INVU (歌曲)

发行日期2022年2月14日 (2022-02-14)
  • JINLI (Full8loom)
  • PhD
Can't Control Myself

INVU〉是韓國女歌手太妍第三張正規專輯《INVU》的主打歌曲,由SM娛樂製作、Dreamus發行並於2022年2月14日下午6點透過各大串流媒體公開音源。歌曲由JINLI (Full8loom)作詞,丹尼爾·戴維森杰西·摩根英语Jess Morgan、彼得·瓦勒維克(Peter Wallevik)、瑞秋·弗纳英语Tich (singer)作曲,PhD編曲。


2022年1月11日,SM娛樂宣佈太妍將於2月發行第三張正規專輯,並於17日發佈先行歌曲〈Can't Control Myself[1][2]。16日,專輯名稱「INVU」公布,預計於2月14日發售[3],其專輯同名歌曲將做為主打歌和專輯一併公布[4]

2月14日下午6點,〈INVU〉的音源和音樂錄影帶一同發布[5],許多評論表示其影像人物讓人聯想到希臘神話中的阿提米絲[6],導演Sam Son在個人社群網站證實靈感來自於古希臘神話阿提米絲俄里翁阿波羅之間的故事[7]。和先行曲一樣,〈INVU〉自2月15日開始為期30天在韓國Megabox電影中心播映30秒的宣傳影片[8]


b小調創作,每分鐘107拍[9]。歌曲由JINLI (Full8loom)作詞,丹尼爾·戴維森杰西·摩根英语Jess Morgan、彼得·瓦勒維克(Peter Wallevik)和瑞秋·弗纳英语Tich (singer)共同作曲,PhD擔任編曲[10]。〈INVU〉是首融合浩室合成器流行風格的流行舞曲[10][11],旋律由柔和夢幻的合成器及古典長笛構成,歌詞則描寫「儘管知道愛情會反覆帶來疲憊與傷痕,仍對愛情毫不吝嗇的我與看著和自己完全相反的對方的情感」[12]

〈INVU〉起初並非是專輯主打,太妍在發布記者會上透露她收到歌曲的DEMO就很喜歡它,但參與製作的人員認為歌曲不足作為主打歌,但太妍積極說服製作人員,並表示有信心能演繹好該歌曲[13]Hit FM聯播網的DJ趙之璧表示和以往高音唱法不同,她很喜歡這次在中低音域上的表現[11]。thebiaslist也稱讚太妍的表現,尤其是在副歌前段的爆發[14]


歌曲發行即登上韓國多個串流平台的實時榜冠軍,在國內最受歡迎的平台Melon,〈INVU〉以首小時33,646收聽人數成為2022年首支實時空冠歌曲[15]。26日,歌曲達成iChart的「Perfect All-Kill」成就,是太妍第一首獲得此成績的歌曲[16]。除了串流表現亮眼,歌曲還拿下《M Countdown》、《Show! 音樂中心》和《人氣歌謠》3個音樂節目冠軍,其中〈INVU〉連續4周拿下《Show! 音樂中心》冠軍。




  • SM Big Shot Studio
  • 作詞 – JINLI(Full8loom)
  • 作曲 – 彼得·瓦勒維克(Peter Wallevik)、丹尼爾·戴維森瑞秋·弗纳英语Tich (singer)杰西·摩根英语Jess Morgan
  • 編曲 – PhD
  • 聲音總監 – Joohyoung Lee(이주형)(MonoTree)
  • 背景人聲 – 太妍、瑞秋·弗纳
  • 錄音師 – Lee Min Gyu(이민규) @ S.M. Big Shot Studio
  • Pro Tools – Joohyoung Lee(이주형)(MonoTree)
  • 數位編輯 & 混音師 – Yura Jeong(정유라) @ SM Starlight Studio
  • 混音 – Jung Eui seok(정의석) @ S.M. Blue Cup Studio
  • 導演 – Sam Son
  • 監製 - HQF
  • 副導 – LILJANE
  • 製片 – Minchul Kim
  • 製片助理 - JongHoon Lee、Jongsuk Kim、Hyunseo Jeong、Seungro Nam
  • 攝影 – Inmo Yun(ATOD)
  • 美術 – Suji Kim(MXM)
  • 燈光師 – Junhee Park(TEAM JJUN)
  • CG & 視覺效果 – JAMYU
  • DI – HQF
  • 舞蹈工作室 – AURA(아우라)
  • 編舞家 – 張珠熙(Ju Hee Jang)、JURI(은주)、Kiel Tutin
  • 編舞指導 – thesimpleisbest(철김기)




