2MASX J22020189-3152116 (Two Micron All-Sky Survey, Extended source catalogue) 6dFGS gJ220201.9-315211 (6dF Galaxy Survey) AM 2159-320 (A catalogue of southern peculiar galaxies and associations) ESO 466-38 (فهرس المرصد الأوروبي الجنوبي) ESO-LV 466-0380 (The surface photometry catalogue of the ESO-Uppsala galaxies) GSC 07489-01499 (دليل النجم المفهرس) HCG 90a (مجموعة مجرات هيكسون) IRAS 21591-3206 (IRAS) IRAS F21591-3206 (IRAS) MCG-05-52-007 (فهرس المجرات الموروفولوجي) NGC 7172 (الفهرس العام الجديد) NVSS J220201-315210 (NRAO VLA Sky Survey) PSCz Q21591-3206 (كتالوج PSCz) SGC 215907-3206.6 (كتالوج جنوب غالاكسي) PGC 67874 (فهرس المجرات الرئيسية) LEDA 67874 (ليون-ميودون قاعدة بيانات خارج المجرة) INTREF 1066 (High-energy sources before INTEGRAL. INTEGRAL reference catalog) XSS J22013-3147 (RXTE all-sky slew survey. Catalog of X-ray sources at |b|>10{deg}) [DML87] 720 (Warm IRAS sources. I. A catalogue of AGN candidates from the point source catalog) [HB91] 2159-321 (An optical catalog of extragalactic emission-line objects similar to quasi-stellar objects) [SLK2004] 1741 (The ISOPHOT 170{mu}m Serendipity Survey. II. The catalog of optically identified galaxies) PBC J2202.0-3152 (The Palermo Swift-BAT hard X-ray catalogue. II. Results after 39 months of sky survey) MAXI J2202-319 (The first MAXI/GSC catalog in the high galactic-latitude sky) 2MAXI J2201-317 (The 37 month MAXI/GSC source catalog of the high galactic-latitude sky)
^De Carvalho R. R.; Ribeiro A. L. B.; Capelato H. V.; Zepf S. E. (1997). "Redshift survey of galaxies around a selected sample of compact groups". The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series (بالإنجليزية). 110: 1–8. Bibcode:1997ApJS..110....1D. DOI:10.1086/312992. ISSN:0067-0049. QID:Q66436276.