奥利奇认为,创作一出全新的外传将是无礼的,[90]而让伦纳德·尼莫伊加入影片则是非常重要的:“和他一起围坐在营火旁时,他会不停地和你分享他的记忆”。[91]时间旅行的情节在最初便被打算纳入电影当中。[92]库兹曼加入的时间旅行情节创造了危机感,而不像其他前传那样让观众们已经“知道他们是怎么死的”。[93][94]编剧们认为,尽管时间旅行的情节在以往的《星际旅行》中已经被用滥了,但它却能巧妙地达成让原始角色进行新一轮探险的目的,同时还能完全避免其他电影的影响。[95]艾布拉姆斯选择了罗慕伦人作为电影的反派角色,因为他们在该系列节目中的出场时间要少于克林贡人,而且让柯克在电视剧以前便遇上罗慕伦人将“十分有趣”(fun)。[96]奥利奇与库兹曼提到,既然克林贡人在后来的《星际旅行》系列中已被塑造成了英雄,再将他们魔鬼化则是退步的行为;然而,罗慕伦人的出现却能延续斯波克的故事:按照年代顺序,斯波克最后一次出现在《星际旅行:下一代》的《统一(英语:Unification (Star Trek: The Next Generation))》一集中,设定年份为2368年。[95]在原始连续性的《恐怖平衡》一集中,柯克成为了第一名看见罗慕伦人的人类;而这一集亦影响了此部电影。[76]奥利奇说,如果不施加一些巧妙手法的话,将很难给时间旅行提供一个充足的理由;譬如让尼禄蓄意追杀柯克的理由。[97]
2008年2月,派拉蒙宣布他们将把《星际迷航》的公映日从2008年12月25日推迟至2009年5月8日。制片商觉得在夏季发行将比冬季吸引更多的观众。而实际上,电影的制片工作也直到2008年底才完成。[9]在派拉蒙高层访问了片场并观看了样片(英语:dailies)后,他们意识到这部电影有着吸引更广泛受众的潜力,因此他们改变了原来的决定。尽管制片人们希望将圣诞节定为公映日,但戴蒙·林德洛夫也承认说,公映延期将让他们有更充足的时间来完善电影的视觉特效。[130]2008年底制片完成后,离电影的正式发行还有几个月的时间。在此期间,为了写作出电影的小说,艾伦·迪安·福斯特(英语:Alan Dean Foster)被允许观看了整部电影;不过,他的小说中包含有在最终剪辑里被去掉的情节。[153]此外,电影的有声读物是昆图讲述的。[154]
2009年4月6日,在得克萨斯州奥斯汀市的阿拉莫库房(英语:Alamo Drafthouse Cinema)剧场,由编剧罗伯托·奥利奇、亚历克斯·库兹曼以及监制戴蒙·林德洛夫主持,片方举行了一场意外惊喜式的公映。当时宣传的是将要上映《星际旅行II:可汗怒吼》,并会放映新《星际迷航》电影的十分钟预览片段。在《可汗》放映不久后,银幕上的画面便开始逐渐淡出,伦纳德·尼莫伊与奥利奇、库兹曼和林德洛夫随之出现在舞台上,并向观众问道:“你们是不是更想看新的那部电影?”[155]在得克萨斯州的意外惊喜后,电影于2009年4月7日在悉尼歌剧院举行了全球首映式。[156]近两年来,加拿大艾伯塔省的瓦肯镇一直在努力成为电影的首映地,但由于当地并无剧院,派拉蒙遂在当地安排了一场抽奖活动,其中300名中奖的居民将能前往卡尔加里市观看预映场。[157]此外,由于美国宇航员迈克尔·R·巴勒特(英语:Michael R. Barratt)在登上国际太空站前也表示想要观看该片,派拉蒙因而向NASA提供了一份拷贝,后者于2009年5月14日将电影上传到了国际太空站。[158]
^原文:“he is constantly exploring that notion of how to evolve in a responsible way and how to evolve in a respectful way. I think those are all things that we as a society, and certainly the world, could implement.”
^原文:“I just felt like a nerd. I felt like I was 12 again. You look back at those pictures and you see the bowl cut. There's no question I was born to play the Spock role. I was sporting that look for a good four or five years.”
^Exclusive: A Conversation with Trek's Two Spocks. 电视指南. 2008-04-15 [2008-04-15]. (原始内容存档于2008-10-21). We have dealt with [Spock being half-human, half-Vulcan], but never with quite the overview that this script has of the entire history of the character, the growth of the character, the beginnings of the character and the arrival of the character into the Enterprise crew.
