棲息於聖克魯斯島 上的加拉巴哥象龜。
动物界 Animalia
脊索动物门 Chordata
爬行綱 Reptilia
龜鱉目 Testudines
曲颈龟亚目 Cryptodira
陸龜科 Testudinidae
南美象龜屬 Chelonoidis
加拉帕戈斯象龜 C. nigra
Chelonoidis nigra
† 平塔岛象龟 C. n. abingdoni (Günther , 1877)[ 2]
C. n. becki (Rothschild , 1901)
C. n. chathamensis (Van Denburgh , 1907)[ 3]
C. n. darwini (Van Denburgh, 1907)[ 3]
C. n. duncanensis (Garman , 1917)[ 4]
C. n. hoodensis (Van Denburgh, 1907)[ 3]
† C. n. nigra (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824b)[ 1]
† C. n. phantastica (Van Denburgh, 1907)[ 3]
C. n. porteri (Rothschild, 1903)[ 5]
C. n. vicina (Günther, 1875)[ 6]
異名 [ 15]
Testudo californiana Quoy & Gaimard , 1824a (nomen oblitum )
Testudo nigra Quoy & Gaimard , 1824b[ 1] (nomen novum )
Testudo elephantopus Harlan , 1827 (nomen dubium )
Testudo nigrita Duméril and Bibron , 1834 (nomen dubium )
Testudo planiceps Gray , 1853[ 8] (nomen dubium )
Testudo clivosa Garman , 1917[ 4] (nomen dubium )
Testudo typica Garman , 1917[ 4] (nomen dubium )
Testudo (Chelonoidis) elephantopus Williams, 1952[ 9]
Geochelone (Chelonoidis) elephantopus Pritchard , 1967[ 10]
Chelonoidis elephantopus Bour, 1980[ 11]
C. n. nigra (指名亞種 )
C. n. abingdoni
Testudo ephippium Günther , 1875[ 6] (partim, misidentified type specimen once erroneously attributed to what is now C. n. duncanensis )
Testudo abingdoni Günther , 1877[ 2]
C. n. becki
C. n. chathamensis
C. n. darwini
C. n. duncanensis
C. n. hoodensis
C. n. phantastica
C. n. porteri
C. n. vicina
Chelonoidis nigra nigra
Testudo nigra Quoy & Gaimard, 1824
Testudo californiana Quoy & Gaimard, 1824
Testudo galapagoensis Baur, 1889
Testudo elephantopus galapagoensis Mertens & Wermuth, 1955
Geochelone elephantopus galapagoensis Pritchard, 1967
Chelonoidis galapagoensis Bour, 1980
Chelonoidis nigra Bour, 1985
Chelonoidis elephantopus galapagoensis Obst, 1985
Geochelone nigra Pritchard, 1986
Geochelone nigra nigra Stubbs, 1989
Chelonoidis nigra galapagoensis David, 1994
Chelonoidis nigra nigra David, 1994
Geochelone elephantopus nigra Bonin, Devaux & Dupré, 1996
Testudo california Paull, 1998 (ex errore )
Testudo californianana Paull, 1999 (ex errore)
Chelonoidis nigra abingdonii
Testudo ephippium Günther, 1875
Testudo abingdonii Günther, 1877
Testudo abingdoni Van Denburgh, 1914 (ex errore)
Testudo elephantopus abingdonii Mertens & Wermuth, 1955
Testudo elephantopus ephippium Mertens & Wermuth, 1955
Geochelone abingdonii Pritchard, 1967
Geochelone elephantopus abingdoni Pritchard, 1967
Geochelone elephantopus ephippium Pritchard, 1967
Geochelone ephippium Pritchard, 1967
Chelonoidis abingdonii Bour, 1980
Chelonoidis ephippium Bour, 1980
Geochelone elephantopus abingdonii Groombridge, 1982
Geochelone abingdoni Fritts, 1983
