
聖安娜風從沙漠中橫掃,沿著加利福尼亞南部沿海,將野火焚燒成灰塵和煙霧帶到遠處太平洋上。 洛杉磯在這張圖片的左上方,聖地亞哥靠近中心。




This map illustration shows a characteristic high-pressure area centered over the Great Basin, with the clockwise anticyclone wind flow out of the high-pressure center giving rise to a Santa Ana wind event as the airmass flows through the passes and canyons of southern California, manifesting as a dry northeasterly wind.



  1. ^ Masters, Nathan. SoCal's Devil Winds: The Santa Anas in Historical Photos and Literature. www.kcet.org. KCET. October 25, 2012 [May 3, 2012]. (原始内容存档于October 29, 2012).  "(White)Scholars who have looked into the name's origins generally agree that it derives from Santa Ana Canyon, the portal where the Santa Ana River -- as well as a congested Riverside (CA-91) Freeway -- leaves Riverside County and enters Orange County. When the Santa Anas blow, winds can reach exceptional speeds in this narrow gap between the Puente Hills and Santa Ana Mountains."
  2. ^ Needham, John. The Devil Winds Made Me Do It : Santa Anas Are Enough to Make Anyone's Hair Stand on End. www.latimes.com. Los Angeles Times. March 12, 1988 [May 3, 2013]. (原始内容存档于April 29, 2014). 
