國際關係學中的均勢理論(英語:Balance of power)表明,一個國家可藉阻止任何其他國家獲足夠軍事力量來支配所有其他國家以確保其生存。[1] 若一國家變得更加強大,該理論預測它將利用其較弱的鄰國,從而促使它們聯合起來組成一個防禦聯盟。 一些現實主義者認為,均勢體系比單一主導國家之體系更穩定,因為當敵對聯盟之間存在均勢時,侵略是無利可圖的。[1]
權力平衡作為外交政策主軸,此一政策可稱為「均勢原則」(A doctrine of equilibrium)。其目標是,使相互競爭的各方勢力處於一個相對穩定、彼此牽制的狀態,不使任何一方過於強大而打破均勢,破壞穩定,成為霸權(hegemony),主宰國際體系。這一原則也可以用在市場策略、政黨鬥爭、人際關係等等競爭環境中。
羅馬共和時期的政治理論家波利比奧斯指出,「事涉每個人的權利,絕不應該讓任何權力大到壓過其他力量,使他人無法立足於平等條件與之抗辯的地步。」在國際法上,國家間的權力平衡是國際法能施行的保障。任何個別國家過於強大,必破壞國際法而獨斷專行。在國內,任何政府機構如行政權或立法權過於強大,也必摧毀法治,此即權力分立制衡(check and balance)之原則。
^ 1.01.1Kegley, Charles W.; Wittkopf, Eugene R. (2005), World Politics: Trends and Transformation(10th ed.), p. 503
^Walt, Stephen M. (1987), The Origins of Alliances, New York: Cornell University Press, pp. 5, 17–29
^ 3.03.1Mearsheimer, John (2010), "Structural Realism"(PDF), in Dunne, Tim; Kurki, Milja; Smith, Steve (eds.), International Relations Theories, New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 79–85
^Wendt, Alexander (1992), "Anarchy Is What States Make of It: The Social Construction of international Politics", International Organization, p. 397
^Waltz, Kenneth N. (1979), Theory of International Politics, Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, p.121
^Waltz, Kenneth N. (1979), Theory of International Politics, Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, p.118
^Mearsheimer, John (2010), "Structural Realism" (PDF) (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), in Dunne, Tim; Kurki, Milja; Smith, Steve (eds.), International Relations Theories, New York: Oxford University Press. p.79
^Mearsheimer, John (2010), "Structural Realism" (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) (PDF), in Dunne, Tim; Kurki, Milja; Smith, Steve (eds.), International Relations Theories, New York: Oxford University Press, pp.81-83
Virginia.edu - 'Balance of Power', Dictionary of the History of Ideas
Kenneth N. Waltz, Man, the State, and War: A Theoretical Analysis (1959).
Kenneth N. Waltz, Theory of International Politics, (McGraw-Hill, 1979).
Hedley Bull, Anarchial Society (United States of America: Macmillan Ltd, 1977).
John Lewis Gaddis, Surprise, Security and the American Experience (United States of America: Harvard University Press, 2004).
Ernst B. Haas, "The balance of power: prescription, concept, or propaganda", World Politics, Vol. 5, No. 4, (1953), pp. 442–477.
Hans Morgenthau, Politics Among Nations: The Struggle for Power and Peace: Fourth Edition (New York: Knofp, 1967).
Paul W. Schroeder, "The Nineteenth century system: balance of power or political equilibrium?", Review of International Studies, 15, (1989), pp. 135–153.
Michael Sheehan, The Balance of Power: History and Theory (London: Routledge, 2000).