卡羅琳·珍·斯貝勒蒙·舒梅克(Carolyn Jean Spellmann Shoemaker,1929年6月24日—2021年8月13日)是一位美國天文學家,是舒梅克-李維九號彗星的共同發現人之一。她也是個人發現彗星數量記錄保持者。
小行星發現數量: 370
2459 Spellmann |
2511 Patterson |
June 11, 1980
2532 Sutton |
October 9, 1980
2586 Matson |
June 11, 1980
2614 Torrence |
June 11, 1980
2686 Linda Susan |
May 5, 1981
2705 Wu |
October 9, 1980
2742 Gibson |
May 6, 1981
2748 Patrick Gene |
May 5, 1981
2773 Brooks |
May 6, 1981
2834 Christy Carol |
October 9, 1980
2891 McGetchin |
June 18, 1980
2906 Caltech |
January 13, 1983
2918 Salazar |
October 9, 1980
2932 Kempchinsky |
October 9, 1980
2982 Muriel |
May 6, 1981
3025 Higson |
August 20, 1982 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
3107 Weaver |
May 5, 1981
3161 Beadell |
October 9, 1980
3194 Dorsey |
May 27, 1982
3199 Nefertiti |
September 13, 1982 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
3225 Hoag |
August 20, 1982 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
3270 Dudley |
February 18, 1982 |
with S. J. Bus
3285 Ruth Wolfe |
November 5, 1983
3299 Hall |
October 10, 1980
3317 Paris |
May 26, 1984 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
3333 Schaber |
October 9, 1980
3375 Amy |
May 5, 1981
3430 Bradfield |
October 9, 1980
3553 Mera |
May 14, 1985
3554 Amun |
March 4, 1986 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
3581 Alvarez |
April 23, 1985
3640 Gostin |
October 11, 1985
3671 Dionysus |
May 27, 1984 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
3689 Yeates |
May 5, 1981
3700 Geowilliams |
October 23, 1984 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
3709 Polypoites |
October 14, 1985
3777 McCauley |
May 5, 1981
3779 Kieffer |
May 13, 1985
3792 Preston |
March 22, 1985
3793 Leonteus |
October 11, 1985
3794 Sthenelos |
October 12, 1985
3837 Carr |
May 6, 1981
3840 Mimistrobell |
October 9, 1980
3846 Hazel |
October 9, 1980
3854 George |
March 13, 1983
3873 Roddy |
November 21, 1984
3880 Kaiserman |
November 21, 1984 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
3888 Hoyt |
March 28, 1984
3895 Earhart |
February 23, 1987
3906 Chao |
May 31, 1987
3927 Feliciaplatt |
May 5, 1981 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
3932 Edshay |
September 27, 1984 |
with M. C. Nolan
3972 Richard |
May 6, 1981
3977 Maxine |
June 14, 1983
3985 Raybatson |
February 12, 1985
4029 Bridges |
May 24, 1982
4031 Mueller |
February 12, 1985
4082 Swann |
September 27, 1984
4083 Jody |
February 12, 1985
4085 Weir |
May 13, 1985
4151 Alanhale |
April 24, 1985 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
4153 Roburnham |
May 14, 1985
4171 Carrasco |
March 23, 1982
4173 Thicksten |
May 27, 1982
4203 Brucato |
March 26, 1985
4204 Barsig |
May 11, 1985
4217 Engelhardt |
January 24, 1988
4251 Kavasch |
May 11, 1985
4253 Märker |
October 11, 1985
4283 Stöffler |
January 23, 1988
4327 Ries |
May 24, 1982
4332 Milton |
September 5, 1983
4340 Dence |
May 4, 1986
4341 Poseidon |
May 29, 1987
4348 Poulydamas |
September 11, 1988
4368 Pillmore |
May 5, 1981
4379 Snelling |
August 13, 1988 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
4401 Aditi |
October 14, 1985
4435 Holt |
January 13, 1983
4448 Phildavis |
March 5, 1986
4450 Pan |
September 25, 1987 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
4451 Grieve |
May 9, 1988
4487 Pocahontas |
October 17, 1987
4503 Cleobulus |
November 28, 1989
4531 Asaro |
March 20, 1985
4533 Orth |
March 7, 1986
4543 Phoinix |
February 2, 1989
4569 Baerbel |
April 15, 1985
4582 Hank |
March 31, 1989
4624 Stefani |
March 23, 1982
4666 Dietz |
May 4, 1986
4673 Bortle |
June 8, 1988
4707 Khryses |
August 13, 1988
4708 Polydoros |
September 11, 1988
4709 Ennomos |
October 12, 1988
4736 Johnwood |
January 13, 1983
4765 Wasserburg |
May 5, 1986
4783 Wasson |
January 12, 1983
4791 Iphidamas |
August 14, 1988
4792 Lykaon |
September 10, 1988
4805 Asteropaios |
November 13, 1990
4820 Fay |
September 15, 1985
4826 Wilhelms |
May 11, 1988
4827 Dares |
August 17, 1988
4828 Misenus |
September 11, 1988
4829 Sergestus |
September 10, 1988
4832 Palinurus |
October 12, 1988
4833 Meges |
January 8, 1989
4834 Thoas |
January 11, 1989
4836 Medon |
February 2, 1989
4856 Seaborg |
June 11, 1983
4857 Altgamia |
March 29, 1984
4867 Polites |
September 27, 1989
4885 Grange |
June 10, 1980
4888 Doreen |
May 5, 1981
4898 Nishiizumi |
March 19, 1988
4899 Candace |
May 9, 1988 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
4902 Thessandrus |
January 9, 1989
4946 Askalaphus |
January 21, 1988 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
4947 Ninkasi |
October 12, 1988
5023 Agapenor |
October 11, 1985 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
5027 Androgeos |
January 21, 1988
5028 Halaesus |
January 23, 1988
5029 Ireland |
January 24, 1988 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
5052 Nancyruth |
October 23, 1984 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
5120 Bitias |
October 13, 1988
5126 Achaemenides |
February 1, 1989
5130 Ilioneus |
September 30, 1989
5143 Heracles |
November 7, 1991
5144 Achates |
December 2, 1991
5161 Wightman |
October 9, 1980
5167 Joeharms |
April 11, 1985 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
5168 Jenner |