音源榜 〈INVU〉最高名次 來源
實時榜 TOP100 日榜 週榜 月榜 年榜
iChart 1     1     [39]
Melon[註 1] 1 1 1 * [42]
Genie   3 * [43]
Bugs     * [44]
Flo           [45]
VIBE     1       [46]
YouTube[註 2]       1     [48]
  • 「*」:打榜中
  •  」:該段時期未設立排行榜



頒獎典禮 年份 獎項 結果 來源
Circle Chart Music Awards 2023英语12th Circle Chart Music Awards 2月份音源部門年度歌手 獲獎 [49]
金唱片獎 2023 音源本賞 提名 [50]
韓國音樂大獎 2023英语20th Korean Music Awards 最佳電子 & 舞曲歌曲[註 3] 提名 [52]
MAMA大獎 2022 最佳歌唱表演 - 個人歌手英语MAMA Award for Best Vocal Performance 獲獎 [53]
年度歌曲 提名 [54]
甜瓜音樂獎 2022 年度歌曲 提名 [55]


年份 日期 電視台 節目名稱 來源
2022 2月24日 Mnet M! Countdown [56]
2月26日 MBC Show! 音樂中心 [57]
3月5日 [58]
3月12日 [59]
3月19日 [60]
2月27日 SBS 人氣歌謠 [61]
3月6日 [62]
3月13日 [63]



  1. ^ 2021年8月9日開始,24Hits榜變更為TOP100榜,即每小時更新並反映最近24小時使用量和最近1小時使用量合算成50:50比重後的數據,而使用者較少的時段(凌晨一時至早上七時KST)則以最近24小時使用量反映[40][41]
  2. ^ 2022年3月25日開始,iChart新增YouTube Music的計分[47]
  3. ^ 提名對象:〈INVU (Moon Kyoo Remix)〉[51]