Geochelone epphipium Fritts, 1983 (ex errore)
Chelonoidis nigra ephippium Pritchard, 1984
Chelonoidis elephantopus abingdoni Obst, 1985
Chelonoidis elephantopus ephippium Obst, 1985
Geochelone nigra abingdoni Stubbs, 1989
Chelonoidis nigra abingdonii David, 1994
Chelonoidis elephantopus abingdonii Rogner, 1996
Chelonoidis nigra abingdoni Bonin, Devaux & Dupré, 1996
Chelonoidis nigra abdingdonii Obst, 1996 (ex errore)
Geochelone abdingdonii Obst, 1996
Geochelone nigra abdingdoni Obst, 1996 (ex errore)
Geochelone nigra ephyppium Caccone, Gibbs, Ketmaier, Suatoni & Powell, 1999 (ex errore)
Chelonoidis nigra ahingdonii Artner, 2003 (ex errore)
Chelonoidis abingdoni Joseph-Ouni, 2004
Chelonoidis nigra becki
Testudo becki Rothschild, 1901
Testudo bedsi Heller, 1903 (ex errore)
Geochelone becki Pritchard, 1967
Geochelone elephantopus becki Pritchard, 1967
Chelonoidis becki Bour, 1980
Chelonoidis elephantopus becki Obst, 1985
Chelonoidis nigra beckii David, 1994 (ex errore)
Chelonoidis elephantopus beckii Rogner, 1996
Chelonoidis nigra becki Obst, 1996
Chelonoidis nigra chathamensis
Testudo wallacei Rothschild, 1902
Testudo chathamensis Van Denburgh, 1907
Testudo elephantopus chathamensis Mertens & Wermuth, 1955
Testudo elephantopus wallacei Mertens & Wermuth, 1955
Testudo chatamensis Slevin & Leviton, 1956 (ex errore)
Geochelone chathamensis Pritchard, 1967
Geochelone elephantopus chathamensis Pritchard, 1967
Geochelone elephantopus wallacei Pritchard, 1967
Geochelone wallacei Pritchard, 1967
Chelonoidis chathamensis Bour, 1980
Chelonoidis elephantopus chathamensis Obst, 1985
Chelonoidis elephantopus wallacei Obst, 1985
Chelonoidis elephantopus chatamensis Gosławski & Hryniewicz, 1993
Chelonoidis nigra chathamensis David, 1994
Chelonoidis nigra wallacei Bonin, Devaux & Dupré, 1996
Geochelone cathamensis Obst, 1996 (ex errore)
Geochelone elephantopus chatamensis Paull, 1996
Testudo chathamensis chathamensis Pritchard, 1998
Cherlonoidis nigra wallacei Wilms, 1999
Geochelone nigra chatamensis Caccone, Gibbs, Ketmaier, Suatoni & Powell, 1999
Geochelone nigra wallacei Chambers, 2004
Chelonoidis nigra darwini
Testudo wallacei Rothschild, 1902
Testudo darwini Van Denburgh, 1907
Testudo elephantopus darwini Mertens & Wermuth, 1955
Testudo elephantopus wallacei Mertens & Wermuth, 1955
Geochelone darwini Pritchard, 1967
Geochelone elephantopus darwini Pritchard, 1967
Geochelone elephantopus wallacei Pritchard, 1967
Geochelone wallacei Pritchard, 1967
Chelonoidis darwini Bour, 1980
Chelonoidis elephantopus darwini Obst, 1985
Chelonoidis elephantopus wallacei Obst, 1985
Chelonoidis nigra darwinii David, 1994 (ex errore)
Chelonoidis elephantopus darwinii Rogner, 1996
