地球化學部是研究過去和現在支配地球環境的因素。 利用化學和同位素分析,研究空氣、水、生物遺骸、岩石和隕石樣本,以解決廣泛的科學問題。從世界貿易中心倒塌排放的微粒和化學污染物,到地球過去氣候的變化,以及與地幔和地核的分化和形成有關的基本化學過程。早期地球化學部門由Wallace S.Broecker Paul W.Gast
顧名思義,海洋地質和地球物理學部 (MG&G) 的科學家主要研究是地球海底的結構和演化。 使用的科學儀器包括側掃聲納,衛星的遙感和多頻道地震測量來繪製地表和地下構造圖。 MG&G 研究人員的早期成功是發現了海底擴張,這就導致人們普遍接受地震是由板塊構造運動所造成的。 其他研究包括冰蓋和基岩之間的界面、哈德遜河中的沉積物運輸以及深海中的隕石撞擊等。這部門早期由 James D. Hays Lynn R. Sykes兩位科學家共同領導,他們指導的華人研究生包括陳培心等人,為部門博士班首届華人。
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^Heirtzler, J. R., et al., "Marine magnetic anomalies, geomagnetic field reversals, and motions of the ocean floor and continents," Journal of Geophysical Research, 73(1968): 2119–2136.
^Pitman, W. and M. Talwani, "Sea-floor spreading in the North Atlantic," GSA Bulletin, 83(1972): 619–646.
^W. Broecker and G. Denton, "The role of ocean-atmosphere reorganizations in glacial cycles," Geochemica, 53(1989): 2465–2501.
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^M. Ewing and W. L. Donn, "A theory of ice ages," Science, 123(1956): 1061–1066.
^CLIMAP, "The Surface of the ice-age Earth," Science, 191(1976): 1131–1137.
^J. D. Hays, J. Imbrie, and N. J. Shackleton, "Variations in Earth's orbit—Pacemaker of ice ages," Science, 194(1976): 1121–1132.
^G. Bond, et al., "Persistent solar influence on North Atlantic climate during the Holocene," Science, 294(2001): 2130–2136.
^M. A. Cane, S. E. Zebiak and S. C. Dolan, "Experimental forecasts of El Niño," Nature, 321(1986): 827–832.
^M. A. Cane, et al., "Forecasting Zimbabwean maize yield using eastern equatorial Pacific sea-surface temperature," Nature, 370(1994): 204 – 205.
^J. Oliver and M. Ewing, "Seismic surface waves at Palisades from explosions in Nevada and the Marshal Islands," PNAS, 44(1958): 780–785.