Berikut ini adalah daftar tokoh Inggris
Aktor dan aktris
Arkeolog dan antropolog
George Adamson (1906–1989)
Leslie Alcock (1925–2006)
Mick Aston (lahir 1946)
Richard Atkinson (1920–1994)
Edward Russell Ayrton (1882–1914)
Churchill Babington (1821–1889)
Philip Arthur Barker (1920–2001)
Thomas Bateman (1821–1861)
James Theodore Bent (1852–1897)
Geoffrey Bibby (1917–2001)
Howard Carter (1874–1939)
Grahame Clark (1907–1995)
David Clarke (1937–1976)
Barry Cunliffe (lahir 1939)
Glyn Daniel (1914–1986)
John Disney (1779–1857), barrister dan arkeolog
E. E. Evans-Pritchard (1902–1973), social anthropologist
Cyril Fox (1882–1967)
Dorothy Garrod (1892–1968)
William Greenwell (1820–1918)
Phil Harding (lahir 1950)
Kathleen Kenyon (1906–1978)
John Leland (1502–1552), antiquary
John Lubbock (1834–1913), banker, politisi, naturalist dan arkeolog
Francis Pryor (lahir 1945)
John Robert Mortimer (1825–1911)
Colin Renfrew (lahir 1937), arkeolog
Alice Roberts (lahir 1973), anatomis, osteoarkeolog dan anthropologist
Andrew Sherratt (1946–2006)
E.B. Tylor (1832–1917), anthropologist
Mortimer Wheeler (1890–1976)
Hubert Austin (1845–1915)
Charles Barry (1795–1860), (Houses of Parliament )
George Basevi (1794–1845)
William Burges (1827–1881), architect dan designer
William Butterfield (1814–1900), leader in Gothic revival movement
William Chambers (1723–1796), (Kew Gardens Pagoda dan Somerset House )
John Douglas (1830–1911)
Sir Norman Foster (lahir 1935)
James Harrison (1814–66)
Thomas Harrison (1744–1829)
Nicholas Hawksmoor (1661–1736)
Inigo Jones (1573–1652)
Edmund Kirby (1838–1920)
Denys Lasdun (1914–2001)
Thomas Lockwood (1830–1900)
Edwin Lutyens (1869–1944)
William Morris (1834–1896), architect dan author
John Nash (1752–1835), (Regent's Park , St. James's Park , Trafalgar Square )
Henry Paley (1859–1946)
Joseph Paxton (1801–1865), (The Crystal Palace for The Great Exhibition , London)
Thomas Mainwaring Penson (1818–64)
August Pugin (1812–1852), (Houses of Parliament )
Richard Rogers (lahir 1933), (Pompidou Centre )
Anthony Salvin (1799–1881)
Gilbert Scott (1880–1960), (Waterloo Bridge , also supervised rebuilding of House of Commons , London)
Edmund Sharpe (1809–77)
John William Simpson (1858–1933)
John Vanbrugh (1664–1726), Baroque architect (Blenheim Palace )
Derek Walker (lahir 1929)
Alfred Waterhouse (1830–1905), (Natural History Museum , London)
William Wilkins (1778–1839), (National Gallery , London)
Christopher Wren (1632–1723)
Sophie Gengembre Anderson (1823–1903), pelukis
Richard Ansdell (1815–1885), pelukis
Banksy (lahir c. 1974), graffiti seniman
Aubrey Beardsley (1872–1898) illustrator
Sir Peter Blake lahir 1932, pop seniman
William Blake (1757–1827), pelukis, poet
Sir Anthony Caro (lahir 1924) sculptor
John Constable (1776–1837), landscape pelukis
Tracey Emin (lahir 1963), conceptual seniman
Thomas Gainsborough (1727–1788), pelukis
Andy Goldsworthy (lahir 1956), sculptor (Land Art )
Antony Gormley OBE RA (lahir 1950) sculptor
James Henry Govier (1910–1974), pelukis, etcher dan engraver
Steven Harris (cartoonist) (lahir 1975) cartoonist
Thomas Hazlehurst (c. 1740 – c. 1821), miniature pelukis
Dame Barbara Hepworth DBE (1903–1975) sculptor
Jamie Hewlett (lahir 1968), comic book seniman dan designer
Nicholas Hilliard (1547–1619) miniature pelukis
Damien Hirst (lahir 1965), sculptor/ conceptual seniman
David Hockney (lahir 1937), pelukis
Sir Howard Hodgkin (lahir 1932) pelukis
William Hogarth (1697–1764), pelukis, engraver
William Holman Hunt (1827–1910)
Sir Edwin Landseer (1802–1873), animal pelukis
Richard Long (lahir 1945) land seniman
Chris Ofili (lahir 1968) pelukis
Sir John Everett Millais (1829–1896) pelukis
Henry Moore (1898–1986), pematung
William Morris (1834–1896)
George Passmore (lahir 1942), seniman (Gilbert & George )
Sir Joshua Reynolds (1723–1792), portrait pelukis
Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1828–1882), pelukis
Bridget Riley (lahir 1931), pelukis
Sir Stanley Spencer (1891–1959), pelukis
George Stubbs (1724–1806) pelukis
Joseph Mallord William Turner (1775–1851), landscape dan marine seniman
Flora Twort (1893–1985), pelukis
Mark Wallinger (lahir 1959) conceptual seniman
Rachel Whiteread (lahir 1963) sculptor
Joseph Wright of Derby (1734–1797), Enlightenment pelukis
Michael Aspel (lahir 1933)
David Attenborough (lahir 1926), naturalist dan broadcaster
Jeremy Clarkson (lahir 1960), T.V. Presenter, broadcaster dan writer.
Simon Cowell (lahir 1959), T.V. personality, record producer
Ray Mears (lahir 1964), Author, T.V. presenter dan survival expert
Sir Patrick Moore (lahir 1923), Writer, T.V. Presenter, Astronomer.