Chelonoidis nigra darwini Bonin, Devaux & Dupré, 1996
Chelonoidis nigra wallacei Bonin, Devaux & Dupré, 1996
Cherlonoidis nigra wallacei Wilms, 1999
Geochelone nigra darwinii Ferri, 2002
Geochelone nigra wallacei Chambers, 2004
Chelonoidis nigra duncanensis
Testudo duncanensis Garman, 1917 (nomen nudum )
Geochelone nigra duncanensis Stubbs, 1989
Geochelone nigra duncanensis Garman, 1996
Chelonoidis nigra duncanensis Artner, 2003
Chelonoidis duncanensis Joseph-Ouni, 2004
Chelonoidis nigra hoodensis
Testudo hoodensis Van Denburgh, 1907
Testudo elephantopus hoodensis Mertens & Wermuth, 1955
Geochelone elephantopus hoodensis Pritchard, 1967
Geochelone hoodensis Pritchard, 1967
Chelonoidis hoodensis Bour, 1980
Chelonoidis elephantopus hoodensis Obst, 1985
Chelonoidis nigra hoodensis David, 1994
Chelonoidis nigra phantastica
Testudo phantasticus Van Denburgh, 1907
Testudo phantastica Siebenrock, 1909
Testudo elephantopus phantastica Mertens & Wermuth, 1955
Geochelone elephantopus phantastica Pritchard, 1967
Geochelone phantastica Pritchard, 1967
Chelonoidis phantastica Bour, 1980
Geochelone phantasticus Crumly, 1984
Chelonoidis elephantopus phantastica Obst, 1985
Chelonoidis nigra phantastica David, 1994
Chelonoidis nigra porteri
Testudo nigrita Duméril & Bibron, 1835
Testudo porteri Rothschild, 1903
Testudo elephantopus nigrita Mertens & Wermuth, 1955
Geochelone elephantopus porteri Pritchard, 1967
Geochelone nigrita Pritchard, 1967
Chelonoidis nigrita Bour, 1980
Geochelone elephantopus nigrita Honegger, 1980
Geochelone porteri Fritts, 1983
Chelonoidis elephantopus nigrita Obst, 1985
Geochelone nigra porteri Stubbs, 1989
Chelonoidis elephantopus porteri Gosławski & Hryniewicz, 1993
Chelonoidis nigra nigrita David, 1994
Geochelone nigra perteri Müller & Schmidt, 1995 (ex errore)
Chelonoidis nigra porteri Bonin, Devaux & Dupré, 1996
Chelonoidis nigra vicina
Testudo elephantopus Harlan, 1827
Testudo microphyes Günther, 1875
Testudo vicina Günther, 1875
Testudo macrophyes Garman, 1917
Testudo vandenburghi de Sola, 1930
Testudo elephantopus elephantopus Mertens & Wermuth, 1955
Geochelone elephantopus Williams, 1960
Geochelone elephantopus elephantopus Pritchard, 1967
Geochelone elephantopus guentheri Pritchard, 1967
Geochelone elephantopus guntheri Pritchard, 1967 (ex errore)
Geochelone elephantopus microphyes Pritchard, 1967
Geochelone elephantopus vandenburgi Pritchard, 1967 (ex errore)
Geochelone guntheri Pritchard, 1967
Geochelone microphyes Pritchard, 1967
Geochelone vandenburghi Pritchard, 1967
Geochelone vicina Pritchard, 1967
Geochelone elephantopus microphys Arnold, 1979 (ex errore)
Geochelone elephantopus vandenburghi Pritchard, 1979
