立陶宛人的民族国家的历史可以追溯至13世纪,该国在14世纪古普鲁士部落和约特文(yotvingians)部落覆灭后首次与波兰领土接壤。在那时,两国之间的主要联系基本上只是边境军事冲突,比如立陶宛军队就曾在1262年袭击了马索维亚公国(duchy of masovia,在波兰的皮雅斯特王朝的领土于1138年破碎后成立的中世纪公国),导致其统治者西莫伊特一世(siemowit l of masovia)死亡[1]。后来,1325年,波兰国王瓦迪斯瓦夫一世与立陶宛大公格迪米纳斯成了亲家[2],格迪米纳斯的女儿aldona嫁给了瓦迪斯拉夫一世的儿子卡齐米日(也就是其父的继承人,后来成为了卡齐米日三世,‘大帝’),此后两国关系才出现了缓和 [2][3] 。1358年,马索维亚公国和立陶宛大公国之间签署了一份条约,首次划定了双方之间的边界线[4]。1385年,条顿骑士团对波兰和立陶宛的威胁越来越大,两国随即建立了更为稳固的联盟,史称克雷沃联合,标志着长达一个世纪的波兰-立陶宛联盟(polish-Lithuanian union)的开始[5]。1410年,波兰和立陶宛在格伦瓦德之战中击败了条顿骑士团,双方之间的联盟关系变得更为紧密[5]。
2019年,新当选的立陶宛总统吉塔納斯·瑙塞達特意将自己的首次正式出访的目的地选为波兰华沙,在那里会见波兰总统安杰伊·杜达[22]。2019年11月22日,应瑙塞达之邀,杜达携第一夫人agata kornhauser-duda以及波兰武装力量仪仗队(representative honor guard regiment of the polish armed forces)参加了于维尔纽斯举行的1863-1864反沙皇起义阵亡指挥官及参与者(一月起義)的国葬仪式。杜达在这次维尔纽斯之行中强调了中欧国家间的团结对各自独立地位的重要性[23][24]。
^Lesčius, Vytautas. Lietuvos ir Lenkijos krainis konfliktas del Seinu krasto 1919 metais(PDF). Gintautas Surgailis; Algirdas Ažubalis; Grzegorz Błaszczyk; Pranas Jankauskas; Eriks Jekabsons; Waldemar Rezmer; et al (编). Karo archyvas XVIII. Vilnius: Generolo Jono Žemaičio Lietuvos karo akademija. 2003: 188–189 [2021-09-12]. ISSN 1392-6489. (原始内容(PDF)存档于2008-02-27).|journal=被忽略 (帮助)
^Fearon, James D. Lithuania(PDF). Stanford University: 4. 2006 [2007-06-18]. (原始内容(PDF)存档于2012-10-15). Lithuanian nationalists resented demands by Poles for greater cultural autonomy (similar to that granted to the Jewish minority), holding that most of Lithuania's Poles were really deracinated Lithuanians who merely needed to be re-Lithuanianized. Resentments were exacerbated when Lithuanian Poles expressed a desire to "re-unite" the country with Poland. As a result, the nationalizing Lithuanian state took measures to confiscate Polish-owned land. It also restricted Polish religious services, schools, Polish publications, Polish voting rights. Poles were often referred to in the press in this period as the "lice of the nation"
^ 10.010.1Fearon, James D. Lithuania(PDF). Stanford University: 4. 2006 [2007-06-18]. (原始内容(PDF)存档于2012-10-15). From 1936 till 1939, 266 Lithuanian schools were closed in the entire territory of the former Vilnius Territory. Activities of almost all Lithuanian cultural organizations were banned there. In the areas controlled by Poland, resentments grew as a new settlement of Polish army veterans with economic ties to Poland brought greater Polonization.