墨尔本皇家妇科医院的前身于1856年8月19日由理查德·特雷西(Richard Tracy)医师和约翰·莫德(John Maund)医师在墨尔本的伊斯特希尔(英语:Eastern Hill, Melbourne)为贫困妇女提供医疗分娩与护理的保育院。在保育院设立后,时任圣公会墨尔本教区主教的妻子——弗朗西斯·佩里夫人(Frances Perry)带领教区内的一群妇女为两位医生设立的保育院提供了很大的帮助与支持[7]。它最初的名称是墨尔本产妇和儿童住院医院(Melbourne Lying-in Hospital and Infirmary for Diseases Peculiar to Women and Children)[8]。
^Royal Women's Hospital. Overview(html). www.thewomens.org.au/. [2023-04-07]. (原始内容存档于2023-06-02) (英语). The Women's is Australia's largest public maternity hospital. Primary and tertiary maternity care is provided at the hospital.
^University of Melbourne. Clinical Elective - Royal Women's Hospital(html). medicine.unimelb.edu.au. [2023-04-07]. (原始内容存档于2023-05-30) (英语). The medical student elective program at The Royal Women’s Hospital is administered by The University of Melbourne, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology based at The Royal Women’s Hospital.
^La Trobe University. The Women's(html). www.latrobe.edu.au. [2023-04-07]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-09) (英语). The longstanding partnership between the Royal Women’s Hospital (the Women’s) and La Trobe University is underpinned by a high-quality research program and clinical placements scheme.
^Frances Perry House. About Frances Perry House(html). www.francesperryhouse.com.au/. [2023-04-07]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-09) (英语). The hospital accommodates 93 beds including surgical and maternity units, Level 4 Special Care Nursery, 6 birthing suites, 4 operating theatres, a day surgery unit and urodynamics procedure room.
^ Women's Hospital. History overview. www.thewomens.org.au/. [2023-04-07]. (原始内容存档于2023-06-05). The 'Melbourne Lying-In Hospital and Infirmary for Diseases of Women and Children' opened its doors to the poorest and most needy women in 1856, less than two decades after the official foundation of Melbourne (1837).……From the outset, the Women's aimed to lead in setting standards for medical and nursing care, becoming the first Australian hospital to train nurses in the late 1850s and to teach obstetrics and gynaecology to medical students (1865).
^University of Melbourne. Site history - the former Royal Women's Hospital(html). staff.unimelb.edu.au. [2023-04-07]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-07) (英语). In 2005 the redevelopment and relocation of the Royal Women’s was announced by then Victorian Premier Steve Bracks and Health Minister Bronwyn Pike, with the new building and facilities opening in June 2008.
^Melbourne Health Media Release互联网档案馆的存檔,存档日期2008-07-04. 11 April 2005. Accessed April 28, 2007
^Victoria Government - Treasury and Finance. ROYAL WOMEN'S HOSPITAL PROJECT. www.dtf.vic.gov.au/. [2023-04-07]. (原始内容存档于2023-05-22) (英语). On 22 June 2008 the Royal Women's Hospital, together with Frances Perry House, opened on the corner of Grattan Street and Flemington Road in Parkville.
^Royal Women's Hospital. Overview(html). www.thewomens.org.au/. [2023-04-07]. (原始内容存档于2023-06-02) (英语). The Women's is a centre of excellence for perinatal care, research and education, with more than 7,000 births per year.