Menara pertahanan di San Gimignano, Tuskania, yang menjadi saksi perselisihan antar kelompok dalam komune tersebut.
Komune Abad Pertengahan dalam Abad PertengahanEropa telah menetapkan alegiansi pertahanan timbal balik (baik pertahanan fisik dan kemerdekaan tradisional) di antara warga perkotaan, dengan memiliki banyak bentuk dan ragam dalam organisasi dan susunan.
Catatan kaki
Cantor, Norman E. 1993. The Civilization of the Middle Ages (New York: HarperCollins)
Jones, Philip. 1997. The Italian City-State: From Commune to Signoria. (Oxford: Oxford University Press)
Lansing, Carol, 1992. The Florentine Magnates: Lineage and Faction in a Medieval Commune. (Princeton: Princeton University Press)
Sella, Pietro, "The Statutes of the Commune of Bugelle (Biella)" 1904. 14th-century statutes of a Piedmontese commune (Latin and English translations), express the nature of the commune in vivid detail, productions of medieval society and the medieval personality.
Tobacco, Giovanni, 1989. The Struggle for Power in Medieval Italy: Structures of Political Rule, 400-1400, translator, Rosalind Brown Jensen (New York: Cambridge University Press)
Waley, Donald, 1969 etc. The Italian City-Republics (3rd ed. New York: Longman, 1988.)