1857年成為參議員。根據奥斯曼的回憶錄[2],奧斯曼使用男爵(Baron)這個頭銜是因為1857年皇帝敕令所有參議院成員都擁有男爵的身分。根據《第二帝國字典》,奧斯曼只有偶爾使用男爵的稱號,這是由於他的外公Georg Friedrich Dentzel曾經是一位真正的男爵,而奥斯曼又是他唯一的男性後裔,出於自豪才使用。然而,男爵這個稱號並不是正式的,平常奧斯曼仍只使用奧斯曼先生(Monsieur Haussmann)的稱呼。[3]
^The Great Stink of Paris and the Nineteenth-Century Struggle against Filth and Germs, First Edition, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006.
^See, e.g., The Gate of Paris; The Arch of Triumph and Old Paris; Hausmann the Magnificent and His Work; The Tinsel Empire and Its Provisions for Immortality; The American Quarter and Its Glories; Bombs, Barricades and Desolation. The Leveling of Old Paris. The Building of the New Capital. The Arch of Triumph and its Surroundings. The Glory Departed. The New York Times, 14 May 1871, Page 3.