^Abrams and Orci On Fan Reaction + Bob Meets Brannon. TrekMovie. 2009-01-16 [2009-01-16]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-08). it was surreal to direct him as Spock, because what the hell am I doing there? This guy has been doing it for forty years. It's like 'I think Spock would...'
^原文:“it is a case of not doing some sort of facsimile or carbon copy, but really taking the very essence of what DeForest Kelley has done and honoring that and bringing something new to the table”.
^原文:“there are certain acting roles that you are never going to get, and one of them is playing a cowboy. [Playing Sulu] is a realization of that dream — going into space.”
^Cindy White. Young Chekov Talks Trek. IGN. 2008-01-28 [2008-01-28]. (原始内容存档于2008-01-31). scene where they're talking to Apollo [who says], 'I am Apollo.' And Chekov is like, 'And I am the czar of all Russias.' [...] They gave him these lines. I mean he really is the weirdest, weirdest character.
^Jay A. Fernandez. 'Star Trek': Enterprise marketing. 好莱坞报道. 2009-02-19 [2009-03-23]. (原始内容存档于2009-02-23). Here's what Gene [Roddenberry] said in an interview just before he died in August 1991; somebody had asked him, 'What's going to become of Star Trek in the future?' And he said that he hoped that some day some bright young thing would come along and do it again, bigger and better than he had ever done it. And he wished them well. — Richard Arnold, Roddenberry's assistant
^Abrams Talks Trek, Cloverfield 2. IGN. 2008-05-16 [2008-05-16]. (原始内容存档于2008-10-18). I would be so agonizingly envious of whoever stepped in and directed the movie.
^原文:“with all these tattooed faces and pointy ears, bizarre weaponry and Romulan linguists, with dialogue about 'Neutral Zones' and 'Starfleet' [but] I knew this would work, because the script Alex and Bob wrote was so emotional and so relatable. I didn't love Kirk and Spock when I began this journey – but I love them now.”
^原文:“We're from different worlds, Alex [Kurtzman] was born here, and I was born in Mexico City and lived there until I was nine. Kirk and Spock are opposites from two worlds. That's us in a nutshell. We're drawn to each by what each of us lacks. The story of this film is about two guys who are such opposites that they might end up strangling each other but instead they bond and thrive together. That's us. We can go warp speed together.”
^原文:“I want to feel the space, I want to feel speed and I want to feel all the things that can become a little bit lost when Star Trek becomes very stately”.
^原文:“We all have the iPhone that does more than the communicator”.
^Fred Topel. J.J. Abrams on TV's Fringe. Suicide Girls. 2008-09-05 [2009-01-08]. (原始内容存档于2013-09-01). I feel like there's a certain thing that you can't really hold onto, which is kind of the kitschy quality. That must go if it's going to be something that you believe is real.
^Helen O'Hara. Empire Star Trek Cover. 帝国在线. 2008-10-28 [2008-10-28]. (原始内容存档于2008-11-07). The costumes were a microcosm of the entire project, which was how to take something that's kind of silly and make it feel real. But how do you make legitimate those near-primary color costumes?
^Karl Urban Talks New McCoy, Says Movie Will Be Very Faithful to The Original Series. TrekWeb. 2007-12-20 [2007-12-20]. (原始内容存档于2007-12-22). [There is a] level of security and secrecy that we have all been forced to adopt. I mean, it's really kind of paranoid crazy, but sort of justified. We're not allowed to walk around in public in our costumes and we have to be herded around everywhere in these golf carts that are completely concealed and covered in black canvas. The security of it is immense. You feel your freedom is a big challenge.
^原文:“There's something about those flares, especially in a movie that potentially could be incredibly sterile and CG and overly controlled. There’s just something incredibly unpredictable and gorgeous about them.”
^Cindy White. Trek Score Will Keep Theme. Sci Fi Wire. 2007-11-01 [2007-11-03]. (原始内容存档于2008-02-02). I grew up listening to all of that great [Trek] music, and that's part of what inspired me to do what I'm doing [...] You just go in scared. You just hope you do your best. It's one of those things where the film will tell me what to do.
^About Karen Han. Karen Han, Erhu & her love of music. [2009-06-02]. (原始内容存档于2020-02-20).
^原文:“this movie is not made for Star Trek fans necessarily”.
^原文:“On that ship when someone talks back to you, you would have to beat them down or you lose the respect of your crew, which is protocol, whereas on a Federation ship that would be a crime. So we have to give JJ a little bit of leeway, when he is traveling the 'galaxy' over there where they don’t know Trek, to say the things that need to be said in order to get people onto our side.”
^Burr, Ty. A Fresh Frontier. Boston Globe. 2009-05-05 [2009-05-06]. (原始内容存档于2015-01-30).