Chelonoides elephantopus Obst, 1980
Chelonoidis elephantopus Bour, 1980
Chelonoidis guentheri Bour, 1980
Chelonoidis microphyes Bour, 1980
Chelonoidis vandenburghi Bour, 1980
Geochelone guentheri Fritts, 1983
Chelonoidis elephantopus elephantopus Obst, 1985
Chelonoidis elephantopus guentheri Obst, 1985
Chelonoidis elephantopus microphyes Obst, 1985
Chelonoidis elephantopus vandenburghi Obst, 1985
Geochelone elephantopus vicina Swingland, 1989
Geochelone elephantopus vicini Swingland, 1989 (ex errore)
Chelonoidis elephantopus guntheri Gosławski & Hryniewicz, 1993
Chelonoidis nigra guentheri David, 1994
Chelonoidis nigra microphyes David, 1994
Chelonoidis nigra vandenburghi David, 1994
Geochelone nigra elephantopus Müller & Schmidt, 1995
Chelonoidis elephantopus vicina Rogner, 1996
Geochelone elephantopus vandenburghii Obst, 1996 (ex errore)
Geochelone vandenburghii Obst, 1996
Chelonoidis nigra microphyies Bonin, Devaux & Dupré, 1996 (ex errore)
Geochelone elephantopus microphytes Paull, 1996 (ex errore)
Geochelone elephantopus vandenbergi Paull, 1996 (ex errore)
Testudo elephantopus guntheri Paull, 1999
Chelonoidis nigra vicina Artner, 2003
Chelonoidis vicina Joseph-Ouni, 2004
Geochelone nigra guentheri Chambers, 2004
加拉巴哥象龜 (學名:Chelonoidis nigra )是現存體型最大的陸龜 之一。為厄瓜多 加拉巴哥群島 特有。成年象龜身長1.5 米(4.9呎),平均体重达到175公斤,最高纪录为400公斤(880磅),在爬虫类中列第13位 。野外寿命超过100年。2006年6月23日在澳洲動物園因心臟衰竭病逝的大象龜哈麗 ,估計享年約175歲,病逝前為世上最長壽的存活動物。
由於加拉帕戈斯群島中不同島上的生態環境有明顯的差異,故不同亞種 的象龜形態都不同。在濕潤的高地島,象龟更大,有半球形的壳和短脖子,在干燥的低地岛,象龟更小,有马鞍形的壳和长脖子。这啟發出達爾文 對“演化論”的思考。
近年這些群島上各品種之間的關係存在爭議,故現時將加拉帕戈斯象龜歸類為一個物種綜合(species complex),而非單一物種。
16世纪加拉巴哥象龜的數量大約有25萬隻,1970年代只剩下3000只,主要原因是人的捕猎以获取肉和油,栖息地被农业生产占用和物种入侵 ,如羊和猪。原有的15个亚种还剩十个亚种在野外生存,第十一个亚种只剩一只名为「孤独乔治 」的雄龟,于2012年6月死亡。20世纪初开始的动物保护活动使象龟现有的数量回复到1.9万只。在国际自然保护联盟 名录中属于易危 物种。
各亞種分佈:灰色表示尚有原生象龜的島嶼,但分佈極西的費爾南迪納島 象龜於2019年重新被發現
加拉帕戈斯象龜只分佈於南美洲 加拉帕戈斯群島 的9個小島上。為適應各島上不同的環境以及食物來源,象龜在數百萬年間分化成15个亚种,现在仅約10种还有野外存活的个体,最近絕種的品种平塔岛象龟 (C. n. abingdoni )曾長期只剩一只名为「孤独乔治 」的雄龟。加拉巴戈斯國家公園(Galapagos National ParkService)於2012年6月24日發出聲明,「孤獨喬治」已經死亡。在6月24號當日,長久以來一直照顧「孤獨喬治」的勒裏納(Fausto Llerena)發現牠的屍體癱在地上,面朝聖克魯斯島(Santa Cruz Island)上「牠水坑的所在方向」。[ 16]
加拉帕戈斯象龜是草食動物 ,食物包括仙人掌、草、樹葉、苔蘚和漿果等。一隻烏龜平均每天吃32-36公斤(70-80磅)的食物,但因消化系統的效率較低,因此攝取的營養也較少。
在達爾文 初到加拉帕戈斯群島時,加拉帕戈斯象龜的數量大約有25萬隻,現在卻只剩下1萬9千隻。數量劇降的最主要原因是18至19世紀的捕鯨者 及海盜 經常捕捉象龜作為在船上的糧食。
加拉帕戈斯群島現已受到厄瓜多政府保護,列為國家公園,也是世界自然遺產 。
^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Quoy, J.R.C.; Gaimard, J.P. Sous-genre tortue de terre – testudo . brongn. tortue noire – testudo nigra . N.. de Freycinet, M.L. (编). Voyage autour du Monde ... exécuté sur les corvettes de L. M. "L'Uranie" et "La Physicienne," pendant les années 1817, 1818, 1819 et 1820. Paris. 1824b: 174–175 (法语) .