Michael Parkinson (lahir 1935), Presenter of British television chat show Parkinson
John Peel (1939–2004), disc jockey, radio presenter, record producer dan journalist
Jonathan Ross (lahir 1960)
Jimmy Savile (1926–2011), disc jockey, T.V. presenter dan media personality.
Sir Richard Branson (lahir 1950)
Sir John Brunner (1842–1919), chemicals
Frank Bustard (1886–1974), shipping
Joseph Crosfield (1792–1844), soap dan chemicals
Abraham Darby (c. 1678 – 1717), ironmaster
William Gossage (1799–1877), soap
Philip Green (lahir 1952), retail
James Hanson, Baron Hanson (1922–2004), industrialist
Thomas Hazlehurst (1779–1842), soap dan alkali
Robert Spear Hudson (1812–1884), soap powder
John Hutchinson (1825–65), alkali
Peter Jones (lahir 1966)
Sir Freddie Laker (1922–2006), pioneer of cheap air travel
William Losh (1770–1861), alkali
Alfred Mond (1868–1930), chemicals
Henry Mond (1898–1949), chemicals
Julian Mond (1925–73), industrialist
Stephan Morais (lahir 1973)
William Morris, 1st Viscount Nuffield (1877–1963)
Edmund Knowles Muspratt (1833–1923), industrialist
Richard Muspratt (1822–85), industrialist
Charles Roe (1715–1781), silk
Titus Salt (1803–1876), industrialist
Sir Ivan Stedeford (1897–1975), industrialist
Sir Alan Sugar (lahir 1947), electronics
Richard Tompkins (1918–1992), Green Shield trading stamps
Josiah Wedgwood (1730–1795), industrialist
Paus Adrianus IV (c. 1100 – 1159), only English Pope
Thomas Arundel (1353–1414), Archbishop of Canterbury
Richard Bancroft (1544–1610), Archbishop of Canterbury
Richard Barnes (1532–1587), bishop
Archbishop Lawrence Booth , of York (1420–1480)
William Charles Cotton (1813–79), missionary dan beekeeper
Thomas Cranmer (1489–1556), Archbishop of Canterbury
Gildas (c. 510 – c. 570), monk
Trevor Huddleston (1913–1998), anti-Apartheid activist
John Leland (1691–1766), English Presbyterian minister
John Henry Newman (1801–1890), Catholic cardinal
Plegmund (died 923), Archbishop of Canterbury
William Smyth (c. 1460 – 1514), bishop
Charles Spurgeon (1834–1892), Particular Baptist Minister
Simon Sudbury (died 1381), Archbishop of Canterbury
Joshua Toulmin (1740–1815), radical Dissenting minister
John Wesley (1703–1791), Methodist Minister dan Evangelist
R. G. D. Allen (1906–1983), economist, mathematician, dan statistician
Norman Angell (1872–1967) – British internationalist dan economist
William Beveridge (1879–1963), economist dan social reformer
Edwin Cannan (1861–1935), economist dan historian
Colin Clark (1905–1989), British dan Australian economist
Ronald Coase (lahir 1910), Nobel Prize winning economist
Friedrich Hayek (1899–1992) – Nobel Prize winning Economics
John Hicks (1904–1989), Nobel Prize winning economist
William Stanley Jevons (1835–1882), economist dan logician
John Maynard Keynes (1883–1946), economist
John Neville Keynes (1852–1949), economist, father of John Maynard Keynes
Arthur Lewis (1915–1991), economist
Thomas Malthus (1766–1834), demographer
Alfred Marshall (1842–1924), economist
Mary Paley Marshall (1850–1944), economist, wife of Alfred Marshall
James Meade (1907–1995), Nobel Prize winning economist
John Stuart Mill (1806–1873), philosopher dan economist
Arthur Cecil Pigou (1877–1959), economist
Lionel Robbins (1898–1984), economist
Joan Violet Robinson (1903–1983), economist
Richard Stone (1913–1991), Nobel Prize winning economist
Robert Torrens (1780–1864), army officer dan economist
Philip Wicksteed (1844–1927), economist
Sir Benjamin Baker (1840–1907), civil engineer
William Baker (1817–1878), railway engineer
Joseph Bazalgette (1819–1891), civil engineer
James Beatty (1820–1856) railway engineer
Sir Henry Bessemer (1813–1898), metallurgy engineer
James Brindley (1716–1772), canal engineer
Isambard Kingdom Brunel (1806–1859), transport engineer
Sir Sydney Camm (1894–1966), aeronautical engineer
Donald Campbell , railway engineer
William Tierney Clark (1783–1852), civil engineer
Sir Geoffrey de Havilland (1882–1965), aeronautical engineer
Sir John Ambrose Fleming (1848–1945), electrical engineer
Tommy Flowers (1908–1998), designer dan builder of the first electronic computer
Eric Laithwaite (1908–1998), engineer
William Mackenzie (1794–1851), civil engineer dan contraktor
R.J. Mitchell (1895–1937), aeronautical engineer
Sir Henry Royce (1863–1933), engineer
George Stephenson (1781–1848), railway engineer
Nevil Shute (1899–1960), aeronautical engineer dan author
Thomas Telford (1757–1834), engineer
Sir Barnes Wallis (1887–1978), engineer
John Webster (1845–1914), engineer
Sir Joseph Whitworth (1803–1887), engineer
Pembuat film
Sir Timothy Berners-Lee (lahir 1955), inventor of the World Wide Web
Hubert Cecil Booth (1871–1955), inventor of the vacuum cleaner
Joseph Bramah (1748–1814), inventor of the hydraulic press (beer pump)
Christopher Cockerell (1910–1999), inventor of the hovercraft
William Congreve (1772–1828), rocketry pioneer
Abraham Darby (c. 1678 – 1717), ironmaster
James Dyson (lahir 1947), inventor
James Hargreaves (1720–1778), weaver dan inventor
Sir John Harington (1561–1612), poet dan inventor of the first water closet