  1. ^ 박수인. 태연 ‘Can’t Control Myself‘로 컴백, 정규 3집 발매 전 선공개. 서울경제. 2022-01-11 [2022-01-13]. (原始内容存档于2022-01-13) (韩语). 
  2. ^ Swimming. 「信聽太」回歸!太妍將在17日發行正規三輯先行曲. Kpopn. 2022-01-11 [2022-01-11]. (原始内容存档于2022-01-11) (中文). 
  3. ^ 홍세영. 태연, 정규 3집 ‘INVU’ 2월 14일 발표 [공식]. 스포츠동아. NAVER. 2022-02-03 [2022-01-26]. (原始内容存档于2022-01-26) (韩语). 
  4. ^ 황혜정. 태연, 신보 타이틀곡은 'INVU'..절절 러브송으로 강렬 변신 예고. 헤럴드 POP. NAVER. 2022-02-03 [2022-02-06]. (原始内容存档于2022-02-06) (韩语). 
  5. ^ ‘믿듣탱’ 태연, 정규 3집 'INVU' 오늘(14일) 음원+MV 공개. 스포츠경향. 2022-02-14 [2022-02-15]. (原始内容存档于2022-02-15) (韩语). 
  6. ^ Suacillo, Angela Patricia. Taeyeon reveals that her team did not want ‘INVU’ as the title track. NME. 2022-02-16 [2022-02-17]. (原始内容存档于2022-02-17) (英语). 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 INVU - 音樂錄影帶製作團隊. HIGHQUALITYFISH. 2022-02-14. 
  8. ^ 황혜정. 역시 '믿듣탱' 태연…'INVU' 전세계 21개국 차트 1위 올라. 스포츠서울. 2022-02-15 [2022-03-16]. (原始内容存档于2022-03-16) (韩语). 
  9. ^ INVU. Song BPM. [2022-02-15]. (原始内容存档于2022-03-22) (英语). 
  10. ^ 10.0 10.1 10.2 INVU - The 3rd Album. Melon. 2022-02-14 [2022-02-15]. (原始内容存档于2022-02-15) (韩语). 
  11. ^ 11.0 11.1 Bibi趙之璧. 第三張正規專輯『INVU』 / 太妍(少女時代) (Tae Yeon). Hit FM聯播網. [2022-03-22]. (原始内容存档于2022-03-22) (中文). 
  12. ^ '믿고 듣는 보컬퀸' 태연, 오늘(14일) 'INVU' 발매. 셀럽미디어. 2022-02-14 [2022-03-18]. (原始内容存档于2022-03-18) (韩语). 
  13. ^ 전효진. 태연 “‘INVU’, 혼자 마음에 든 곡…뮤지컬하듯 녹음”. 스포츠동아. 2022-02-14 [2022-02-15]. (原始内容存档于2022-02-15) (韩语). 
  14. ^ NICK. Song Review: Taeyeon – INVU. thebiaslist. 2022-02-14 [2022-03-11]. (原始内容存档于2022-03-11) (英语). 
  15. ^ @kchartsmaster. Highest Unique Listeners in 1st hour on MelOn in 2022 so far: 1. #TAEYEON, INVU — 33,646 [NEW] 2. #MARK, Child — 33,052 3. #TAEYEON, Can’t Control Myself — 28,916 4. #GOTthebeat, Step Back — 21,283 5. #JUNGKOOK, Stay Alive — 18,980 (推文). 2022-02-14 [2022-02-14]. (原始内容存档于2022-02-14) –通过Twitter (英语). 
  16. ^ @instiz_ichart. 2022.2.26 12:30 (KST) iChart™ 퍼펙트 올킬(Perfect AK)을 축하합니다! (8개 차트 올킬+iChart 주간 누적 1위) 태연 (TAEYEON) - INVU (推文). 2022-02-26 [2022-02-26]. (原始内容存档于2022-02-26) –通过Twitter (韩语). 
  17. ^ 17.0 17.1 Billboard World Digital Song Sales – Week of February 26, 2022. Billboard. [2022-02-24]. (原始内容存档于2022-02-24) (英语). 
  18. ^ 18.0 18.1 BILLBOARD VIETNAM HOT 100 CHART DATE 2022-03-03. Billboard Vietnam. [2022-03-03]. (原始内容存档于2022-03-03) (越南语). 
  19. ^ 19.0 19.1 Billboard Global Excl. US – Week of March 5, 2022. Billboard. [2022-03-01]. (原始内容存档于2022-03-01) (英语). 
  20. ^ INVU - 舞蹈製作團隊. AURA. 2022-02-14. 
  21. ^ INVU - 音樂錄影帶製作團隊. vimeo. 2022-02-16 [2022-02-20]. (原始内容存档于2022-04-10). 
  22. ^ INVU (Compact disc liner notes). 태연. SM Entertainment. 2022. 
  23. ^ Billboard Hong Kong Songs – Week of March 5, 2022. Billboard. [2022-03-01]. (原始内容存档于2022-03-01) (英语). 
  24. ^ 勁爆外語榜 2022-03-12 (第 11 週). 新城電台. [2022-03-18]. (原始内容存档于2022-03-18) (中文). 
  25. ^ 2022年 第十四周. 叱咤903. [2022-04-03]. (原始内容存档于2022-04-03) (中文). 
  26. ^ Billboard Malaysia Songs – Week of March 5, 2022. Billboard. [2022-03-01]. (原始内容存档于2022-03-01) (英语). 
  27. ^ Top 20 Most Streamed International & Domestic Songs – Week 8 (PDF). Recording Industry Association of Malaysia. [2019-04-17]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2019-09-25) (英语). 
  28. ^ Billboard Singapore Songs – Week of March 5, 2022. Billboard. [2022-03-01]. (原始内容存档于2022-03-01) (英语). 