^ 2.0 2.1 Günther 1877 ,第85頁 harvnb模板錯誤: 無指向目標: CITEREFGünther1877 (幫助 )
^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Van Denburgh, John . Preliminary descriptions of four new races of gigantic land tortoises from the Galapagos Islands . Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, Series 4. 1907, 1 : 1–6 [2012-01-12 ] . (原始内容存档 于2012-05-23).
^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Garman, Samuel . The Galapagos tortoises. Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College. 1917, 30 (4): 261–296.
^ 5.0 5.1 Rothschild, Walter . Description of a new species of gigantic land tortoise from Indefatigable Island . Novitates Zoologicae. 1903, 10 : 119 [2012-01-11 ] . (原始内容存档 于2012-10-01).
^ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Günther, Albert . Description of the living and extinct races of gigantic land-tortoises. parts I. and II. introduction, and the tortoises of the Galapagos Islands. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Biological Sciences. 1875, 165 : 251–284. Bibcode:1875RSPT..165..251G . JSTOR 109147 . doi:10.1098/rstl.1875.0007 .
^ 7.0 7.1 Pritchard 1996 ,第49頁 harvnb模板錯誤: 無指向目標: CITEREFPritchard1996 (幫助 )
^ Gray, John Edward . Description of a new species of tortoise (Testudo planiceps ), from the Galapagos Islands . Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 1853, 21 (1): 12–13 [2012-01-11 ] . doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.1853.tb07165.x . (原始内容存档 于2012-05-23).
^ Williams, Ernest E.; Anthony, Harold Elmer; Goodwin, George Gilbert. A new fossil tortoise from Mona Island West Indies and a tentative arrangement of the tortoises of the world. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 1952, 99 (9): 541–560. .
^ Pritchard, Peter Charles Howard . Living turtles of the world. New Jersey: TFH Publications. 1967: 156.
^ Bour, R. Essai sur la taxinomie des Testudinidae actuels (Reptilia, Chelonii). Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (Paris). 1980, 4 (2): 546 (法语) .
^ 引用错误:没有为名为R2010
^ 13.0 13.1 Baur, G. The Gigantic Land Tortoises of the Galapagos Islands (PDF) . The American Naturalist. 1889, 23 (276): 1039–1057 [2012-01-11 ] . doi:10.1086/275045 . (原始内容 (PDF) 存档于2018-05-01).
^ DeSola, Ralph. The liebespiel of Testudo vandenburghi , a new name for the mid-Albemarle Island Galápagos tortoise. Copeia. 1930, 1930 (3): 79–80. JSTOR 1437060 . doi:10.2307/1437060 .
^ 15.0 15.1 Fritz Uwe; Peter Havaš. Checklist of Chelonians of the World (PDF) . Vertebrate Zoology. 2007, 57 (2): 271–276 [29 May 2012] . ISSN 18640-5755. (原始内容 (PDF) 存档于2010年12月17日).
^ The World Loses Lonesome George . 2012-06-24 [24 June 2012] . (原始内容 存档于2012-06-28).
^ Chelonoidis nigra . The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 1996 . [April 1, 2010] .
^ Pritchard, Encyclopedia of turtles, Neptune, New Jersey: T. F. H. Publ., Inc., 1979
^ DNA search gives hope to tortoise (页面存档备份 ,存于互联网档案馆 )[與來源不符 ] . BBC News. (Accessed 2012-01-14.)
加拉巴哥象龜綜合 C. nigra complex [ 1]
维基共享资源 上的相關多媒體資源:Chelonoidis nigra
^ Rhodin, A.G.J.; van Dijk, P.P. Turtles of the world, 2010 update: Annotated checklist of taxonomy, synonymy, distribution and conservation status. Iverson, J.B.; Shaffer, H.B (编). Turtle taxonomy working group. Chelonian Research Foundation. 2010: 33–34. doi:10.3854/crm.5.000.checklist.v3.2010 .