John Harrison (1693–1776), clockmaker
Rowland Hill (1795–1879), inventor of the modern postal service
Archibald Low (1888–1956), radio guidance
Thomas Newcomen (1664–1729), inventor
Sir Isaac Newton (1642–1727), founder of modern physics , inventor of the reflector telescope
James Starley (1831–1881), bicycle pioneer
George Stephenson (1781–1848), engineer
Joseph Wilson Swan (1823–1914), inventor of the light bulb
Charles Wheatstone (1802–1875), inventor
Sir Frank Whittle (1907–1996), inventor of the jet engine
Sir Henry Cavendish (1731–1810), discoverer of hydrogen
Jurnalis / pembaca berita
Harold Alexander, 1st Earl Alexander of Tunis (1891–1969), Field Marshal, World War II hero
Jeffrey Amherst, 1st Baron Amherst of Montreal (1717–1797), General
Sir Claude Auchinleck (1884–1981), World War II Commander
Robert Baden-Powell (1857–1941), soldier
Sir Douglas Bader (1910–1982), fighter pilot
Sir Alexander John Ball (1759–1809), Admiral, governor of Malta
George Charles Bingham, 3rd Earl of Lucan (1800–1888), Commander of cavalry at the Battle of Balaclava
William Riddell Birdwood, 1st Baron Birdwood (1865–1951), General, World War I
Robert Blake (1599–1657), reforming Royal Navy Admiral
Alan Francis Brooke, 1st Viscount Alanbrooke (1883–1963), Field Marshal, Chief of the Imperial General Staff during World War II
James Thomas Brudenell, 7th Earl of Cardigan (1797–1888), Commander of the Light Brigade
John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough (1650–1722), soldier
Sir Winston Churchill (1874–1965), British Prime Minister
Charles Cornwallis, 1st Marquess Cornwallis (1738–1805), General
Henry Seymour Conway (1721–1795), General
Oliver Cromwell (1599–1658), Lord Protector dari Inggris
Simon de Montfort, 6th Earl of Leicester (c. 1208 – 1265), English statesman dan soldier.
Hugh Dowding, 1st Baron Dowding (1882–1970), RAF Commander in World War II
Sir Francis Drake (1540–1596), sailor
Prince Frederick, Duke of York (1763–1827), son of King George III , Commander-in-Chief of the Forces during French Revolutionary dan Napoleonic Wars
John French, 1st Earl of Ypres (1852–1925), General, World War I dan Lord Lieutenant of Ireland
Prince George, Duke of Cambridge (1819–1904), Commander-in-Chief of the Forces
Charles George Gordon ("Chinese Gordon") (1833–1885), killed at Khartoum
Sir Arthur Travers Harris (1892–1984), Marshal of the Royal Air Force , airman
Richard Howe, 1st Earl Howe (1726–1799), Admiral
William Howe, 5th Viscount Howe (1729–1814), General in American Revolutionary War
John Jellicoe, 1st Earl Jellicoe (1859–1935), Admiral, World War I
Horatio Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener of Khartoum (1850–1916), Field Marshal
John Ligonier, 1st Earl Ligonier (1680–1770), General
John Manners, Marquess of Granby (1721–1770), General
William McMurdo (1819–1894), General
Andy McNab (lahir 1959), former Special Air Service soldier dan commander of the infamous Bravo Two Zero mission during the first Iraq Gulf War
George Monck, 1st Duke of Albemarle (1608–1670), Civil War era General in Chief Command
Bernard Law Montgomery, 1st Viscount Montgomery of Alamein ("The Desert Rat") (1887–1976), Field Marshal dan hero of World War II
Louis Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma (1900–1979), statesman, sailor
Horatio Nelson, 1st Viscount Nelson of the Nile (1758–1805), sailor, Admiral
Henry William Paget, 1st Marquess of Anglesey (1768–1854), General, hero of the Napoleonic Wars
Frederick Roberts, 1st Earl Roberts of Kandahar (1832–1914), Field Marshal, last Commander-in-Chief of the Forces
Frederick John Robinson, 1st Viscount Goderich (1782–1859)
Chris Ryan (lahir 1961), Former Special Air Service soldier dan member of the infamous Bravo Two Zero mission during the first Iraq Gulf War
Siegfried Sassoon (1886–1967), war poet
William Slim, 1st Viscount Slim (1897–1970), Commander in Burma during World War II, Governor-General of Australia.
Sir Horace Smith-Dorrien (1858–1930), General, World War I
Fitzroy Somerset, 1st Baron Raglan (1788–1855), British commander in the Crimean War
Sir David Stirling , founder of the SAS
Hugh Trenchard, 1st Viscount Trenchard (1873–1956), "Father of the RAF" dan first Chief of the Air Staff
Archibald Percival Wavell, 1st Earl Wavell (1883–1950), World War II general, second to last Viceroy of India
Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington (1769–1852), Field Marshal, victor of Waterloo , politisi
Prince William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland (1721–1765), Captain-General, victor of Culloden
James Wolfe (1727–1759), General, hero of Quebec during the Seven Years' War
Alfred the Great (c. 849 – 899), King of the Anglo-Saxons.
Anne (1665–1714), also Queen of Scotland, then Queen of Great Britain after 1707
Charles II (1660–1685), also King of Scotland
Edward I (1272–1307), English monarch
Edward II (1307–1327), English monarch
Edward III (1327–1377), English monarch
Edward IV (1461–1470 dan 1471–1483), English monarch
Edward V (1470 – c. 1483), English monarch
Edward VI (1547–1553), first English Protestant monarch.