  29. ^ RIAS Top Charts – Week 8 (February 18–24, 2022). Recording Industry Association (Singapore). [2022-03-01]. (原始内容存档于2022-03-01) (英语). 
  30. ^ 2022년 08주차 Digital Chart. Gaon Chart. [2022-02-24]. (原始内容存档于2022-02-24) (韩语). 
  31. ^ 2022년 08주차 Download Chart. Gaon Chart. [2022-02-24]. (原始内容存档于2022-02-24) (韩语). 
  32. ^ 2022년 09주차 Streaming Chart. Gaon Chart. [2022-02-24]. (原始内容存档于2022-02-24) (韩语). 
  33. ^ Billboard K-Pop 100 CHART DATED 2022.3.03. Billboard Korea. [2022-03-03]. (原始内容存档于2022-03-03) (韩语). 
  34. ^ Billboard Taiwan Songs – Week of March 5, 2022. Billboard. [2022-03-01]. (原始内容存档于2022-03-01) (英语). 
  35. ^ HITO日亞排行榜 統計日期:2月21日~2月27日. HITO日亞排行榜. [2022-02-20]. (原始内容存档于2022-02-20) (中文). 
  36. ^ 2022년 03월 Digital Chart(2022年03月). Gaon單曲榜. [2022-04-07]. (原始内容存档于2022-04-07) (韩语). 
  37. ^ 2022년 02월 Download Chart(2022年02月). Gaon Chart. [2022-03-10]. (原始内容存档于2022-03-10) (韩语). 
  38. ^ 2022년 03월 Streaming Chart(2022年03月). Gaon Chart. [2022-04-07]. (原始内容存档于2022-04-08) (韩语). 
  39. ^ 《iChart》最高名次:
  40. ^ 멜론, '톱 100'으로 차트 재개편…1시간 단위 이용량 50% 반영. 韓國聯合通訊社. 2021-08-02 [2022-02-21]. (原始内容存档于2021-08-03). 
  41. ^ 멜론 24Hits 차트, TOP100으로 전면 개편. EBN. 2021-08-02 [2022-02-21]. (原始内容存档于2021-10-09). 
  42. ^ 《Melon》最高名次:
  43. ^ 《Genie》最高名次:
  44. ^ 《Bugs》最高名次:
  45. ^ 《Flo》最高名次:
  46. ^ 《VIBE》最高名次:
  47. ^ @instiz_ichart. 많이 기다리셨습니다! 3월 중 유튜브 뮤직이 iChart에 추가됩니다 You've been waiting a long time! YouTube music will be added to iChart in March (推文). 2022-03-20 [2022-04-02]. (原始内容存档于2022-04-02) –通过Twitter (韩语). 
  48. ^ 《YouTube》最高名次:
  49. ^ Jeong, Hye-won. 아이브·케플러·태연, 음원 부문 올해의 가수상 수상(12·1·2월)[써클차트어워즈2022] [Ive·Kep1er·Taeyeon, Artist of the Year Award (December·January·February) [Circle Chart Awards 2022]]. SpoTV News. February 18, 2023 [February 18, 2023]. (原始内容存档于February 18, 2023) –通过Naver (韩语). 
  50. ^ Golden Disc Awards – Nominees. Golden Disc Awards. [December 7, 2022]. (原始内容存档于December 7, 2022). 
  51. ^ 태연(TAEYEON) 'INVU (Moon Kyoo Remix)' - 2023 최우수 일렉트로닉 - 노래. Korean Music Awards. [9 February 2023]. (原始内容存档于9 February 2023). 
  52. ^ 장르분야 수상후보 — 한국대중음악상시상식 [Genre Award Candidates — Korean Music Awards Ceremony]. Korean Music Awards. [9 February 2023]. (原始内容存档于9 February 2023). 
  53. ^ Park, Sang-hoo. '2022 마마 어워즈' BTS 6관왕...아이브, 대상·신인상 석권[종합] ['2022 MAMA Awards' BTS wins 6 crowns...Ive won the Grand Prize and Rookie of the Year [Comprehensive]]. JTBC. November 30, 2022 [November 30, 2022]. (原始内容存档于November 30, 2022) –通过Naver (韩语). 
  54. ^ Nominee | 2022 MAMA Awards. 2022 MAMA Awards. [November 30, 2022]. (原始内容存档于November 30, 2022). 
  55. ^ MMA 2022. Melon Music Awards. [November 4, 2022]. (原始内容存档于November 4, 2022) (韩语). 
  56. ^ 태연, 신곡 '아이앤비유'로 '엠카' 1위 [종합]. tvdaily. 2022-02-24 [2022-02-26]. (原始内容存档于2022-04-07). 
  57. ^ 2022년 2월 26일 음악중심 차트. MBC. 2022-02-26. (原始内容存档于2022-02-28). 
  58. ^ 2022년 3월 5일 음악중심 차트. MBC. 2022-03-07. (原始内容存档于2022-03-09). 
  59. ^ 2022년 3월 12일 음악중심 차트. MBC. 2022-03-14. (原始内容存档于2022-03-28). 
  60. ^ 2022년 3월 19일 음악중심 차트. MBC. 2022-03-21. (原始内容存档于2022-03-28). 
  61. ^ 2월 마지막 주 인기가요 차트. SBS. 2022-03-02 [2022-03-09]. (原始内容存档于2022-03-06). 
  62. ^ 3월 첫째 주 인기가요 차트. SBS. 2022-03-09 [2022-03-09]. (原始内容存档于2022-03-10). 
  63. ^ 3월 둘째 주 인기가요 차트. SBS. 2022-03-16 [2022-03-28]. (原始内容存档于2022-04-02). 

