圣乔治角海战(Battle of Cape St. George)是1943年11月26日一场发生于布干维尔岛水域,在日本和美国舰队之间爆发的海战。这也是在所罗门群岛海域进行的最后一场海战。在这场海战中,由阿利·伯克上校率领的五艘美国海军驱逐舰拦截了五艘日本海軍驅逐艦的舰队,这支日军舰队已在岛上卸下增補物資,正从布卡岛回到拉包尔。在随后的海战中,日本三艘驱逐舰被击沉、一艘受损,美军没有损失。此役被美國海軍戰爭學院稱為「幾近完美的海戰」。
^Morison, Breaking the Bismarcks, p. 353, & Nevitt, Combinedfleet.com. Nevitt says 228 were lost on Onami and 200 on Makinami and, along with Morison, says that there were 278 survivors from Yugiri. Morison says there were 300 troops on Yugiri, which along with a normal complement of 197 means about 497 were on board during this engagement. Subtracting 278 from 497 equals 219 killed on Yugiri.