Daftar bintang di rasi bintang Kanser

Ini adalah bintang-bintang yang berada di rasi bintang Kanser

Nama B F G[1] HD HIP RA Dec vis.
Jarak (tc) Sp. class Kondisi Nama
β Cnc β 17 1 69267 40526  08j 16m 30.95d  +09° 11′ 08.4″ 3.53 −1.22 290 K4III bintang ganda Tarf Arab mata, tatapan
δ Cnc δ 47 74442 42911  08j 44m 41.11d  +18° 09′ 17.5″ 3.94 0.84 136 K0III Asellus Australis Latin anak keledai di bagian selatan
ι Cnc A ι 48 74739 43103  08j 46m 41.83d  +28° 45′ 36.0″ 4.03 −0.77 298 G8Iab: bintang ganda Decapoda Latin yang berkaki sepuluh
α Cnc α 65 76756 44066  08j 58m 29.20d  +11° 51′ 28.0″ 4.26 0.63 173 A5m bintang ganda Acubens, Al Zubanah, Sertan Arab sang kepiting
γ Cnc γ 43 74198 42806  08j 43m 17.21d  +21° 28′ 06.9″ 4.66 1.23 158 A1IV Asellus Borealis Latin anak keledai di bagian utara
ζ1 Cnc ζ1 16 68255 40167  08j 12m 12.71d  +17° 38′ 53.3″ 4.67 2.63 83 G0V bintang ganda Tegmine, Tegmen Latin cangkang (sang kepiting)
χ Cnc χ 18 69897 40843  08j 20m 03.87d  +27° 13′ 07.0″ 5.13 3.84 59 F6V
3 71115 41325  08j 25m 54.79d  +07° 33′ 52.3″ 5.13 −0.08 359 G8II bintang ganda
8 Cnc 8 66664 39567  08j 05m 04.51d  +13° 07′ 06.1″ 5.14 1.09 210 A1V 水位三 China bintang ketiga pada rasi Tingkatan Air[2]
ξ Cnc ξ 77 78515 44946  09j 09m 21.53d  +22° 02′ 43.6″ 5.16 −0.18 380 K0III bintang ganda Nahn Persia hidung (sang kepiting)
ο1 Cnc ο1 62 76543 43970  08j 57m 14.91d  +15° 19′ 21.8″ 5.22 1.77 160 A5III
ρ2 Cnc ρ2 58 76219 43834  08j 55m 39.69d  +27° 55′ 39.2″ 5.23 −1.00 574 G8II-III RZ Ari, variabel semireguler
σ3 Cnc σ3 64 76813 44154  08j 59m 32.68d  +32° 25′ 07.1″ 5.23 0.27 320 G9III
κ Cnc κ 76 78316 44798  09j 07m 44.82d  +10° 40′ 05.6″ 5.23 −0.63 484 B8IIIMNp variabel dari α2 CVn
μ Cnc μ 10 67228 39780  08j 07m 45.84d  +21° 34′ 55.1″ 5.30 3.46 76 G2IV Tsih Tsin China tumpukan bahan bakar[2]
θ Cnc θ 31 72094 41822  08j 31m 35.77d  +18° 05′ 40.4″ 5.33 −0.57 494 K5III 鬼宿一 China bintang pertama pada rasi Hantu[2]
η Cnc η 33 72292 41909  08j 32m 42.52d  +20° 26′ 28.6″ 5.33 0.43 312 K3III 鬼宿二 China bintang kedua pada rasi Hantu
π Cnc π 82 79554 45410  09j 15m 13.88d  +14° 56′ 29.5″ 5.36 −1.30 701 K1III
57 Cnc 57 75959 43721  08j 54m 14.70d  +30° 34′ 45.0″ 5.40 0.15 365 G7III
τ Cnc τ 72 78235 44818  09j 08m 00.07d  +29° 39′ 15.2″ 5.42 0.91 260 G8III
60 Cnc 60 76351 43851  08j 55m 55.56d  +11° 37′ 33.8″ 5.44 −0.82 582 K5III
σ2 Cnc σ2 59 76398 43932  08j 56m 56.63d  +32° 54′ 38.1″ 5.44 1.56 195 A7IV