Elizabeth I (1558–1603), Protestant queen dan first Supreme Governor of the Church dari Inggris
Elizabeth II (1926), English-lahir British monarch
Henry III (1207–1272), English monarch
Henry IV (1367–1413), English monarch
Henry VI (1421–1471), English monarch
Henry VIII (1491–1547), separated English Catholicism from link with the Roman Catholic Church
Mary I (1553–1558), Roman Catholic queen
Mary II (1662–1694)
Richard the Lionheart (1157–1199), English monarch, leader dan hero of the Third Crusade
Richard III (1483–1485), last Plantagenet King, dan last British monarch to die in Battle
Victoria (1819–1901)
William IV (1765–1837)
Stuart Adamson , lead singer of Big Country
Adele singer
Florence Welch (lahir 1986), lead singer of Florence dan The Machine
Thomas Adès (lahir 1971), composer
Damon Albarn (lahir 1968), singer-songwriter
Graham Coxon (lahir 1969), guitarist, singer-songwriter, former member of Blur dan solo seniman
John Alldis (lahir 1929), chorus master dan conductor
Lily Allen (lahir 1985)
Tinie Tempah (lahir 1998), rapper
David Arnold (lahir 1962), composer, musician dan film scorer (notably four James Bond films)
Ed Sheeran (lahir 1991), singer-songwriter
Malcolm Arnold (1921–2006), composer
Rick Astley (lahir 1966), singer-songwriter
Alexander Baillie (lahir 1956), cellist
Bryan Balkwill (1922–2007), conductor
John Barbirolli (1899–1970), conductor
Gary Barlow (lahir 1971), singer, songwriter dan member of Take That
Syd Barrett (1946–2006), singer, songwriter, member of the early Pink Floyd
Victoria Beckham (lahir 1974), singer, songwriter, dancer, fashion designer, author, businesswoman, aktris dan model
David Bedford (lahir 1937), composer dan musician
Natasha Bedingfield (lahir 1981), singer
Thomas Beecham (1879–1961), conductor
Matthew Bellamy (lahir 1978), composer for Muse
Lisa Beznosiuk (1956), flautist
Roger Birnstingl , bassoonist
Harrison Birtwistle (lahir 1934), composer
James Blunt (lahir 1977)
John Bonham (1948–1980), drummer for Led Zeppelin
Tim Booth (1960) Singer-songwriter dan aktor
Adrian Boult (1889–1983), conductor
James Bourne , member of the former rock group Busted, singer dan song-writer
David Bowie (lahir 1947)
William Boyce (1711–1779), composer
Billy Bragg (lahir 1957)
Havergal Brian (1876–1972), composer
Sarah Brightman (lahir 1960), singer, aktris, songwriter dan dancer
Benjamin Britten (1913–1976), composer dan pianist
Justin Broadrick (lahir 1969), vocalist dan guitarist, member of Godflesh dan Jesu
Kate Bush (lahir 1958), singer, songwriter, musician dan record producer
William Byrd (1543–1623), composer
Justin Chancellor (lahir 1971), bassist, member of Tool
Eric Clapton (lahir 1945)
Adam Clayton lahir 1960, bassist, member of U2
Imogen Cooper (lahir 1949), pianist
Cheryl Cole Singer (lahir 1983)
Ian Curtis (1956–1980), lead singer dan composer for Joy Division
Roger Daltrey (lahir 1944) singer, lead of The Who
Peter Maxwell Davies (lahir 1934), composer
Andrew Davis (lahir 1944), conductor
Colin Davis (lahir 1927), conductor
Norman Del Mar (1919–1994), conductor
Frederick Delius (1862–1934), composer
Dido (Florian Cloud de Bounevialle Armstrong) (lahir 1971), singer dan songwriter
Pete Doherty former co-lead singer of The Libertines dan current lead singer of Babyshambles dan solo seniman
Peter Donohoe (lahir 1953), pianist
John Dowland (c. 1563 – c. 1626), composer of songs
John Dunstaple (c. 1383 – 1453), composer
Ian Dury (1942–2000), lyricist dan vocalist for The Blockheads
Edward Elgar (1857–1934), composer
John Entwistle (1944–2002)
Marianne Faithfull (lahir 1946)
Gerald Finzi (1901–1956), composer
Lita Ford
Peter Gabriel (lahir 1950), singer-songwriter dan former lead vocalist with Genesis (band)
Noel Gallagher (lahir 1967), singer-songwriter
Pete Burns (lahir 1959), singer-songwriter dan lead vocalist with Dead or Alive
Orlando Gibbons (1583–1625), composer
Ron Goodwin (1925–2003) composer dan conductor
Bella Hardy folk musician, singer, songwriter
Dhani Harrison (lahir 1978) guitarist, son of George Harrison
George Harrison (1943–2001), composer, member of The Beatles
PJ Harvey (lahir 1969)
Anthony Hewitt (lahir 1971), pianist
Gustav Holst (1874–1934), composer
Dominic Howard (lahir 1977), member of Muse
Saul Hudson aka 'Slash', (lahir 1965), guitarist, member of Guns N' Roses , Slash's Snakepit dan Velvet Revolver
John Ireland (1879–1962), composer
Robert Irving (1913–1991), conductor
Mick Jagger (lahir 1943), rock singer dan frontman of The Rolling Stones
Sir Elton John (lahir 1947), pop star dan composer
Brian Johnson (lahir 1947), rock singer
Brian Jones (1942–1969), founding member dan guitarist of The Rolling Stones
Davy Jones (1945–2012), singer/percussionist, member of The Monkees
John Paul Jones (lahir 1946), bassist, mandolinist dan keyboardist for Led Zeppelin
Nigel Kennedy (lahir 1956), violinist
Thea King (1925–2007), clarinetist
Adrian Lambert (lahir 1976), bassist
Albert Lee (lahir 1945), guitarist
John Lennon (1940–1980), pop star, co-founder of The Beatles
