在Infogami寻求进一步资金失败后,Y Combinator 的组织者建议Infogami与Reddit合并[27][28]。 2005年11月,两家公司合并成了Not a Bug公司,[27][29]合并后,斯沃茨被给予公司联合创始人的头衔。虽然两个项目最初都未取得大量关注,但在2005-06两年间,Reddit逐渐有了更大的影响力。
2006年10月,Reddit 成功后被《连线》杂志的母公司康泰纳仕出版公司收购[20][30]。斯沃茨跟随公司搬到了旧金山,开始在《连线》上班[20]。斯沃茨并不太喜欢办公室生活,最终离开了公司[31]。Infogami的平台在 Not a Bug 公司被收购后就废弃了,但相关软件被用于支持互联网档案馆的开放图书馆项目。同时,网站开发框架web.py也被用于斯沃茨及其他人开发的各种项目中。
2010年9月25日,MIT的IP地址18.55.6.215开始每分钟发送数百个PDF文件下载请求,影响了整个JSTOR站点。[94]这使得这个地址被封禁。早晨,另一个MIT的IP地址也开始发送大量的 PDF 下载请求,使得JSTOR的防火墙临时封锁了整个MIT18.0.0.0/8 网段地址。稍后,MIT 收到了一封解释情况的邮件——
在斯沃茨的葬禮前,勞倫斯·雷席格發表了悼詞《Prosecutor as Bully》。他譴責對斯沃茨的判決不符合比例原則,稱:“問題在於——政府必須回答為何斯沃茨必須被打上‘重罪犯’的標籤。他并不願接受18個月的談判。”科里·多克托罗(英語:Cory Doctorow)寫道,“亞倫擁有無以倫比的政治洞見力、技術能力和處理人、事的智慧。我認為他本可以徹底改變美國(及世界)政治。不過——他的遺產仍然可以在將來對政治做出影響。”
路透社把斯沃茨称作是一个“网络符号”(“an online icon”)——“帮助了不计其数的线上信息的流通,包括1900万联邦法庭的文档。”[159]据美联社报道:“斯沃茨一案显示了社会对不为私利,而为了使信息公开而侵入计算机系统的人不断变化的看法,”同时指出:JSTOR的律师,前纽约北区首席检察官,Mary Jo White(英语:Mary Jo White)曾要求办案的检察官放弃检控。[50]
2月22日,美国副总检察长为参与这项调查国会成员做了简报[218][219]。他们被告知,斯沃茨的《开放获取宣言》(Guerilla Open Access Manifesto)在检控决定中扮演了重大的角色。[36][218][219]有人觉得,检察官们可能认为这如果不能让斯沃茨以需要服刑的重罪被判决,那么针对他的案子就没有意义的的想法。[218][219]
Swartz, Aaron. Aaron Swartz's A programmable Web: An unfinished work ( PDF). San Francisco: Morgan & Claypool. February 2013 [2009] [2017-12-31]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-23). 简明摘要. To Dan Connolly, who not only created the Web but found time to teach it to me.
^ 1.01.1Yearwood, Pauline. Brilliant life, tragic death. Chicago Jewish News. 2013-02-22: 1 [2018-04-15]. (原始内容存档于2013-10-17). Aaron Hillel Swartz was not depressed or suicidal ... a rabbi's wife who has known him since he was a child says.... At age 13 he won the ArsDigita Prize, a competition for young people who create noncommercial websites....
^RSS creator Aaron Swartz dead at 26. Harvard Magazine. 2013-01-14 [2017-12-30]. (原始内容存档于2017-11-28). Swartz helped create RSS—a family of Web feed formats used to publish frequently updated works (blog entries, news headlines, ...) in a standardized format—at the age of 14.
^Markdown. Aaron Swartz: The Weblog. 2004-03-19 [2017-12-30]. (原始内容存档于2017-12-24).
^Lessig, Lawrence. Remembering Aaron Swartz. Creative Commons. 2013-01-12 [2017-12-30]. (原始内容存档于2015-12-04). Aaron was one of the early architects of Creative Commons. As a teenager, he helped design the code layer to our licenses...
^ 6.06.1Grehan, Rick. Pillars of Python: Web.py Web framework. InfoWorld. 2011-08-10 [2017-12-30]. (原始内容存档于2017-11-28). Web.py, the brainchild of Aaron Swartz, who developed it while working at Reddit.com, describes itself as a 'minimalist's framework.' ... Test Center Scorecard: Capability 7; Ease of Development 9; Documentation 7; ...; Overall Score 7.6, Good.
^ 9.09.1Seidman, Bianca. Internet activist charged with hacking into MIT network. Arlington, Va.: Public Broadcasting Service. 2011-07-22 [2017-12-30]. (原始内容存档于2017-11-07). [Swartz] was in the middle of a fellowship at Harvard's Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics, in its Lab on Institutional Corruption
^ 10.010.1Lab Fellows 2010–2011: Aaron Swartz. Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics. Harvard University. 2010 [2018-10-31]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-29). During the fellowship year, he will conduct experimental and ethnographic studies of the political system to prepare a monograph on the mechanisms of political corruption.
