满地可中华医院[1](法語:Hôpital Chinois de Montréal)是加拿大魁北克省蒙特利尔一间医院,坐落该市唐人街以东的维治东街(Avenue Viger Est)上。此医院现时主要提供长期护理服务,设有128个床位[2],並是加拿大唯一一间以华人为主要服务对象的医院[3]。
此医院的起源可追溯至1918年流感大流行期间,地利亚修女(Delia Tétreault)于满地可市家乐街(rue Clark)开办设有七个床位的临时收容所,照顾患病的华人[4][2]。疫情过后,临时收容所关闭,而满地可中华会馆则于1919年购入丽高士车街(rue de la Gauchetière)112号一座犹太教堂,并将之改建成满地可中华医院,1920年开幕[4]。
^"About Us (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)." 满地可中华医院. "The Hospital has a relatively long history and is the only hospital of its kind in Canada that's specially adapted to Chinese culture, customs and language."
^ 4.04.1Turcotte, Huguette. Hospitals for Chinese in Canada: Montreal (1918) and Vancouver (1921)(PDF). Canadian Catholic Historical Association (CCHA) Historical Studies. 2004-01-01 [4 May 2010]. (原始内容(PDF)存档于2014-01-01). - Available at Questia/Accessmylibrary "In 1920, the Benevolent Chinese Association of Montreal began planning the organization their own health services by opening a permanent Chinese Hospital in more spacious premises."