他其後搬遷至狄蒙,於德雷克大學新聞系任職系主任,直至1931年。那年他移至伊利諾州的埃文斯頓,於西北大學新聞及廣告系任職教授。隔年他移至紐約市,加入揚雅(Young & Rubicam)廣告公司任職研究總監(其後於1937年至1947年任職副總裁)。1935年,他短暫擔任哥倫比亞大學新聞系教授,但隨即成立自己的民調公司,美國公共意見研究所(American Institute of Public Opinion,蓋洛普的前身)。[2]
Gallup, George. Public Opinion in a Democracy (1939)
Gallup, Alec M. ed. The Gallup Poll Cumulative Index: Public Opinion, 1935–1997 (1999) lists 10,000+ questions, but no results
Gallup, George Horace, ed. The Gallup Poll; Public Opinion, 1935–1971 3 vol (1972) summarizes results of each poll.
Hawbaker, Becky Wilson. "Taking 'the Pulse of Democracy': George Gallup, Iowa, and the Origin of the Gallup Poll." The Palimpsest 74(3) 98–118. Description of Gallup's Iowa years and their impact on his development.