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New York City Subway station in the Bronx New York City Subway station in The Bronx, New York St. Lawrence Avenue  New York City Subway station (rapid transit)Station statisticsAddressSt. Lawrence Avenue & Westchester AvenueBronx, NYBoroughThe BronxLocaleParkchesterCoordinates40°49′54″N 73°52′02″W / 40.831573°N 73.867307°W / 40.831573; -73.867307DivisionA (IRT)[1]LineIRT Pelham LineServices   6  (all times)Transit NYCT B...



Voce principale: Basketball Club Žalgiris. Žalgiris KaunasStagione 2014-2015Sport pallacanestro Squadra Žalgiris Kaunas Allenatore Gintaras Krapikas Assistenti Šarūnas Jasikevičius Priit Vene Presidente Paulius Motiejūnas Lietuvos krepšinio lyga1° (36-4) Play-off1° - Campione di Lituania EurolegaTop 16 Coppa di LituaniaVincitore Maggiori presenzeCampionato: Lekavičius, Milaknis (49)Totale: Lekavičius, Milaknis (76) Miglior marcatoreCampionato: Milaknis (528)Totale: Anderson ...

Questa voce sull'argomento cestisti giamaicani è solo un abbozzo. Contribuisci a migliorarla secondo le convenzioni di Wikipedia. Segui i suggerimenti del progetto di riferimento. Durand Scott Scott con la maglia di Miami Nazionalità  Giamaica Stati Uniti Altezza 196 cm Peso 92 kg Pallacanestro Ruolo Guardia Squadra Free agent CarrieraGiovanili Rice High School2009-2013 Miami HurricanesSquadre di club 2013-2014 Obradoiro29 (134)2014-2015 Hapoel Tel Aviv28 (432...



Pour les articles homonymes, voir Sonny Boy Williamson. Sonny Boy Williamson IIBiographieNaissance Entre 1894 et 1912GlendoraDécès 25 mai 1965Helena (en)Sépulture Whitfield Baptist Church Cemetery (d)Nom dans la langue maternelle Alex MillerSurnom Sonny Boy Williamson IIPseudonymes Aleck Ford, Willie Williamson, Willie Miller, Little Boy Blue, The Goat, Footsie, Sonny Boy Williamson, Reverend BlueNationalité américaineActivités Chanteur, chef d'ensemble à vent, auteur-compositeur...



Albert CohenCohen in 1909BornAbraham Albert CohenAugust 16, 1895Corfu, GreeceDiedOctober 17, 1981(1981-10-17) (aged 86)Geneva, SwitzerlandOccupationNovelistNationalitySwiss Abraham Albert Cohen (August 16, 1895 – October 17, 1981) was a Greek-born Romaniote Jewish Swiss novelist who wrote in French. He worked as a civil servant for various international organizations, such as the International Labour Organization. He became a Swiss citizen in 1919.[1] Biography A plaque in the ...