ν Cnc ν 69 77350 44405  09j 02m 44.27d  +24° 27′ 10.6″ 5.45 −0.28 457 A0pSi
27 Cnc 27 71250 41400  08j 26m 43.95d  +12° 39′ 17.5″ 5.56 −1.98 1052 M3III BP Cnc, variabel semireguler
φ1 Cnc φ1 22 71093 41377  08j 26m 27.73d  +27° 53′ 37.9″ 5.58 0.15 398 K5III 爟三 China bintang ketiga pada rasi Api pada Menara[2]
3 Cnc 3 65759 39177  08j 00m 47.31d  +17° 18′ 31.4″ 5.60 −1.12 721 K3III
15 Cnc 15 68351 40240  08j 13m 08.87d  +29° 39′ 23.7″ 5.62 −1.52 872 B9p SiCr 爟二 China bintang kedua pada rasi Api pada Menara
45 Cnc A1 45 74228 42795  08j 43m 12.34d  +12° 40′ 51.1″ 5.62 −1.87 1028 A3V+...
49 Cnc b 49 74521 42917  08j 44m 45.04d  +10° 04′ 54.2″ 5.63 0.15 408 A1p... BI Cnc[3]
σ1 Cnc σ1 51 75698 43584  08j 52m 34.62d  +32° 28′ 26.8″ 5.67 1.69 204 A8Vms
ο2 Cnc ο2 63 76582 44001  08j 57m 35.16d  +15° 34′ 52.4″ 5.68 2.22 161 F0IV
υ1 Cnc υ1 30 72041 41816  08j 31m 30.57d  +24° 04′ 52.4″ 5.71 1.40 237 F0IIIn
ψ Cnc ψ 14 67767 40023  08j 10m 27.23d  +25° 30′ 29.4″ 5.73 2.61 137 G8IV 爟一 China bintang pertama pada rasi Api pada Menara
1 Cnc 1 64960 38848  07j 56m 59.47d  +15° 47′ 25.4″ 5.80 0.04 462 K3III
69994 40866  08j 20m 20.93d  +20° 44′ 52.2″ 5.80 −0.17 510 K1III
13 77445 44406  09j 02m 44.82d  +07° 17′ 53.7″ 5.85 −0.69 664 K3III:
ω Cnc ω 2 65714 39191  08j 00m 55.86d  +25° 23′ 34.2″ 5.87 −1.82 1124 G8III:
50 Cnc A2 50 74873 43121  08j 46m 56.06d  +12° 06′ 36.3″ 5.89 1.96 199 A1V
66 Cnc 66 77104 44307  09j 01m 24.13d  +32° 15′ 08.3″ 5.89 −0.08 509 A2V
6 72945 42172  08j 35m 51.05d  +06° 37′ 13.9″ 5.91 3.79 87 F8V
λ Cnc λ 19 70011 40881  08j 20m 32.15d  +24° 01′ 20.5″ 5.92 0.37 419 B9.5V Kwan Wei China api yang terang / cemerlang
36 Cnc c 36 73143 42265  08j 37m 05.79d  +09° 39′ 20.1″ 5.92 0.17 461 A3V
20 Cnc d1 20 70569 41117  08j 23m 21.87d  +18° 19′ 56.2″ 5.94 0.52 395 A9V
29 Cnc 29 71555 41578  08j 28m 37.35d  +14° 12′ 39.1″ 5.94 1.07 308 A5V
75 Cnc 75 78418 44892  09j 08m 47.42d  +26° 37′ 48.0″ 5.95 3.47 102 G5IV
9 Cnc μ¹ 9 66875 39659  08j 06m 18.40d  +22° 38′ 07.8″ 5.96 −0.46 626 M3III
73192 42365  08j 38m 19.00d  +32° 48′ 07.3″ 5.96 0.70 367 K2III:
55 Cnc ρ1 55 75732 43587  08j 52m 36.13d  +28° 19′ 53.0″ 5.96 5.47 41 G8V bintang ganda, memiliki lima planet (b, c, d, e, f)
5 Cnc 5 65873 39236  08j 01m 30.29d  +16° 27′ 19.2″ 5.99 0.19 472 B9.5Vn
68461 40231  08j 12m 59.74d  +16° 30′ 51.7″ 6.03 −0.02 528 G8III
5 72617 42049  08j 34m 13.35d  +08° 27′ 08.5″ 6.04 2.22 189 F3IV
