين غير متتاليتين.
^第1代 伊藤 博文 [1st Itō Hirobumi] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Archived from the original on 2024-06-14. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第2代 黑田 淸隆 [2nd Kuroda Kiyotaka] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第3代 山縣 有朋 [3rd Yamagata Aritomo] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第4代 松方 正義 [4th Matsukata Masayoshi] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第5代 伊藤 博文 [5th Itō Hirobumi] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第6代 松方 正義 [6th Matsukata Masayoshi] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第7代 伊藤 博文 [7th Itō Hirobumi] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第8代 大隈 重信 [8th Ōkuma Shigenobu] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第9代 山縣 有朋 [9th Yamagata Aritomo] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第10代 伊藤 博文 [10th Itō Hirobumi] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第11代 桂 太郎 [11th Katsura Tarō] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第12代 西園寺 公望 [12th Saionji Kinmochi] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第13代 桂 太郎 [13th Katsura Tarō] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第14代 西園寺 公望 [14th Saionji Kinmochi] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第15代 桂 太郎 [15th Katsura Tarō] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第16代 山本 權兵衛 [16th Yamamoto Gonnohyōe] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第17代 大隈 重信 [17th Ōkuma Shigenobu] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第18代 寺内 正毅 [18th Terauchi Masatake] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第19代 原 敬 [19th Hara Takashi] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第20代 高橋 是清 [20th Takahashi Korekiyo] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第21代 加藤 友三郎 [21st Katō Tomosaburō] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第22代 山本 權兵衛 [22nd Yamamoto Gonnohyōe] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第23代 清浦 奎吾 [23rd Kiyoura Keigo] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第24代 加藤 高明 [24th Katō Takaaki] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第25代 若槻 禮次郎 [25th Wakatsuki Reijirō] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第26代 田中 義一 [26th Tanaka Giichi] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第27代 濱口 雄幸 [27th Hamaguchi Osachi] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第28代 若槻 禮次郎 [28th Wakatsuki Reijirō] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第29代 犬養 毅 [29th Inukai Tsuyoshi] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第30代 齋藤 實 [30th Saito Makoto] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第31代 岡田 啓介 [31st Okada Keisuke] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第32代 廣田 弘毅 [32nd Hirota Kōki] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第33代 林 銑十郎 [33rd Hayashi Senjūrō] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第34代 近衞 文麿 [34th Konoe Fumimaro] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第35代 平沼 騏一郎 [35th Hiranuma Kiichirō] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Archived from the original on 2022-08-20. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第36代 阿部 信行 [36th Abe Nobuyuki] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第37代 米内 光政 [37th Yonai Mitsumasa] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第38代 近衞 文麿 [38th Konoe Fumimaro] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第39代 近衞 文麿 [39th Konoe Fumimaro] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第40代 東條 英機 [40th Tōjō Hideki] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Archived from the original on 2022-05-16. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第41代 小磯 國昭 [41st Koiso Kuniaki] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第42代 鈴木 貫太郎 [42nd Suzuki Kantarō] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第43代 東久邇宮 稔彦王 [43rd Higashikuninomiya Naruhikoō] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Archived from the original on 2024-05-18. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第44代 幣原 喜重郎 [44th Shidehara Kijūrō] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第45代 吉田 茂 [45th Yoshida Shigeru] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第46代 片山 哲 [46th Katayama Tetsu] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第47代 芦田 均 [47th Ashida Hitoshi] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第48代 吉田 茂 [48th Yoshida Shigeru] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第49代 吉田 茂 [49th Yoshida Shigeru] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第50代 吉田 茂 [50th Yoshida Shigeru] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第51代 吉田 茂 [51st Yoshida Shigeru] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第52代 鳩山 一郎 [52nd Hatoyama Ichirō] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第53代 鳩山 一郎 [53rd Hatoyama Ichirō] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第54代 鳩山 一郎 [54th Hatoyama Ichirō] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第55代 石橋 湛山 [55th Ishibashi Tanzan] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第56代 岸 信介 [56th Kishi Nobusuke] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第57代 岸 信介 [57th Kishi Nobusuke] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Archived from the original on 2022-10-10. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第58代 池田 勇人 [58th Ikeda Hayato] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第59代 池田 勇人 [59th Ikeda Hayato] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第60代 池田 勇人 [60th Ikeda Hayato] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第61代 佐藤 榮作 [61st Satō Eisaku] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第62代 佐藤 榮作 [62nd Satō Eisaku] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第63代 佐藤 榮作 [63rd Satō Eisaku] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第64代 田中 角榮 [64th Tanaka Kakuei] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第65代 田中 角榮 [65th Tanaka Kakuei] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第66代 三木 武夫 [66th Miki Takeo] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第67代 福田 赳夫 [67th Fukuda Takeo] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第68代 大平 正芳 [68th Ōhira Masayoshi] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第69代 大平 正芳 [69th Ōhira Masayoshi] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第70代 鈴木 善幸 [70th Suzuki Zenkō] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第71代 中曽根 康弘 [71st Nakasone Yasuhiro] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第72代 中曽根 康弘 [72nd Nakasone Yasuhiro] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第73代 中曽根 康弘 [73rd Nakasone Yasuhiro] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第74代 竹下 登 [74th Takeshita Noboru] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第75代 宇野 宗佑 [75th Uno Sōsuke] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第76代 海部 俊樹 [76th Kaifu Toshiki] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第77代 海部 俊樹 [77th Kaifu Toshiki] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第78代 宮澤 喜一 [78th Miyazawa Kiichi] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第79代 細川 護煕 [79th Hosokawa Morihiro] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第80代 羽田 孜 [80th Hata Tsutomu] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Archived from the original on 2022-08-20. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第81代 村山 富市 [81st Murayama Tomiichi] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第82代 橋本 龍太郎 [82nd Hashimoto Ryūtarō] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第83代 橋本 龍太郎 [83rd Hashimoto Ryūtarō] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第84代 小渕 恵三 [84th Obuchi Keizō] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Archived from the original on 2021-03-13. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第85代 森 喜朗 [85th Mori Yoshirō] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第86代 森 喜朗 [86th Mori Yoshirō] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第87代 小泉 純一郎 [87th Koizumi Jun'ichirō] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第88代 小泉 純一郎 [88th Koizumi Jun'ichirō] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Archived from the original on 2024-08-25. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第89代 小泉 純一郎 [89th Koizumi Jun'ichirō] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第90代 安倍 晋三 [90th Abe Shinzō] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Archived from the original on 2020-09-16. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第91代 福田 康夫 [91st Fukuda Yasuo] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第92代 麻生 太郎 [92nd Asō Tarō] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第93代 鳩山 由紀夫 [93rd Hatoyama Yukio] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第94代 菅 直人 [94th Kan Naoto] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第95代 野田 佳彦 [95th Noda Yoshihiko] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第96代 安倍 晋三 [96th Abe Shinzō] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第97代 安倍 晋三 [97th Abe Shinzō] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第98代 安倍 晋三 [98th Abe Shinzō] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Archived from the original on 2020-09-16. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第99代 菅 義偉 [99th Suga Yoshihide] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Retrieved 2023-04-10.
^第100代 岸田 文雄 [100th Kishida Fumio] (باليابانية). Official website of the Prime Minister of Japan. Archived from the original on 2023-01-10. Retrieved 2023-04-10.