^ 11.011.1Gerstein, Josh. MIT also pressing charges against hacking suspect. Politico. 2011-07-22 [2017-12-30]. (原始内容存档于2015-07-27). [Swartz's] alleged use of MIT facilities and Web connections to access the JSTOR database ... resulted in two state felony charges for breaking into a ‘depository' and breaking & entering in the daytime, according to local prosecutors.
^ v. Swartz, 11-52CR73 & 11-52CR75, MIT Police Incident Report 11-351 (Massachusetts District Court 2011-12-16). “Captain Albert P[...] and Special Agent Pickett were able to apprehend the suspect at 24 Lee Street.... He was arrested for two counts of Breaking and Entering in the daytime with the intent to commit a felony....”
^Swartz, Aaron. It's always cool to run.... Weblog. Aaron Swartz. 2002-01-14 [2018-11-02]. (原始内容存档于2018-10-31). I would have been in 10th grade this year.... Now I'm taking a couple classes at a local college.
^Aaron Swartz vs. United States. The Longest Now. 2011-07-25 [2018-11-01]. (原始内容存档于2013-01-29) (美国英语). He founded watchdog.net to aggregate ... data about politicians – including where their money comes from.
^The team. Watchdog.net. [2018-10-31]. (原始内容存档于2008-12-23). Founder Aaron Swartz ... We're funded by a grant from the Sunlight Network and the Sunlight Foundation.
^ 37.037.1Swartz, Aaron. Guerilla Open Access Manifesto. Internet Archive. July 2008. We need to buy secret databases and put them on the Web. We need to download scientific journals and upload them to file sharing networks.
^Murphy, Samantha. 'Guerilla Activist' Releases 18,000 Scientific Papers. MIT Technology Review. [2018-11-01]. (原始内容存档于2015-11-17) (英语). In a 2008 ‘Guerilla Open Access Manifesto,' Swartz called for activists to ‘fight back' against services that held academic papers hostage behind paywalls
^ 49.049.1‘Homeland,’ by Cory Doctorow. Washington Post. [2018-11-01]. (原始内容存档于2018-06-16) (英语). As Doctorow made clear in his eloquent obituary, he drew on advice from Swartz in setting out how his protagonist could use the information now available about voters to create a grass-roots anti-establishment political campaign. ... One of the book's two afterwords is by Swartz.
^ 50.050.1Wagner, Daniel; Verena Dobnik. Swartz' death fuels debate over computer crime. Associated Press. 2013-01-13 [2018-11-01]. (原始内容存档于2013-03-30). JSTOR's attorney, Mary Jo White – formerly the top federal prosecutor in Manhattan – had called the lead Boston prosecutor in the case and asked him to drop it, said Peters.
^Swartz, Aaron. application/rdf+xml Media Type Registration. Network Working Group. The Internet Society. 2004-09 [2018-11-01]. (原始内容存档于2013-09-17) (英语). A media type for use with the Extensible Markup Language serialization of the Resource Description Framework.... [It] allows RDF consumers to identify RDF/XML documents....
^Markdown. Aaron Swartz: The Weblog. 2004-03-19 [2017-12-30]. (原始内容存档于2017-12-24).
^ 86.086.1Larissa MacFarquhar(英语:Larissa MacFarquhar). Requiem for a dream: The tragedy of Aaron Swartz. The New Yorker. 2013-03-11 [2018-11-01]. (原始内容存档于2014-07-06). [Swartz] wrote a script that instructed his computer to download articles continuously, something that was forbidden by JSTOR's terms of service.... He spoofed the computer's address.... This happened several times. MIT traced the requests to his laptop, which he had hidden in an unlocked closet.
^ 89.089.1Cohen, Noam. How M.I.T. ensnared a hacker, bucking a freewheeling culture. The New York Times. 2013-01-20: A1 [2018-11-01]. (原始内容存档于2018-10-06). 'Suspect is seen on camera entering network closet' [in an unlocked building] ... Within a mile of MIT ... he was stopped by an MIT police captain and [U.S. Secret Service agent] Pickett. 含有內容需登入查看的頁面 (link)
^Peters, Justin. The Idealist: Aaron Swartz wanted to save the world. Why couldn't he save himself?. Slate (N.Y.C.). 2013-02-07. 6 [2013-02-10]. (原始内容存档于2013-02-10). The superseding indictment ... claimed that Swartz had ‘contrived to break into a restricted-access wiring closet at MIT.' But the closet door had been unlocked—and remained unlocked even after the university and authorities were aware that someone had been in there trying to access the school's network.