Leona Lewis (lahir 1985), singer dan songwriter
Andrew Lloyd Webber (lahir 1948), composer of musicals
Cher Lloyd (lahir 1993), singer
Pixie Lott (lahir 1991), singer
Chris Lowe (lahir 1959), keyboardist dan composer, member of Pet Shop Boys (Duo)
Sir Paul McCartney (lahir 1942), pop star, co-founder of The Beatles
Chris Martin (lahir 1977) singer-songwriter, lead of Coldplay
Keith Moon (1946–1978)
Thomas Morley (c. 1557 – 1602), consort composer
Gareth Morris (1920–2007), flautist
Morrissey (lahir 1959), composer, member of The Smiths
Olivia Newton-John (lahir 1948), pop star
One Direction , Zayn Malik (1993), Harry Styles (1994), Louis Tomlinson (1991), Liam Payne (1993), Niall Horan (Irish, 1993) popband
John Ogdon (1937–1989), pianist
Mike Oldfield (lahir 1953), composer dan instrumentalist
Ozzy Osbourne (lahir 1948)
Jimmy Page (lahir 1944), guitarist
Hubert Parry (1848–1918), composer
Peter Pears (1910–1986), tenor
Gervase de Peyer (lahir 1926), clarinetist dan conductor
Robert Plant (lahir 1948), singer, member of Led Zeppelin
Anthony Pleeth (lahir 1948), cellist
Jacqueline du Pré (1945–1987), cellist
Stephen Preston , flautist
Henry Purcell (1659–1695), composer
Simon Rattle (lahir 1955), conductor
Martin Roscoe (lahir 1952), pianist
Malcolm Sargent (1895–1967), conductor
Zak Starkey (lahir 1965), drummer, son of Ringo Starr
Ringo Starr (lahir 1940), composer, member of The Beatles
Crispin Steele-Perkins (lahir 1944), trumpeter
Rod Stewart (lahir 1945)
Joss Stone (lahir 1987)
Joe Strummer (1952–2002), singer, member of The Clash
Bernard Sumner , lead singer of New Order
Connie Talbot (lahir 2000), child singer dan reality star
Thomas Tallis (c. 1505 – 1585), composer
Neil Tennant (lahir 1954), vocalist, member of Pet Shop Boys (Duo)
Lionel Tertis (1876–1975), violist
Frederick Thurston (1901–53), clarinetist
Michael Tippett (1905–1998), composer
Pete Townshend (lahir 1945)
Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872–1958), composer
Ricky Walters (lahir 1965), aka rapper Slick Rick
William Walton (1902–1983), composer
Roger Waters (lahir 1943), founder of Pink Floyd
Thomas Weelkes (c. 1575 – 1623), composer
John Wilbye (1574–1638), composer
Steven Wilson (1967), musician, producer, composer dan founder of Porcupine Tree
Cliff Williams (lahir 1949), bassist
Robbie Williams (lahir 1974)
Amy Winehouse (1983–2011), singer-songwriter
Christopher Wolstenholme (lahir 1978), member of Muse
Henry Wood (1869–1944), conductor
Marvin Young (lahir 1967), aka rapper Young MC
Thom Yorke (lahir 1968), singer-songwriter, musician, member of Radiohead
Ellie Goulding (lahir 1986), singer-songwriter, musician
Phil Collins (lahir 1951), singer-songwriter, musician, member of Genesis (band)
Jessie J (lahir 1988), singer-songwriter
Donald Adamson (lahir 1939)
G.E.M. Anscombe (1919–2001), philosopher
Anselm of Canterbury (lahir 1033), philosopher, famous for creation of the Ontological Argument
A.J. Ayer (1910–1989), philosopher
Francis Bacon (1561–1626), philosopher dan essayist
Roger Bacon (1214–1294), medieval philosopher, alchemist, dan theologian
Jeremy Bentham (1748–1832), philosopher, founder of Utilitarianism
R.M. Hare (1907–2002), philosopher
H.L.A. Hart (1907–1992), legal philosopher
Thomas Hobbes (1588–1679), philosopher
William Godwin (1756–1836), political philosopher
John Locke (1632–1704), philosopher
John Stuart Mill (1806–1873), economist, political philosopher
G.E. Moore (1873–1958), philosopher
Herbert Spencer (1820–1903)
William of Ockham (c. 1285 – 1349), philosopher, theologian, created Ockham's Razor
Thomas Paine (1737–1809), theorist
Derek Parfit (lahir 1942), philosopher
Gilbert Ryle (1900–1976), philosopher
Bertrand Russell (1872–1970), philosopher
Henry Sidgwick (1838–1900), philosopher
Peter Strawson (1919–2006), philosopher
William Whewell (1794–1866), philosopher
Alfred North Whitehead (1861–1947), mathematician
Bernard Williams (1929–2003), philosopher
H. H. Asquith (1852–1928), British prime minister
Clement Attlee (1883–1967), British prime minister
Stanley Baldwin (1867–1947), British prime minister
Ernest Bevin (1881–1951), Labour politisi
Tony Benn (lahir 1925), Labour politisi
Tony Blair (lahir 1953), British prime minister
Margaret Bondfield (1873–1953), Labour politisi & first female Cabinet Minister
John Bright (1811–1889), liberal politisi
George Canning (1770–1827), politisi
Barbara Castle (1910–2002), politisi
Sir Austen Chamberlain (1863–1937)
Joseph Chamberlain (1836–1914)
Neville Chamberlain (1869–1940), British prime minister
Lord Randolph Churchill (1849–1895)
Winston Churchill (1874–1965), British prime minister
Kenneth Clarke (lahir 1940), Conservative politisi
Sir Stafford Cripps (1889–1952), Labour politisi
George Nathaniel Curzon, 1st Marquess Curzon of Kedleston (1859–1925), Viceroy of India
Archibald Dalzel (1740–1811), Governor of the Gold Coast
William Cavendish, 4th Duke of Devonshire (c. 1720 – 1764)
Spencer Compton Cavendish, 8th Duke of Devonshire (1833–1908)
Edward Smith-Stanley, 14th Earl of Derby (1799–1869)