March 6, 1986 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
5175 Ables |
November 4, 1988 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
5211 Stevenson |
July 8, 1989 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
5231 Verne |
May 9, 1988
5259 Epeigeus |
January 30, 1989 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
5264 Telephus |
May 17, 1991 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
5283 Pyrrhus |
January 31, 1989
5284 Orsilocus |
February 1, 1989 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
5285 Krethon |
March 9, 1989 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
5317 Verolacqua |
February 11, 1983
5325 Silver |
May 12, 1988
5381 Sekhmet |
May 14, 1991
5392 Parker |
January 12, 1986
5426 Sharp |
February 16, 1985
5430 Luu |
May 12, 1988 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
5436 Eumelos |
February 20, 1990 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
5457 Queen's |
October 9, 1980
5511 Cloanthus |
October 8, 1988 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
5547 Acadiau |
June 11, 1980
5551 Glikson |
January 24, 1982 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
5579 Uhlherr |
May 11, 1988 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
5632 Ingelehmann |
April 15, 1993 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
5637 Gyas |
September 10, 1988 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
5638 Deikoon |
October 10, 1988 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
5652 Amphimachus |
April 24, 1992 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
5670 Rosstaylor |
November 7, 1985 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
5720 Halweaver |
March 29, 1984 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
5725 Nördlingen |
January 23, 1988 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
5726 Rubin |
January 24, 1988 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
5731 Zeus |
November 4, 1988 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
5765 Izett |
April 4, 1986 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
5799 Brewington |
October 9, 1980
5852 Nanette |
April 19, 1991 |
with D. H. Levy
5863 Tara |
September 7, 1983 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
5869 Tanith |
November 4, 1988
5899 Jedicke |
January 9, 1986 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
5947 Bonnie |
March 21, 1985 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
5953 Shelton |
April 25, 1987 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
5957 Irina |
May 11, 1988 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
5967 Edithlevy |
February 9, 1991
5999 Plescia |
April 23, 1987 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
6063 Jason |
May 27, 1984 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
6078 Burt |
October 10, 1980
6084 Bascom |
February 12, 1985 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
6087 Lupo |
March 19, 1988 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
6179 Brett |
March 3, 1986 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
6183 Viscome |
September 26, 1987
6204 MacKenzie |
May 6, 1981
6239 Minos |
August 31, 1989 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
6282 Edwelda |
October 9, 1980
6372 Walker |
May 13, 1985 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
6376 Schamp |
May 29, 1987 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
6398 Timhunter |
February 10, 1991 |
with E. M. Shoemaker, D. H. Levy
6401 Roentgen |
April 15, 1991 |
with E. M. Shoemaker, D. H. Levy
6436 Coco |
May 13, 1985 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
6478 Gault |
May 12, 1988 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
6485 Wendeesther |
October 25, 1990 |
with E. M. Shoemaker, D. H. Levy
6510 Tarry |
February 23, 1987 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
6543 Senna |
October 11, 1985 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
6585 O'Keefe |
September 26, 1984 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
6635 Zuber |
September 26, 1987 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
6670 Wallach |
June 4, 1994 |
with D. H. Levy
6740 Goff |
April 14, 1993 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
6898 Saint-Marys |
June 8, 1988
6901 Roybishop |
August 2, 1989 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
6909 Levison |
January 19, 1991 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
6914 Becquerel |
April 3, 1992 |
with D. H. Levy, H. E. Holt
7051 Sean |
May 13, 1985 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
7086 Bopp |
October 5, 1991 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
7088 Ishtar |
January 1, 1992 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
7092 Cadmus |
June 4, 1992 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
7112 Ghislaine |
April 3, 1986 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
7119 Hiera |
January 11, 1989 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
7167 Laupheim |
October 12, 1985 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
7173 Sepkoski |
August 15, 1988 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