79 Cnc 79 78715 45033  09j 10m 20.86d  +21° 59′ 47.1″ 6.04 0.49 420 G8III
RS Cnc 78712 45058  09j 10m 38.81d  +30° 57′ 47.6″ 6.04 0.61 397 M6S variabel semireguler
65257 38975  07j 58m 31.48d  +16° 31′ 07.3″ 6.05 −2.11 1399 K0
65522 39067  07j 59m 35.07d  +13° 14′ 31.9″ 6.05 1.22 301 K2
28 Cnc 28 71496 41574  08j 28m 36.80d  +24° 08′ 42.2″ 6.05 1.45 271 F0Vn
67 Cnc 67 77190 44342  09j 01m 48.88d  +27° 54′ 10.0″ 6.07 2.23 191 A8Vn
68099 40085  08j 11m 16.60d  +09° 49′ 16.6″ 6.08 −1.06 872 B6III
21 Cnc 21 70734 41163  08j 23m 55.21d  +10° 37′ 55.6″ 6.11 −1.56 1113 M2III
25 Cnc d2 25 71030 41319  08j 25m 49.99d  +17° 02′ 47.9″ 6.11 2.85 147 F6V
46 Cnc 46 74485 42954  08j 45m 21.42d  +30° 41′ 51.9″ 6.12 0.30 477 G5III
80546 45896  09j 21m 27.17d  +32° 54′ 07.9″ 6.16 1.22 317 K3III
76508 43957  08j 57m 08.30d  +17° 08′ 37.8″ 6.17 0.82 384 K1III
12 76629 44010  08j 57m 42.03d  +09° 23′ 16.0″ 6.19 −1.15 956 G8III
66552 39535  08j 04m 45.32d  +18° 50′ 31.4″ 6.21 1.40 299 B9V
66684 39607  08j 05m 37.05d  +27° 31′ 47.1″ 6.21 −1.08 934 A0V
73596 42538  08j 40m 18.31d  +31° 56′ 31.1″ 6.21 1.05 350 F5III
67959 40058  08j 10m 58.90d  +14° 37′ 46.3″ 6.22 −0.04 581 A1V
12 Cnc 12 67483 39874  08j 08m 42.44d  +13° 38′ 27.4″ 6.25 1.59 278 F3V
53 Cnc 53 75716 43575  08j 52m 28.60d  +28° 15′ 33.0″ 6.25 −0.92 886 M3III
61 Cnc 61 76572 44031  08j 57m 58.63d  +30° 14′ 01.5″ 6.25 2.75 164 F6V
72505 42010  08j 33m 45.06d  +13° 15′ 26.7″ 6.26 1.40 306 K0III
2 69478 40617  08j 17m 31.66d  +08° 51′ 58.8″ 6.28 −1.28 1062 G8III
X Cnc 76221 43811  08j 55m 22.88d  +17° 13′ 52.5″ 6.28 −3.95 3622 C6II bintang karbon
ε Cnc ε 41 73731 42556  08j 40m 27.03d  +19° 32′ 41.4″ 6.29 0.16 548 Am anggota dari kluster bintang Beehive Praesepe
65735 39180  08j 00m 48.10d  +19° 48′ 58.4″ 6.30 1.18 345 K1III
φ2 Cnc φ2 23 71150 41404  08j 26m 47.08d  +26° 56′ 07.7″ 6.30 1.66 277 A3V+...
φ2 Cnc φ2 23 71151  08j 26m 47.00d  +26° 56′ 07.0″ 6.30 komponen dari sistem bintang φ2 Cnc
FZ Cnc 76830 44126  08j 59m 10.76d  +18° 08′ 06.1″ 6.30 −0.35 697 M4IIIvar
4 Cnc ω² 4 65856 39263  08j 01m 43.77d  +25° 05′ 22.0″ 6.32 0.00 598 A1V
72943 42187  08j 36m 07.71d  +15° 18′ 49.3″ 6.33 1.77 267 F0IV
65757 39194  08j 01m 00.79d  +23° 34′ 59.4″ 6.34 1.70 276 K1III-IV
υ2 Cnc υ2 32 72324 41940  08j 33m 00.14d  +24° 05′ 05.7″ 6.35 0.80 421 G9III
54 Cnc 54 75528 43454  08j 51m 01.53d  +15° 21′ 01.7″ 6.36 3.35 130 G2IV
68776 40354  08j 14m 21.01d  +13° 02′ 54.0″ 6.39 −0.49 776 G8III
