


朝鲜的植物中,有4種被認為瀕臨絕種[2],其中又有3種因形態特殊,在其他現生植物中均無特別相似的類群,而被歸入各自的單型屬[3]。其中薔薇科植物Pentactina rupicola只分布於江原道金剛山區,分子證據顯示薔薇科中,它與分布於北美的岩绣菊属英语Petrophytum的親緣關係最為接近[4]。另一種瀕臨絕種的植物是朝鲜白连翘,分布於朝鮮半島中部,除了在朝鲜被栽種外,也作為園藝植物被引進英國與北美[5],朝鲜曾發行以其為主題的郵票。Sophora koreensis也是朝鲜瀕臨絕種的植物,原本屬於單型屬Echinosophora,但有研究以基因序列分析槐屬物種與它的演化關係,主張此植物應該被歸入槐屬中[6]



  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Jirí Kolbek; Ivan Jarolímek; Milan Valachovic. 8: Forest Vegetation of the Northern Korean Peninsula. Jirí Kolbek; Miroslav Šrůtek (编). Forest Vegetation of Northeast Asia. Springer. 2003: 264, 294. ISBN 1402013701. 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Haggett, Peter. Encyclopedia of World Geography. Marshall Cavendish. 2001: 3088. ISBN 0761472894. 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Wan Ik Ri. Botanic Gardens of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK). BGCI. 2006 [23 March 2013]. (原始内容存档于2018-08-22). 
  4. ^ Chunghee Lee; Suk-Pyo Hong. Phylogenetic relationships of the rare Korean monotypic endemic genus Pentactina Nakai in the tribe Spiraeeae (Rosaceae) based on molecular data. Plant Systematics and Evolution. 2011, 294 (3–4): 159–66. doi:10.1007/s00606-011-0457-8. 
  5. ^ Kim, Y. S.; Maunder, M. Plants in Peril, 24: Abeliophyllum distichum (PDF). Curtis's Botanical Magazine. 1998, 15 (2): 141–146 [2018-08-22]. doi:10.1111/1467-8748.00155. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2014-05-13). 
  6. ^ Lee WK, Tokuoka T, Heo K. Molecular evidence for the inclusion of the Korean endemic genus " Echinosophora" in Sophora (Fabaceae), and embryological features of the genus. Journal of Plant Research. 2004, 117 (3): 209–19. PMID 15221584. doi:10.1007/s10265-004-0150-x.