Louise Elisabeth Glück, naixita de Nueva York (Estaus Unius) l'22 d'abril de 1943, ye una escritora estausunidense en luenga anglesa, que recibió por a suya obra o Premio Nobel de Literatura en 2020.
- Firstborn (New American Library, 1968)
- The House on Marshland (Ecco Press, 1975)
- The Garden (Antaeus, 1976)
- Descending Figure (Ecco Press, 1980)
- The Triumph of Achilles (Ecco Press, 1985)
- Ararat (Ecco Press, 1990)
- The Wild Iris (Ecco Press, 1992)
- The First Four Books of Poems (Ecco Press, 1995)
- Meadowlands (Ecco Press, 1997)
- Vita Nova (Ecco Press, 1999)
- The Seven Ages (Ecco Press, 2001)
- Averno (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2006)
- Faithful and Virtuous Night (Farrar, Strauss and Giroux, 2014)
- Proofs and Theories: Essays on Poetry (Ecco Press, 1994)