據信該石碑最初來自西帕爾,但是在伊朗的蘇薩遺址發現。它於公元前12世紀被埃蘭國王舒特魯克·納克杭特帶離美索不達米亞。舒特魯克·納克杭特是石碑所紀念的失敗對象盧盧比人的後裔。他還聲稱親自將石碑搬到了那裡。古老的銘文被保留下來,表達了對納拉姆辛勝利的尊重。然而他確實加入了一段埃蘭的楔形文字銘文,宣示自己的榮耀,並講述掠奪西帕爾城後,這塊石碑是如何被帶出城市的。[3][4]1898年,法國考古學家雅克·德·摩根(英语:Jacques de Morgan)挖掘出该石碑,並將其移至巴黎羅浮宫,一直存放到今日。 [5]
^ 2.02.1Winter, Irene J.. "How Tall Was Naram-Sîn’s Victory Stele? Speculation on the Broken Bottom". Leaving No Stones Unturned: Essays on the Ancient Near East and Egypt in Honor of Donald P. Hansen, edited by Erica Ehrenberg, University Park, USA: Penn State University Press, 2021, pp. 301-312
^Van Dijk, Renate Marian. The Standards on the Victory Stele of Naram-Sin. Journal for Semitics. 2017-05-09, 25 (1): 33–50. ISSN 1013-8471. doi:10.25159/1013-8471/2525.
^"The hair of the Lullubi is long and worn in a thick braid. They wear animal skins, while the Akkadian soldiers wear the proper attire for battle, helmets and military tunics." in Bahrani, Zainab. Rituals of War: The Body and Violence in Mesopotamia. Zone Books. 2008: 109. ISBN 9781890951849(英语).
^Unknown. Victory of Naram-Sin over the Lullubi Tribes [stele]. Reign of Naram-Sin (ca. 2250 B.C.). Artstor, library.artstor.org/asset/AWSS35953_35953_31679780
^McKeon, John. An Akkadian Victory Stele. Boston Museum Bulletin. 1970, 68 (354): 226–243. JSTOR 4171539.
Pierre Amiet, L'art d'Agadé au musée du Louvre, Paris, Éditions des Musées nationaux, 1976, p. 29-32
Pierre Amiet: Altakkadische Flachbildkunst, in Propyläen Kunstgeschichte XVIII, p. 196–197 Taf. 104.
Agnès Benoit: Agnès Benoit, Art et archéologie : Les civilisations du Proche-Orient Ancien, Paris, Réunion des Musées Nationaux, École du Louvre, coll. Manuels de l’École du Louvre, 2007, p. 260-261
Irene Winter, On Art in the Ancient Near East : Volume II From the Third Millennium B.C.E., Leyden & Boston, Brill, coll. Culture and history of the ancient Near East, 2010, p. 85-149