^Byun, Ju Seunng and Gyeong Deuk Mun. 2013. "18세기 전라도 지역 무신란(戊申亂)의 전개과정 The Development of Musin Revolt(戊申亂) in Jeolla Province in the 18th Century - Focused on 'the investigation record of the Musin Revolt(「戊申逆獄推案」)',"인문과학연구 93: 135-178 [in Korean]
^Jackson, Andrew David. THE 1728 MUSIN REBELLION (MUSILLAN 戊申亂): APPROACHES, SOURCES AND QUESTIONS. STUDIA UBB PHILOLOGIA, LVIII (1): 161-172; quotation from p. 162. 2013.