Edward Henry Stanley, 15th Earl of Derby (1826–1893)
Benjamin Disraeli (1804–1881), British prime minister
Alec Douglas-Home (1903–1995), British prime minister
Anthony Eden (1897–1977), British prime minister
Hugh Gaitskell (1906–1963), Labour politisi
William Ewart Gladstone (1809–1898), British prime minister
Augustus Henry Fitzroy, 3rd Duke of Grafton (1735–1811)
Michael Foot (lahir 1913), Labour leader
Sir Henry Bartle Frere (1815–1884), Colonial administrator
Hugh Gaitskell (1906–1963), Labour leader
Granville George Leveson-Gower, 2nd Earl Granville (1815–1891)
George Grenville (1712–1770), British prime minister
William Wyndham Grenville, 1st Lord Grenville (1759–1834)
Charles Grey, 2nd Earl Grey (1764–1845)
William Hague (lahir 1961), Conservative politisi
Denis Healey (lahir 1917), Labour politisi
Edward Heath (1916–2005), British prime minister
Boris Johnson (lahir 1964), Conservative politisi
John Wodehouse, 1st Earl of Kimberley (1826–1902)
George Lansbury (1859–1940)
Nigel Lawson (lahir 1932), Conservative politisi
John Leland (?–1808), English Member of Parliament for Stamford, 1796–1808
Robert Banks Jenkinson, 2nd Earl of Liverpool (1770–1828)
John Lubbock (1834–1913), banker, politisi, naturalist dan arkeolog
Harold Macmillan (1894–1986), British prime minister
John Major (lahir 1943), British prime minister
Reginald Maudling (1917–1979), Conservative politisi
Herbert Morrison (1888–1965), Labour politisi
William Lamb, 2nd Viscount Melbourne (1779–1848)
Thomas Pelham-Holles, 1st Duke of Newcastle (1693–1768)
Frederick North, Lord North (1732–1792)
Sir Robert Peel (1788–1850), British prime minister
Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston (1784–1865), British prime minister
Henry Pelham (1694–1754)
Spencer Perceval (1762–1812), British Prime Minister
William Pitt (the Elder), 1st Earl of Chatham (1708–1778)
William Pitt the Younger (1759–1806), British prime minister
William Cavendish-Bentinck, 3rd Duke of Portland (1738–1809)
Enoch Powell (1912–1998)
Cecil Rhodes (1853–1902), imperialist
Frederick John Robinson, 1st Earl of Ripon (1782–1859), politisi
Charles Watson-Wentworth, 2nd Marquess of Rockingham (1730–1782)
John Russell, 1st Earl Russell (1792–1878)
Michael Hicks-Beach, 1st Earl St Aldwyn (1837–1916)
Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne-Cecil, 3rd Marquess of Salisbury (1830–1903), British Prime Minister
Henry Addington, 1st Viscount Sidmouth (1757–1844)
John Simon, 1st Viscount Simon (1873–1954)
Philip Snowden, 1st Viscount Snowden of Ickornshaw (1864–1937)
Margaret Thatcher (lahir 1925), British prime minister
Sir Robert Walpole (1676–1745), British prime minister
William Wilberforce (1759–1833), abolitionist
Shirley Williams (lahir 1930), SDP founder
Henry Willink (1894–1973), politisi
Spencer Compton, 1st Earl of Wilmington (c. 1674 – 1743)
Harold Wilson (1916–1995), British prime minister
Arthur Aikin (1773–1854), chemist dan mineralogist
Nathan Alcock (1707–1779), doctor
Charles Babbage (1791–1871), mathematician
Joseph Banks (1743–1820), naturalist
Isaac Barrow (1630–1677), mathematician
Thomas Bayes (c. 1702 – 1761), mathematician
Tim Berners-Lee (lahir 1955), computer scientist – inventor of the WorldWideWeb
Patrick Maynard Stuart Blackett (1897–1974), physicist
George Boole (1815–1864), mathematician
Robert Boyle (1627–1691), natural philosopher
Richard Bright (1630–1677), doctor, founder of Bright's Disease (form of kidney disease)
Henry Brunner (1838–1916), chemist
Henry Cavendish (1731–1810), scientist
Sir George Cayley (1773–1857), polymath dan aviator
Frank Close (lahir 1945), physicist
Brian Cox (lahir 1968), physicist
Francis Crick (1916–2004), molecular biologist
John Dalton (1766–1844), chemist dan physicist
Charles Darwin (1809–1882), Founder of The Theory of Evolution
Richard Dawkins (lahir 1941), evolutionary theorist
Henry Deacon (1822–76), chemist
Paul Dirac (1902–1984), physicist
Horace Donisthorpe (1870–1951), entomologist , myrmecologist dan coleopterist
Arthur Eddington (1882–1944), physicist
Michael Faraday (1791–1867), scientist
Ronald Fisher (1890–1962), geneticist dan statistician
Rosalind Franklin (1920–1958), chemist dan x-ray crystallographer
J. B. S. Haldane (1892–1964), geneticist
James Hargreaves (1834–1915), chemist
Stephen Hawking (lahir 1942), cosmologist
Oliver Heaviside (1850–1925), physicist
John Herschel (1792–1871), mathematician dan astronomer
Peter Higgs (lahir 1929), physicist
C. A. R. Hoare (lahir 1934), computer scientist
Robert Hooke (1635–1703), scientist
Edward Jenner (1749–1823), doctor
R. V. Jones (1911–1997), physicist
James Prescott Joule (1818–1889), physicist
Joseph Lister (1827–1912), surgeon
Bernard Lovell (1913–2012), astronomer
James Lovelock (lahir 1919), scientist
Martin Lowry (1874–1936), chemist
John William Lubbock (1803–1865), banker, mathematician dan astronomer
Sir Charles Lyell (1797–1875), geologist
John Maynard Smith (1920–2004), geneticist
John McClellan (1810–81), chemist