7344 Summerfield |
June 4, 1992 |
with D. H. Levy
7480 Norwan |
August 1, 1994 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
7549 Woodard |
October 9, 1980 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
7560 Spudis |
January 10, 1986 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
7749 Jackschmitt |
May 12, 1988 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
7750 McEwen |
August 18, 1988 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
7756 Scientia |
March 27, 1990 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
7778 Markrobinson |
April 17, 1993 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
7958 Leakey |
June 5, 1994 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
8021 Walter |
October 22, 1990 |
with D. H. Levy
8034 Akka |
June 3, 1992 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
8149 Ruff |
May 11, 1985 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
8326 Paulkling |
May 6, 1981 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
8327 Weihenmayer |
May 6, 1981 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
8331 Dawkins |
May 27, 1982 |
with S. J. Bus
8347 Lallaward |
April 21, 1987 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
8356 Wadhwa |
September 3, 1989 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
8358 Rickblakley |
November 4, 1989 |
with D. H. Levy
8373 Stephengould |
January 1, 1992 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
8709 Kadlu |
May 14, 1994 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
8804 Eliason |
May 5, 1981 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
8817 Roytraver |
May 13, 1985 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
9016 Henrymoore |
January 10, 1986 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
9022 Drake |
August 14, 1988 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
9023 Mnesthus |
September 10, 1988 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
9070 Ensab |
July 23, 1993 |
with D. H. Levy
9082 Leonardmartin |
November 4, 1994 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
9083 Ramboehm |
November 28, 1994 |
with D. H. Levy
9165 Raup |
September 27, 1987 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
9172 Abhramu |
July 29, 1989 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
9277 Togashi |
October 9, 1980 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
9299 Vinceteri |
May 13, 1985 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
9564 Jeffwynn |
September 26, 1987 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
9739 Powell |
September 26, 1987
9744 Nielsen |
May 9, 1988 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
9768 Stephenmaran |
April 5, 1992 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
10028 Bonus |
May 5, 1981
10041 Parkinson |
April 24, 1985 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
10044 Squyres |
September 15, 1985 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
10060 Amymilne |
April 12, 1988 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
10108 Tomlinson |
April 26, 1992 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
10283 Cromer |
May 5, 1981
10295 Hippolyta |
April 12, 1988 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
10332 Défi |
May 13, 1991 |
with D. H. Levy
10346 Triathlon |
April 2, 1992 |
with D. H. Levy
10487 Danpeterson |
April 14, 1985 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
10563 Izhdubar |
November 19, 1993 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
10683 Carter |
June 10, 1980 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
10739 Lowman |
May 12, 1988 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
11006 Gilson |
October 9, 1980 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
11066 Sigurd |
February 9, 1992 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
11277 Ballard |
October 8, 1988 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
11311 Peleus |
December 10, 1993 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
11548 Jerrylewis |
November 25, 1992 |
with D. H. Levy
11569 Virgilsmith |
May 27, 1993 |
with D. H. Levy
11836 Eileen |
February 5, 1986 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
11911 Angel |
June 4, 1992 |
with D. H. Levy
11941 Archinal |
May 23, 1993 |
with D. H. Levy
12227 Penney |
October 11, 1985 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
12237 Coughlin |
April 23, 1987 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
12242 Koon |
August 18, 1988 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
12675 Chabot |
October 9, 1980 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
12680 Bogdanovich |
May 6, 1981
12714 Alkimos |
April 15, 1991 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
12753 Povenmire |
April 18, 1993 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
13057 Jorgensen |
November 13, 1990 |
with D. H. Levy
13062 Podarkes |
April 19, 1991 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
13111 Papacosmas |
July 23, 1993 |
with D. H. Levy
13123 Tyson |
May 16, 1994 |
with D. H. Levy
13615 Manulis |
November 28, 1994 |
with D. H. Levy
13914 Galegant |
June 11, 1980
13915 Yalow |