^原文:“But in Star Trek, the clever and infectious reboot of the amazingly enduring sci-fi classic, director J.J. Abrams crafts an origin story that avoids any hint of the origin doldrums”.
^原文:“[...] With a crew like this, you can welcome the future.
^Star Trek Review, Total Film. totalfilm.com. [2009-06-02]. (原始内容存档于2014-07-09). Buoyant, buffed and with the promise of even better to come, this is the freshest Trek in decades.
^Star Trek Review, SFX. sfx.co.uk. [2009-06-02]. (原始内容存档于2009-04-11). This summer, after Abrams’s explosive epic has nerve-pinched all the opposition, back gardens and parks will ring with the sound of young boys zapping imaginary phasers as they play Kirk and Spock.
^原文:“for the first time in the franchise, the Enterprise is a genuine thrill-ride”.
^Franklin, Garth. Star Trek - April 13th 2009. Dark Horizons. 2009-04-13 [2009-04-16]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-09). It simply can not be stated enough how effectively Abrams and his crew have revived and repositioned not just the franchise but the 'space opera' genre itself.
^Star Trek film review. 好莱坞报道. 2009-04-20 [2009-05-10]. (原始内容存档于2009-04-23). J.J. Abrams gives the Starship Enterprise all its got, and it's more than enough... Paced at warp speed with spectacular action sequences rendered brilliantly and with a cast so expert that all the familiar characters are instantly identifiable, the film gives Paramount Pictures a new lease of life on its franchise.
^JJ Abrams's Star Trek: we have liftoff(mdy). [2009-06-02]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-20). With its shiny young cast and breezy tone, the rebooted Star Trek is a bit like 90210 set in space, but in Chris Pine's Captain Kirk, the franchise has found a solid gold star.
^Stevens, Dana. Star Trek reviewed. - By Dana Stevens - Slate Magazine. Slate.com. 2009-05-06 [2009-05-10]. (原始内容存档于2011-01-15). [...] Star Trek is neither a franchise nor a property. It's a world. Abrams' cannily constructed prequel respects (for the most part) the rules of that world and, more importantly, retains the original Star Trek's spirit of optimism, curiosity, and humor.
^(Posted: May 6, 2009). Star Trek : Review. Rolling Stone. 2009-05-06 [2009-06-02]. (原始内容存档于2009-05-10). Summer officially hits warp speed with Star Trek, a burst of pure filmmaking exhilaration that manages to pay homage to the classic 1960s TV series and still boldly go where no man, William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy included, has gone before. [...] It's an irresistible invitation for fun. What more can you ask of a summer movie?
^Pols, Mary. The New Star Trek Movie: It Will Leave Fans Beaming. TIME. 2009-05-06 [2009-06-02]. (原始内容存档于2013-08-26). It's a real family film, relatively light on the violence and funny without being overly crude; it even has some touching moments.
^Kenneth Turan. 'Star Trek' takes the universe by storm. 洛杉矶时报. 2009-05-07 [2009-06-02]. (原始内容存档于2018-11-01). [...] it is pleasant to report that though it's not perfect, the reconstituted "Star Trek" is successful enough for everyone to breathe a sigh of relief. Though it has its over-caffeinated aspects and its missteps, this "Star Trek" has in general bridged the gap between the old and the new with alacrity and purpose.
^Star Trek. 视听俱乐部. 2009-05-07 [2009-06-02]. (原始内容存档于2012-01-03). the venerable Star Trek series hasn’t so much been pulled out of storage with this new film as dusted off, broken down to its most basic parts, streamlined, and sent blazing off at an acute angle from its original course.
^原文:“The Gene Roddenberry years, when stories might play with questions of science, ideals or philosophy, have been replaced by stories reduced to loud and colorful action.”
^原文:“Perhaps the next one will engage these characters in a more challenging and devious story.”
^Star Trek Review, IGN UK. [2009-06-02]. (原始内容存档于2010-06-18). never felt as though Kirk or Spock were in genuine peril.
^Scott Mendelson. HuffPost Review -- Star Trek (2009). 赫芬顿邮报. 2009-05-08 [2009-06-04]. (原始内容存档于2017-07-07). this film is Star Trek for people who have never seen the shows or the movies, and furthermore need their characters drawn in broad strokes and the philosophies explicitly explained in monologue.
^原文:“whether it's William Shatner or Khan ... it would be ridiculous to not be open to those ideas.”
^原文:“The idea, now that we are in an independent timeline, allows us to use any of the ingredients from the past — or come up with brand-new ones — to make potential stories”.
^原文:“[A] exploration sci-fi plot where the unknown and nature itself is somehow an adversary”.
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