هذه قائمة بالأفلام المصرية لسنة 1933 مرتبة أبجديا اسم الفيلم إخراج وكتابة بطولة مصدر الزواج اخراج : فاطمة رشدي تاليف : فاطمة رشدي فاطمة رشدي محمود المليجي حكمت فهمي علي رشدي نجمة إبراهيم عزيز عيد [1] كفرّى عن خطيئتك اخراج : عزيزة أمير تاليف : ألبير بدريوز زينب صدق...



Country in West Africa This article is about the country in Africa. For other uses, see Liberia (disambiguation). Republic of Liberia Flag Coat of arms Motto: The Love of Liberty Brought Us HereAnthem: All Hail, Liberia, Hail!Location of Liberia (dark green)Capitaland largest cityMonrovia6°19′N 10°48′W / 6.317°N 10.800°W / 6.317; -10.800Official languagesEnglishEthnic groups (2008[1])20.3% Kpelle13.4% Bassa10% Grebo8% Dan7....



Cricket tournament Cricket at the 2019 Pacific GamesCricket pictogram for the GamesCricket formatTwenty20, Twenty20 InternationalHost(s) SamoaChampions Papua New Guinea (men's) Samoa (women's)Participants4 (both)Matches29 (14 men's, 15 women's)← 2015 Cricket at the 2019 Pacific Games was held between 8–13 July 2019 at the Faleata Oval Grounds in Apia, Samoa.[1] A men's and women's Twenty20 event took place, with matches eligible to carry Twenty20 International ...

Involuntary, forceful expulsion of stomach contents, typically via the mouth Not to be confused with Regurgitation (digestion). Vomit, Emesis, Heaving, Puke, and Throw up redirect here. For other uses, see Vomit (disambiguation). For the butterfly genus, see Emesis (genus). For the 2021 Argentine film, see PussyCake. For the sailing terms, see Heaving to and Careening. For the municipality of Albania, see Pukë. For the style of graffiti, see Throw up (graffiti). For other uses, see Puke (dis...



American moderate think tank founded in 2015 Niskanen CenterFormation2015; 9 years ago (2015)[1]HeadquartersWashington, D.C., U.S.PresidentTed GayerRevenue (2021) $4,639,471[2]Expenses (2021)$4,639,471[2] The Niskanen Center is an American think tank based in Washington, D.C. that advocates environmentalism, immigration reform, civil liberties, and strengthening social insurance around market-oriented principles.[1] ...



Kanō JigorōNazionalità Giappone Judo   Modifica dati su Wikidata · Manuale Kanō Jigorō[1] (嘉納 治五郎?; Mikage, 28 ottobre 1860 – Mar del Giappone, 4 maggio 1938) è stato un judoka e educatore giapponese, fondatore del judo.[2] Indice 1 Biografia 2 Vita privata 3 Onorificenze 4 Allievi famosi 5 Note 6 Bibliografia 7 Voci correlate 8 Altri progetti 9 Collegamenti esterni Biografia Kanō Jigorō nacque a Mikage, un piccolo villaggio di mare nei pres...

Archaeological site in Albania Walls of the acropolis Zgërdhesh is an archeological site in Albania. It is located south of the road from Fushë-Kruja to Kruja. Zgërdhesh is somewhat of a mystery because it is unmentioned in ancient sources. Some scholars believe, however, that it may be the site of ancient Albanopolis, referred to by Pliny the Elder. The Illyrian settlement here seems to have been founded in the 7th or 6th century BC and flourished in the 4th and 3rd centuries, before bein...



U.S. judge and former Brigadier General (born 1947) Coral Wong PietschJudge of the United States Court of Appeals for Veterans ClaimsIncumbentAssumed office June 28, 2012Appointed byBarack ObamaPreceded byWilliam P. Greene Jr. Personal detailsBornCoral Wong (1947-11-11) November 11, 1947 (age 76)Waterloo, Iowa, U.S.Spouse James Pietsch ​(m. 1972)​[1]Alma materCollege of Saint TeresaMarquette UniversityCatholic University of AmericaMilitary service...