May 27, 1982 |
with S. J. Bus
13937 Roberthargraves |
August 2, 1989 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
14429 Coyne |
December 3, 1991 |
with D. H. Levy
14827 Hypnos |
May 5, 1986 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
14835 Holdridge |
November 26, 1987 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
15228 Ronmiller |
February 23, 1987 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
15276 Diebel |
April 14, 1991 |
with D. H. Levy
15294 Underwood |
November 7, 1991 |
with D. H. Levy
15304 Wikberg |
October 21, 1992 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
15318 Innsbruck |
May 24, 1993
15321 Donnadean |
August 13, 1993 |
with D. H. Levy
15779 Scottroberts |
July 26, 1993 |
with D. H. Levy
16452 Goldfinger |
September 28, 1989 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
16514 Stevelia |
November 11, 1990 |
with D. H. Levy
16641 Esteban |
August 16, 1993 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
16666 Liroma |
December 7, 1993
16669 Rionuevo |
December 8, 1993 |
with D. H. Levy
17399 Andysanto |
September 6, 1983 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
17408 McAdams |
October 19, 1987 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
17493 Wildcat |
December 31, 1991 |
with D. H. Levy
18368 Flandrau |
April 15, 1991 |
with D. H. Levy
18434 Mikesandras |
March 12, 1994 |
with D. H. Levy
19140 Jansmit |
September 2, 1989 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
19173 Virginiaterése |
April 15, 1991 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
19243 Bunting |
February 10, 1994 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
19980 Barrysimon |
November 22, 1989 |
with D. H. Levy
20007 Marybrown |
June 7, 1991 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
20037 Duke |
October 20, 1992 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
20084 Buckmaster |
April 6, 1994 |
with D. H. Levy
21062 Iasky |
May 13, 1991 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
21148 Billramsey |
April 16, 1993 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
21149 Kenmitchell |
April 19, 1993 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
22294 Simmons |
September 28, 1989 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
22312 Kelly |
April 14, 1991 |
with D. H. Levy
22338 Janemojo |
June 3, 1992 |
with D. H. Levy
23452 Drew |
August 18, 1988 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
24626 Astrowizard |
October 9, 1980 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
24643 MacCready |
September 28, 1984 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
24654 Fossett |
May 29, 1987 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
24761 Ahau |
January 28, 1993 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
24778 Nemsu |
May 24, 1993 |
with D. H. Levy
24779 Presque Isle |
July 23, 1993 |
with D. H. Levy
26879 Haines |
July 9, 1994 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
27706 Strogen |
October 11, 1985 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
27711 Kirschvink |
November 4, 1988 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
27776 Cortland |
February 25, 1992 |
with D. H. Levy
27810 Daveturner |
July 23, 1993 |
with D. H. Levy
29133 Vargas |
May 29, 1987 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
29137 Alanboss |
October 18, 1987 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
29146 McHone |
March 17, 1988
29292 Conniewalker |
May 24, 1993 |
with D. H. Levy
30767 Chriskraft |
November 6, 1983
30779 Sankt-Stephan |
October 17, 1987
30785 Greeley |
August 13, 1988 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
30786 Karkoschka |
August 18, 1988
30840 Jackalice |
April 15, 1991
(30844) 1991 KE |
May 17, 1991
30934 Bakerhansen |
November 16, 1993
30935 Davasobel |
January 8, 1994
32776 Nriag |
May 29, 1987
32890 Schwob |
January 8, 1994
32897 Curtharris |
August 1, 1994
35056 Cullers |
September 28, 1984 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
37588 Lynnecox |
April 15, 1991
37601 Vicjen |
April 3, 1992
(37609) 1992 WS4 |
November 25, 1992
37655 Illapa |
August 1, 1994 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
(43763) 1987 KF1 |
May 30, 1987
(43793) 1990 VK7 |
November 13, 1990
(48416) 1988 BM2 |
January 24, 1988
(48576) 1994 NN2 |
July 11, 1994
(52266) 1986 AD |
January 10, 1986
(52384) 1993 HZ5 |
April 19, 1993
(55758) 1991 XR |
December 3, 1991
(65672) 1988 QD |
August 16, 1988
(65688) 1990 VD8 |
November 13, 1990
(73670) 1982 QP |
August 19, 1982 |
with E. M. Shoemaker
(79117) 1988 QC1 |
August 16, 1988
(85158) 1987 UT1 |
October 17, 1987
(85165) 1988 TV2 |
October 7, 1988
(85194) 1991 TL2 |
October 5, 1991
(85306) 1994 VL8 |
November 7, 1994
(90777) 1993 XJ3 |
December 10, 1993
(99907) 1989 VA |
November 2, 1989
(100008) 1988 QZ |
August 16, 1988
(100015) 1989 SR7 |
September 28, 1989
(100016) 1989 SD8 |
September 28, 1989
(100045) 1991 TK1 |
October 5, 1991
(100052) 1991 VP5 |
November 7, 1991
(100085) 1992 UY4 |
October 25, 1992
(129451) 1991 KD |
May 18, 1991
1880年代 | |
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1980年代 | |
1990年代 | |
2000年代 | |
2010年代 | |
2020年代 | |