刘友福(越南語:Lưu Hữu Phước;1921年9月12日—1989年6月8日),又譯作劉有福,是一名越南作曲家、政治人物。早年學醫,後改行編寫越南愛國歌曲[1][2][3]。他是越南共和國國歌《青年行曲》的作者[4],不過他生前一直反對西貢政權未經授權使用這首歌曲作為國歌。後來成為共產主義者,1961年寫下了越南南方共和國國歌《解放南方》,1966年寫下了《向西貢進軍》;其创作的不少歌曲仍然在现代的越南被传唱。[5]
- ^ Lưu Hữu Phước, cuộc đời và sự nghiệp âm nhạc Thanh Nam Phan, Hữu Chí Lưu, Như Ý Nguyễn - 2005 - 895 pages Biographical sketches and works of Lưu Hữu Phước, 1921-1989; Vietnamese composer.
- ^ Đình Hoà Nguyêñ From the city inside the Red River: a cultural memoir 1999 - Page 100 "This "renovated music" overflowing with sentimentalism and nostalgic reminiscences soon evolved into vigorous and lively works that expressed less and less romance and languor. Lưu Hữu Phước, Mai Văn Bộ and Nguyễn-Thành Nguyên, the three medical students... Lưu Hữu Phước who wrote the lively music, was a prominent cultural figure ."
- ^ Robert Trando Letters of a Vietnamese Émigre 2010 Page 32 "In a corner, the piano-violin duo of Nguyễn-Trọng Thường and Đỗ-Thế Phiệt gave a rich recital of Bach, Schubert, and Strauss. The Cochin-Chinese musicians, Lưu-Hữu Phước, Mai-Văn Bộ, and Nguyễn-Thành Nguyên, composed patriotic .."
- ^ David G. Marr Vietnamese Tradition on Trial, 1920-1945 1984- Page 188 "A new form that gained popular acceptance in this period was the marching song, often on patriotic historical themes. 158 One song, "A Call to Youth (Tieng Goi Thanh Men), by Luu Huu Phuoc, swept the country in 1945 and served as a ..."
- ^ 越南之声. 一组陪伴多代越南人成长的豪迈壮歌. 2022-04-26 [2023-05-27]. (原始内容存档于2023-05-28).