该物种的属名中,Helio-来自古希腊语ἥλιος (hḗlios),意为太阳,后面的thraupis是裸鼻雀属的学名,来自古希腊语θραυπις (thraupis),是一种小鸟,在现代生物学中所属的类群目前尚不明确,唐纳雀科的许多属都以此结尾;种小名oneilli是为了纪念发现这种鸟的几位鸟类学家的导师,美国鸟类学家John P. O'Neill,他长期从事秘鲁鸟类研究和保护工作,并培养了许多年轻的秘鲁鸟类学者。英文名“Inti”来自盖丘亚语和艾马拉语共有的词汇,意为太阳。[3][4]
^, Daniel F.; Aponte Justiniano, Miguel Angel; Terrill, Ryan S.; Rheindt, Frank E.; Klicka, Luke B.; Rosenberg, Gary H.; Schmitt, C. Jonathan; Burns, Kevin J. A New Genus and Species of Tanager (Passeriformes, Thraupidae) from the lower Yungas of western Bolivia and southern Peru. Ornithology. 2021,. ukab059. doi:10.1093/ornithology/ukab059.
^, G. M. Inti Tanager (Heliothraupis oneilli), version 1.0. B. K. Keeney (编). Birds of the World. Ithaca, NY, USA: Cornell Lab of Ornithology. 2022. doi:10.2173/bow.saptan1.01.