Robert Mond (1867–1938), chemist
Desmond Morris (lahir 1928), zoologist
Roger Needham (1935–2003), computer scientist
Sir Isaac Newton (1643–1727), founder of modern physics , last of the alchemists
William Penney (1909–1991), mathematician, physicist, Director of British nuclear weapon research
Roger Penrose (lahir 1931), cosmologist
Joseph Prestwich (1812–1896), geologist
Joseph Priestley (1733–1804), chemist
Martin Rees (lahir 1942), cosmologist dan astrophysicist
Adam Sedgwick (1785–1873), geologist
John Snow (1813–1858), epidemiologist
Joseph Wilson Swan (1828–1914), physicist dan chemist
George Paget Thomson (1892–1975), physicist
J. J. Thomson (1856–1940), physicist
Henry Tizard (1885–1959), chemist dan inventor
Alan Turing (1912–1954), mathematician
Alfred Russel Wallace (1823–1913), naturalist
Alfred North Whitehead (1861–1947), mathematician
Maurice Vincent Wilkes (lahir 1913), computer scientist
James H. Wilkinson (1919–1986), mathematician
William Hyde Wollaston (1766–1828), chemist
Thomas Young (1773–1829), scientist
Barney Aaron (Young) (1800–1850), lightweight boxer, Hall of Fame[ 2]
Harold Abrahams (1899–1978), athlete, Olympic champion (100 metre sprint ) dan silver (4x100-m relay), one of the two subjects of Chariots of Fire
Sir Sidney Abrahams (1885–1957), Olympic long jumper
Chris Adams (1955–2001), pro wrestler dan judoka
Neil Adams (lahir 1958), judoka dan two-time silver medalist in Judo (1980 dan 1984), younger brother of Chris Adams
Tony Adams (lahir 1966), football player
Jo Ankier (lahir 1982), Britain, record holder (1,500-m & 3,000-m steeplechase )
Alan Ball (1945–2007), member of the 1966 World Cup winning team
Gordon Banks (lahir 1937), goalkeeper of 1966 World Cup winning team
Sir Roger Bannister (lahir 1929), first sub-four-minute miler
Lord Frederick Beauclerk (1773–1850), cricket player dan administrator
David Beckham (lahir 1975), football player
Wade Barrett (lahir 1980), WWE Wrestler
Jack Kid Berg (Judah Bergman) (1909–1991), world champion junior welterweight boxer, Hall of Fame
Richard Bergmann (1919–1970), 7-time table tennis world champion, ITTFHoF
Chris Bonington (lahir 1934), mountaineer
Sir Ian Botham (lahir 1955), cricketer
Mark Bott , cricketer[ 3]
Geoffrey Boycott (lahir 1940), cricketer
Eric Bristow (lahir 1957), world champion darts player
Tony Brooks (lahir 1932), F1 driver
Paul Burchill (lahir 1979), professional wrestler
Jenson Button (lahir 1980), F1 World Champion
Angela Buxton (lahir 1934), won 1956 French Women's Doubles (w/Althea Gibson ) dan 1956 Wimbledon Women's Doubles (w/Gibson), highest world ranking # 9
Sir Bobby Charlton (lahir 1937), member of the 1966 World Cup winning team
Jack Charlton (lahir 1935), member of the 1966 World Cup winning team
Sir Francis Chichester (1901–1972), yachtsman
Don Cockell (1928–1983), heavyweight boxer
George Cohen (lahir 1939), association football right back, World Cup champion
Paul Collingwood (lahir 1976), cricketer
Peter Collins (1931–1958), F1 driver
Sir Henry Cooper (1934–2011), heavyweight boxer
Lawrence Dallaglio (lahir 1972), World Cup winning rugby footballer
Tom Daley (lahir 1994), youngest olympian diver ever to compete in olympics (participated in Beijing 2008)
Laura Davies (lahir 1963), golfer
Steve Davis (lahir 1957), six times World Snooker Champion
Matt Dawson (lahir 1972), World Cup winning rugby footballer
John Deacon (1962–2001), motorcycle endurance racer
Christopher Dean (lahir 1958), figure skater
Percy Down (1883–?), rugby union player, represented England dan Great Britain.
Jonathan Edwards (lahir 1966), triple jump
Godfrey Evans (1920–1999), cricketer (wicket-keeper )
Percy Fender , cricketer
James Figg (1695–1734), first English bare-knuckle boxing champion
Bob Fitzsimmons (1863–1917), boxing's first World Champion in three divisions
Andrew Flintoff (lahir 1977), cricketer
C B Fry (1872–1956), cricketer dan all-round athlete
Paul Gascoigne (lahir 1967), football player
Steven Gerrard (lahir 1980), football player
Graham Gooch (lahir 1953), cricketer
Pete Goss (lahir 1961), around-the-world yachtsman
W G Grace (1848–1915), cricketer
Jimmy Greaves (lahir 1940), footballer
Will Greenwood (lahir 1972), rugby footballer
Naseem Hamed (lahir 1974), featherweight boxer
Lewis Hamilton (lahir 1985), F1 World Champion
Ricky Hatton (lahir 1978), world champion boxer
Mike Hawthorn (1929–1959), F1 World Champion
David Haye (lahir 1980), world champion boxer
Johnny Haynes (1934–2005), footballer
Emile Heskey (lahir 1978), footballer
Damon Hill (lahir 1960), F1 World Champion
Graham Hill (1929–1975), two times F1 World Champion
Jimmy Hill (lahir 1928), footballer
Jack Hobbs (1882–1963), cricketer
Glenn Hoddle (lahir 1957), footballer
Leslie Housden (1894–1963), Olympic marathon runner
James Hunt (1947–1993), F1 World Champion
Sir Geoff Hurst (lahir 1941), member of the 1966 World Cup winning team
Nasser Hussain (lahir 1968), cricketer
Len Hutton (1916–1990), cricketer
E.J. 'John' Jackett , rugby union player, represented England dan Great Britain.