39 Cnc 39 73665 42516  08j 40m 06.44d  +20° 00′ 28.1″ 6.39 0.11 587 K0III
78175 44768  09j 07m 27.01d  +22° 58′ 51.1″ 6.39 2.54 192 F5V
80064 45614  09j 17m 51.36d  +11° 30′ 04.1″ 6.40 0.30 542 A2IV
75469 43427  08j 50m 45.13d  +18° 49′ 56.1″ 6.41 −0.43 762 A2Vs
69629 40675  08j 18m 14.43d  +15° 40′ 40.6″ 6.42 0.56 485 K0
73710 42549  08j 40m 22.11d  +19° 40′ 11.9″ 6.42 −0.41 756 K0III
ψ1 Cnc ψ1 13 67690 40007  08j 10m 13.12d  +25° 50′ 40.4″ 6.44 −1.06 1032 K0
7 73599 42462  08j 39m 24.57d  +08° 01′ 03.6″ 6.46 0.32 551 K1III
77660 44574  09j 04m 55.12d  +32° 22′ 37.2″ 6.46 1.96 259 A8V
67542 39958  08j 09m 35.19d  +29° 05′ 35.1″ 6.47 −3.93 3928 G0II
68703 40342  08j 14m 11.14d  +17° 40′ 33.3″ 6.47 1.45 329 A0Vne...
78234 44825  09j 08m 04.21d  +32° 32′ 25.6″ 6.47 1.32 349 F2V
34 Cnc 34 72359 41904  08j 32m 39.87d  +10° 03′ 57.7″ 6.48 0.38 541 A1V
78661 44984  09j 09m 46.45d  +11° 33′ 52.3″ 6.48 3.60 123 F2p
79248 45272  09j 13m 37.27d  +21° 16′ 59.6″ 6.48 0.57 496 A2V
76908 44148  08j 59m 26.89d  +13° 04′ 27.9″ 6.49 −1.50 1294 K5III
81 Cnc π1 81 79096 45170  09j 12m 17.87d  +14° 59′ 43.6″ 6.49 4.93 67 G9V
72115 41833  08j 31m 41.31d  +18° 59′ 16.0″ 6.50 −0.99 1025 K0
24 Cnc A 24 71152 41389  08j 26m 39.82d  +24° 32′ 03.7″ 6.51 2.11 248 F0III bintang ganda
37 Cnc 37 73316 42353  08j 38m 05.19d  +09° 34′ 28.7″ 6.54 1.25 373 A1V
35 Cnc 35 72779 42133  08j 35m 19.47d  +19° 35′ 24.3″ 6.55 0.28 585 G0III
ι Cnc B ι 48 74738 43100  08j 46m 40.00d  +28° 45′ 54.6″ 6.58 2.77 188 G8II... komponen dari sistem bintang ι Cnc
40 Cnc 40 73666 42523  08j 40m 11.47d  +19° 58′ 16.2″ 6.61 0.40 570 A1V 積尸 China (satu bintang pada rasi) Tumpukan Jenazah[2] (versi 2)
83 Cnc 83 80218 45699  09j 18m 58.91d  +17° 42′ 20.4″ 6.61 3.64 128 F5
38 Cnc 38 73575 42485  08j 39m 42.68d  +19° 46′ 42.5″ 6.65 0.59 531 F0III
70 Cnc 70 77557 44512  09j 04m 09.87d  +27° 53′ 53.9″ 6.67 0.33 605 A1V
42 Cnc 42 73785 42578  08j 40m 43.23d  +19° 43′ 09.6″ 6.83 0.87 506 A9III
80 Cnc 80 79009 45153  09j 11m 56.93d  +18° 02′ 39.0″ 6.87 1.08 470 A0
R Cnc 69243  08j 16m 33.90d  +11° 43′ 35.0″ 7.13 M7IIIe
74 Cnc 74 78347 44838  09j 08m 08.41d  +14° 42′ 41.1″ 7.35 1.13 572 K0
52 Cnc 52 75558 43463  08j 51m 10.83d  +15° 59′ 57.8″ 7.38 1.03 607 G5
24 Cnc B 24 71153  08j 26m 40.10d  +24° 32′ 07.0″ 7.81 komponen dari sistem bintang 24 Cnc
DX Cnc 14.90 11.8 Proxima Cancri,[4] bintang terdekat kedelapanbelas