^ 91.091.1Merritt, Jeralyn. MIT to conduct internal probe on its role in Aaron Swartz case. TalkLeft (blog). Att'y Jeralyn Merritt. 2013-01-14 [2018-11-01]. (原始内容存档于2017-10-16). The wiring closet was not locked and was accessible to the public. If you look at the pictures supplied by the Government, you can see graffiti on one wall.
^Hak, Susana; Paz, Gabriella. Compilation of December 15, 2010 – January 20, 2011(PDF). Hak–De Paz Police Log Compilations (MIT Crime Club). 2011-01-26: 6 [2018-11-01]. (原始内容存档(PDF)于2016-03-17). January 6, 2:20 p.m., Aaron Swartz, was arrested at 24 Lee Street as a suspect for breaking and entering....
^Singel, Ryan. Rogue academic downloader busted by MIT webcam stakeout, arrest report says. Wired (N.Y.C.). 2011-02-27 [2018-11-01]. (原始内容存档于2014-03-22). Swartz is accused ... of stealing the articles by attaching a laptop directly to a network switch in ... a ‘restricted' room, though neither the police report nor the indictment [mentions] a door lock or signage indicating the room is off-limits.
^Hawkinson, John. Swartz indicted for breaking and entering. The Tech (MIT). 2011-11-18: 11 [2018-11-01]. (原始内容存档于2017-04-22). Swartz ... was indicted ... in Middlesex Superior Court ... for breaking and entering, larceny over $250, and unauthorized access to a computer network.
^ 125.0125.1Ante, Spencer; Anjali Athavaley; Joe Palazzolo. Legal case strained troubled activist. The Wall Street Journal. 2013-01-14: B1 [2017-08-03]. (原始内容存档于2017-08-26). With the government's position hardening, Mr. Swartz realized that he would have to face a costly public trial.... He would need to ask for help financing his defense....
^Taren Stinebrickner-Kauffman. TarenSK: MIT Memorial Service. 2013-03-13 [2013-03-15]. (原始内容存档于2013-06-12). including links to video of the ceremony/speeches.
^Guy, Sandra. Aaron Swartz was ‘killed by government,' father says at funeral. Chicago Sun-Times. 2013-01-15 [2018-11-01]. (原始内容存档于2014-08-24). Swartz's father ... said that at a school event, 3-year-old Aaron read to his parents while all of the other parents read to their children.
^President Reif writes to MIT community regarding Aaron Swartz (新闻稿). MIT. 2013-01-13 [2018-11-02]. (原始内容存档于2021-02-14). I have asked ... Abelson to lead a thorough analysis of MIT's involvement from the time that we first perceived unusual activity on our network in fall 2010....
^homepage. Swartz Review. MIT. 2013-01-23 [2018-11-02]. (原始内容存档于2013-02-06). IS&T has created this web site so [community members] can suggest questions and issues to guide the review... What questions should MIT be asking at this stage of the Aaron Swartz review?
^Dobuzinskis, Alex; P.J. Huffstutter. Internet activist, programmer Aaron Swartz dead at 26. Reuters. 2013-01-13 [2018-11-01]. (原始内容存档于2015-09-24). That belief – that information should be shared and available for the good of society – prompted Swartz to found the nonprofit group Demand Progress.
^Kao, Joanna. MIT DNS hacked; traffic redirected. The Tech (MIT). 2013-01-23: 1 [2018-11-02]. (原始内容存档于2017-12-23). From 11:58 a.m. to 1:05 p.m., MIT's DNS was redirected ... to CloudFlare, where the hackers had configured servers to return a Harvard IP address.... By 7:15 p.m., CloudFlare removed the ‘mail.mit.edu' record, which referred to the machine ... at KAIST.
^Anonymous hackers target US agency site. BBC News. 2013-01-26 [2018-11-02]. (原始内容存档于2018-09-26). The hackers ... said the site was chosen for symbolic reasons. ‘The federal sentencing guidelines ... enable prosecutors to cheat citizens of their constitutionally guaranteed right to a fair trial ...,' the video statement said.
^Stanza, Arrow. Springer Link hacked in honor of Aaron Swartz (新闻稿). Slashdot. 2014-01-06 [2014-01-14]. (原始内容存档于2014-01-14). The material is published in honor of Aaron Swartz in springer-lta.co.nf. [Author's pseudonym is an anagram of "aaron swartz".]
^Not A Bug, Inc.: Private company information. Bloomberg Business. 2006-10-31 [2015-05-30]. (原始内容存档于2015-06-09). The company owns and operates portals that allow users to post contents and create Websites.... As of October 31, 2006, [it] is a subsidiary of CondéNet, Inc.... Key Executives for Not A Bug, Inc.: ... Huffman, President and Director; ... Swartz, Treasurer and Director; ... Ohanian, Secretary and Director.
^There was a third 'co-founder' of reddit, Today I Learned, Reddit, 2010-10-18 [2017-12-30], (原始内容存档于2017-04-21), Aaron isn't a founder of reddit.
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