Joe Jacobson (lahir 1986), association football left back (Oldham Athletic & U21 national team)
Peter Jaffe , Olympic silver (yachting; star-class)
Allan Jay (lahir 1931), épée & foil fencer, Olympic 2-time silver, world champion
Martin Johnson (lahir 1970), World Cup winning rugby union footballer
Trish Johnson (lahir 1966), golfer
Amir Khan (lahir 1986), lightweight boxer
Frank Lampard (lahir 1978), footballer
Dougie Lampkin (lahir 1976), Motorcycle Trials World Champion
Mark Lazarus , footballer, right winger
Jason Leonard (lahir 1968), World Cup winning rugby union footballer
Edward Lawrence Levy (1851–1932), English world champion weightlifter
Ted "Kid" Lewis (Gershon Mendeloff) (1893–1970), world champion welterweight boxer, Hall of Fame
Lennox Lewis (lahir 1965), world champion heavyweight boxer
Josh Lewsey (lahir 1976), rugby footballer
Gary Lineker (lahir 1960), footballer
Dar Lyon , cricketer
Dame Ellen MacArthur (lahir 1976), sailor who holds the world record for the fastest solo circumnavigation of the globe
George Mallory (1886–1924), mountaineer
Nigel Mansell (lahir 1953), racing driver, F1 dan CART champion
Terry Marsh (lahir 1958), world champion boxer
Darren Matthews (lahir 1968), professional wrestler
Stanley Matthews (1915–2000), footballer
Daniel Mendoza (1764–1836), world heavyweight champion boxer, Hall of Fame
Alan Minter (lahir 1951), world champion boxer
Bobby Moore (1941–1993), captain of the 1966 World Cup winning team
Stirling Moss , (lahir 1929), F1 driver
Alfred Mynn (1807–1861), cricketer
Gary Neville (lahir 1975), footballer
Phil Neville (lahir 1977), footballer
Alison Nicholas (lahir 1962), golfer
Ronnie O'Sullivan (lahir 1975), three times World Snooker Champion
Michael Owen (lahir 1979), football player
Rachel Parish (lahir 1981), markswoman dan fencer
Bob Paisley (1919–1996), 3-time European Cup winning manager with Liverpool F.C.
John Parrott (lahir 1964), World Snooker Champion
Fred Perry (1909–1995), Wimbledon champion tennis player
Martin Peters (lahir 1943), member of the 1966 World Cup winning team
Kevin Pietersen (lahir 1980), cricketer
Daniel Prenn (1904–1991), tennis player, highest world ranking # 6
Stephanie Proud (lahir 1988), backstroke swimmer
Samuel Rabin (1903–1991, Olympic bronze wrestler (freestyle middleweight)
Paula Radcliffe (lahir 1973), distance runner
John Raphael , cricket dan rugby union
Sir Steve Redgrave (lahir 1962), rower, winner of gold medal in five consecutive Olympics
William Regal (lahir 1968), WWE Wrestler dan Commentator
Sir Gordon Richards (1904–1988), jockey, holder of several records
Sir Bobby Robson (1933–2009), Football Manager
Wayne Rooney (lahir 1985), footballer
Paul Scholes (lahir 1974), footballer
Alan Shearer (lahir 1970), footballer, all-time leading goal scorer in the premiership
Teddy Sheringham (lahir 1966), football player
Davey Boy Smith (1962–2002), professional wrestler
Nobby Stiles (lahir 1942), football World Cup winner
Andrew Stoddart (1863–1915), rugby dan cricket player
Karen Stupples (lahir 1973), golfer
Phil Taylor (lahir 1960), multi world champion darts player
John Terry (lahir 1980), footballer
Jayne Torvill (lahir 1957), figure skater
Marcus Trescothick (lahir 1975), cricketer
Fred Trueman , fast bowler
Phil Tufnell (lahir 1966), cricketer
Randolph Turpin (1928–1966), middleweight boxer
Michael Vaughan (lahir 1974), cricketer
Virginia Wade (lahir 1945), tennis player
Frank Warren (lahir 1952), boxing promoter
Dan Wheldon (1978–2011), 2005 dan 2011 Indy 500 Winner, 2005 Indycar Series Champion
Jimmy White (lahir 1962), snooker player
Sir William Wavell Wakefield (1898–1983), rugby footballer dan politisi
Jonny Wilkinson (lahir 1979), world cup winning rugby footballer
Justin Wilson (lahir 1978), Champ Car racer
Billy Wright (1924–1994), footballer
Douglas Adams (1952–2001), author, comic dan radio dramatist
Rachel Ashwell (lahir 1959), author, designer dan entrepreneur
Edward Betts (1815–1872), civil engineering contraktor
Thomas Brassey (1805–1870), civil engineering contraktor
Capability Brown (1715–1783), landscape gardener
William Caxton (c. 1422 – c. 1491), printer
Donald Campbell (1921–1967), world land dan water speed record holder
Sir Malcolm Campbell (1885–1949), automobile dan speedboat racer.
Sir John Chesshyre (1662–1738), lawyer
Grace Darling (1815–1842), heroine
William Emes (c. 1729 – 1803), landscape gardener
Elizabeth Fry (1780–1845), prison reformer
Peter Molyneux (1959), Video game designer
Thomas Grissell (1801–1874), public works contraktor
Hilda Hewlett (1864–1943), pioneer aviator dan aviation entrepreneur
Ebenezer Howard (1850–1928), urban planner
Edward Kemp (1817–91), garden designer
Gideon Lester (lahir 1972), dramaturg, adaptator, theatre seniman director
Joshua A. Norton (1811–1880), Emperor of the United States dan Protector of Mexico
Sir Samuel Morton Peto (1809–1889), civil engineering contraktor
Wat Tyler (died 1381), leader of the Peasants' Revolt (1381)
William Wakefield (1801–1848), founder of Wellington , New Zealand
Sarah Elizabeth Wardroper (1814–1892), Matron of St Thomas's Hospital from 1854–1887.
Harriet Shaw Weaver (1876–1961), political activist dan suffragist
Joseph Williamson (1769–1840), philanthropist, merchant dan tunneler
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