如前所述,亨利八世之前,凯瑟琳与迪勒姆即有实质婚姻关系,一直持续到她与亨利结婚之后,直到1541年迪勒姆去世才告结束。1540年7月9日,亨利宣布与安妮的婚姻无效,据传此时凯瑟琳已经怀有亨利的孩子。他们在7月28日迅速结婚,可能是出于亨利对于合法继承人的急迫渴望。当时亨利已经年近五旬,腰围渐宽,他用财富、珠宝和各种奢华的礼物包围了凯瑟琳。与法国的战争和宗教改革给亨利带来诸多烦恼,他寄希望于新妇给他重新带来平静和快乐。而凯瑟琳的训辞「君愿即我愿」(Non autre volonte que la sienne)也显示了她作为王后冀求取悦国王的心愿。
^ 凯瑟琳曾经说:"At the flattering and fair persuasions of Mannox being but a young girl I suffered him at sundry times to handle and touch the secret parts of my body which neither became me with honesty to permit nor him to require.";"And I do also admit that I enjoyed his relationship with me, though I shall never regret loving him, I do now love Henry."
^依據網站「History Extra (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)」所記載: "Catherine’s testimony proves that she refused to surrender her virginity to the musician, although she did permit him to fondle her secretly, perhaps after being coerced at the age of 13 or so."
^Smith, Lacey Baldwin (1961). A Tudor tragedy: The life and times of Catherine Howard. New York: Pantheon.
^Starkey, David (2004). Six Wives: The Queens of Henry VIII. New York: Harper Collins. ISBN 0060005505.
^Lindsey, Karen (1995). Divorced, Beheaded, Survived: Feminist Reinterpretation of the Wives of Henry VIII. Cambridge: Da Capo Press. ISBN 0-201-40823-6.
《离婚砍头活:女权主义者重新解读亨利八世的妻子们》(Divorced, Beheaded, Survived: Feminist Reinterpretation of the Wives of Henry VIII),凯伦·林赛(Karen Lindsey),1999年,ISBN 0-201-40823-6
《六位妻子:亨利八世的王后们》(Six Wives : The Queens of Henry VIII),大卫·斯塔克(David Starkey),2004年再版,ISBN 0-06-000550-5
《亨利八世的六位妻子》(The Six Wives of Henry VIII)阿丽森·威尔(Alison Weir),1993年,ISBN 0-8021-3683-4
《都铎的悲剧:凯瑟琳·霍华德的生平和时代》(A Tudor tragedy: The life and times of Catherine Howard),雷西·鲍德温·史密斯(Lacey Baldwin Smith),1961年
《凯瑟琳·霍华德:都铎宫廷阴谋》( Katherine Howard: A Tudor Conspiracy),乔安娜·丹尼(Joanna Denny),2005年
《王后的性生活》(Sex with the Queen),埃利诺·赫曼(Eleanor Herman),2006年,ISBN 0-06-084673-9