Lihat pula


  • ESA (1997). "The Hipparcos and Tycho Catalogues". Diakses tanggal 2006-12-26. 
  • Kostjuk, N. D. (2002). "HD-DM-GC-HR-HIP-Bayer-Flamsteed Cross Index". Diakses tanggal 2006-12-26. 
  • Roman, N. G. (1987). "Identification of a Constellation from a Position". Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2016-03-03. Diakses tanggal 2006-12-26. 
  1. ^ "Salinan arsip". Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2015-09-28. Diakses tanggal 2021-01-22. 
  2. ^ a b c d e salah satu rasi bintang menurut bangsa Cina Kesalahan pengutipan: Tanda <ref> tidak sah; nama "sb0" didefinisikan berulang dengan isi berbeda
  3. ^ http://articles.adsabs.harvard.edu//full/1970IBVS..480....1K/0000004.000.html?high=4c565f05dc09287
  4. ^ http://www.closeststars.com/

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The Georgetown VoiceEditor-in-chiefGraham KrewinghausCategoriesNews magazineFrequencyTwice monthly on FridaysFirst issueMarch 4, 1969Based inWashington, DCLanguageEnglishWebsitewww.georgetownvoice.com The Georgetown Voice is a student-run biweekly campus news magazine at Georgetown University. Founded as a print magazine in March 1969, the Voice publishes new editions every other Friday during the academic year. The magazine publishes online daily throughout the year, featuring news on campus...



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1990 film by Jennie Livingston For other uses, see Paris Is Burning (disambiguation) and Is Paris Burning? (disambiguation). Paris Is BurningTheatrical release posterDirected byJennie LivingstonProduced byJennie LivingstonStarring Dorian Corey Pepper LaBeija Venus Xtravaganza Octavia St. Laurent Carmen Xtravaganza Willi Ninja Angie Xtravaganza Sol Pendavis Williams Freddie Pendavis Junior Labeija CinematographyPaul GibsonEdited byJonathan OppenheimProductioncompaniesAcademy EntertainmentOff W...

António Lobo AntunesGCSEAntónio Lobo Antunes in March 2010Born (1942-09-01) 1 September 1942 (age 81)Lisbon, PortugalNationalityPortugueseAlma materUniversity of LisbonOccupation(s)Novelist, short-story writer, psychiatristChildren3RelativesJoão Lobo Antunes (brother)Manuel Lobo Antunes (brother)AwardsCamões Award (2007)Military careerAllegiance PortugalService/branch Portuguese ArmyYears of service1971-1973RankLieutenant / Military doctorBattles/warsPortuguese Colonia...



Disambiguazione – Se stai cercando altri significati, vedi Molise (disambigua). Moliseregione a statuto ordinarioRegione Molise (dettagli) (dettagli) Molise – VedutaIl Molise dal satellite LocalizzazioneStato Italia AmministrazioneCapoluogoCampobasso PresidenteFrancesco Roberti (FI) dal 6-7-2023 Data di istituzione19 gennaio 1964[1] TerritorioCoordinatedel capoluogo41°34′N 14°40′E41°34′N, 14°40′E (Molise) Altitudine631[2] m s.l.m....



بيردي معلومات شخصية الميلاد 15 مايو 1996 (العمر 28 سنة)ليمينغتون  [لغات أخرى]‏  مواطنة المملكة المتحدة  الحياة العملية المهنة مغنية مؤلفة،  وعازفة قيثارة[1]،  ومغنية،  وعازفة بيانو،  وموسيقي تسجيلات  اللغات الإنجليزية  مجال العمل تلحين  الموا�...

رمسيس التاسع معلومات شخصية تاريخ الميلاد القرن 12 ق.م تاريخ الوفاة -1107 مكان الدفن وادي الملوك  مواطنة مصر القديمة  الزوجة باكت ورنر  الأولاد رمسيس العاشر  عائلة الأسرة المصرية العشرون  مناصب فرعون   في المنصب1129 ق.م  – 1111 ق.م  رمسيس الثامن  رمسيس العاشر&#...



Mammalian protein found in Homo sapiens SLC15A1IdentifiersAliasesSLC15A1, HPECT1, HPEPT1, PEPT1, Peptide transporter 1, solute carrier family 15 member 1External IDsOMIM: 600544; MGI: 1861376; HomoloGene: 38006; GeneCards: SLC15A1; OMA:SLC15A1 - orthologsGene location (Human)Chr.Chromosome 13 (human)[1]Band13q32.2-q32.3Start98,683,801 bp[1]End98,752,672 bp[1]Gene location (Mouse)Chr.Chromosome 14 (mouse)[2]Band14|14 E5Start121,697,033 bp[2]End121,7...