^Mukti, Mohd Fakhrudin Abdul. "The Background of Malay Kalam With Special Reference to the Issue of the Sifat of Allah." Jurnal Akidah & Pemikiran Islam 3.1 (2002): 1-32.
^Aymes, Marc. "Kemal H. Karpat, ed., with Robert W. Zens, Ottoman Borderlands: Issues, Personalities, and Political Changes (Madison, Wisc.: University of Wisconsin Press, 2003). Pp. 347. $37.50 paper." International Journal of Middle East Studies 40.3 (2008): 493-495.
^De Lacy O'leary, Arabic Thought and Its Place in History, p. 249. Courier Dover Publications, 1939. ISBN9780486149554
^, A. Ö. (2017) . "The Sectarian Identity of Ibn Tumart." CUMHURIYET ILAHIYAT DERGISI-CUMHURIYET THEOLOGY JOURNAL , vol.21, pp.2069-2101.
^García, Sénén. "The Masmuda Berbers and Ibn Tumart: An Ethnographic Interpretation of the Rise of the Almohad Movement." Ufahamu: A Journal of African Studies 18.1 (1990). "Ibn Tumart preached what he considered orthodox Islam, a symbiotic doctrine of analogical interpretalion of the Qur'an, Mu'tazili and 'Ash'ari teachings, and Shi'i dogmas, especially that of the infallible Mahdi."
^WASIL, IBN, and B. SALIM JAMALAL-DIN. "IBN YūNUS, ALi IBN “ABD." Medieval Islamic Civilization: AK, index 1 (2006): 375.
^ Nakamura, "Ibn Mada's Criticism of Arab Grammarians." Orient, v. 10, pp. 89–113. 1974
^Fletcher, Madeleine. "The Almohad tawhid: Theology which relies on logic." Numen 38.1 (1991): 110-127.
^Ibn Khaldun, Abderahman. تاريخ ابن خلدون: ديوان المبتدأ و الخبر في تاريخ العرب و البربر و من عاصرهم من ذوي الشأن الأكبر 6. دار الفكر. 1377: 305.
^A French translation of the relation of the Almohad hagiographer Mohammed al-Baydhaq, can be found in Lévi-Provençal (1928). A Spanish translation of the arguably most reliable Almohad chronicle al-Bayan al-Mughrib(英语:al-Bayan al-Mughrib) of Ibn Idhari al-Marrakushi(英语:Ibn Idhari), can be found in Huici Miranda (1951). Ibn Idhari was a principal source for the account, Kitab al-'Ibar, of Ibn Khaldun. Ibn Khallikan(英语:Ibn Khallikan)'s entry on Ibn Tumart can be found in English translation in Biographical Dictionary, 1843 M. de Slane trans., Paris, vol. 3, p.205 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆))
^Fromherz (2005: p.177) identifies Igiliz (and Ibn Tumart's nearby cave) with the modern small village of Igli, some 30 km east of Taroudannt in the Sous valley
^Dramani Issifou (1988) "Islam as a social system in Africa since the seventh century", in M. Elfasi, editor, General History of Africa, Africa from the Seventh to the Eleventh Century, ch.4, p. 99
^Cornell, Vincent J. "Understanding is the mother of ability: Responsibility and action in the Doctrine of Ibn Tūmart." Studia Islamica (1987): 71-103.
(阿拉伯文)(法文)Évariste Lévi-Provençal (1928), editor, Documents inédits d'histoire almohade: fragments manuscrits du "Legajo" 1919 du fonds arabe de l'Escurial. Paris: Geuthner.
(法文) Bourouiba, Rachid (1966) "A propos de la date de naissance d’Ibn Tumart", Revue d'Histoire et de Civilisation du Maghreb, January, pp. 19– 25.
(英文) Cornell, Vincent J. (1987) "Understanding Is the Mother of Ability: Responsibility and action in the doctrine of Ibn Tumart", Studia Islamica, No. 66 (1987), pp. 71–103, JSTOR: [1] (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
(英文) Cushing, Dana (2016) "Ibn Tumart" in: Curta and Holt, eds. Encyclopedia of Pivotal Events in Religious History
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(英文) García, Senén A. (1990) "The Masmuda Berbers and Ibn Tumart : an ethnographic interpretation of the rise of the Almohad movement" in Ufahamu, ISSN 0041-5715, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 3–24
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(英文) Wasserstein, D.J. (2003) "A Jonah theme in the biography of Ibn Tumart", in F. Daftary and J.W. Meri, editors, Culture and Memory in Medieval Islam: Essays in honour of Wilfred Madelung. New York: I.B. Tauris. pp. 232–49.