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Google助理(英語:Google Assistant)是Google开发的智慧型個人助理,于2016年5月在Google I/O发布。与Google即时不同,Google助理可以参与双向对话。Google助理目前被集成在Allo应用、Google Home设备、Android Nougat或以上的設備、PixelbookWear OSAndroid TViOSAndroid Auto


搭載Google Play服務且作業系統為Android 5.0(Lollipop)以上、記憶體1GB以上、螢幕解析度720p以上的手機與平板。初次設定Google Search app更新至最新版本。


Google助理在2016年5月18日的开发者大会上作为智能音箱Google Home和新的信息程序Allo的一部分首次揭晓;Google的CEO孙达尔·皮柴解释道,Google助理以对话式的和双向的体验设计,可以带来一种“跨设备的环绕式体验”。[2]该月后面的时间,Google委任Google涂鸦的团队领导者萊恩·傑米克(Ryan Germick),并聘用了皮克斯动画工作室的前動畫師愛瑪·科茲(Emma Coats)去开发“一个稍微更有个性的个人助理”。[3]


作为Allo和Google Home之外的系统级整合,Google助理最初只独家开放智能手机Pixel與Pixel XL使用。[4]2017年2月,Google宣布,在部分英语国家市场,已开始运行Android MarshmallowNougat的Android智能手机上可以使用Google助理。[5][6]但Android平板电脑则被排除在发行计划之外。[7][8]Google助理也在Android Wear 2.0上推出,[9]并将支援未来版本的Android TV[10][11]Android Auto[12]2017年10月,Google Pixelbook成为了首个可以使用Google助理的平板电脑。[13]而之后,Google Pixel Buds也开放了支援。[14]2017年12月,Google宣布个人助理将会通过Google Play服務更新在运行Android Lollipop的手机以及运行6.0 Marshmallow和7.0 Nougat系统的平板电脑上发布。[15]

2017年5月15日,Android Police英语Android Police报道称Google助理将作为单独的应用程序进入iOS操作系统。[16]两天后,在Google开发者大会,该信息得到了证实。[17][18]



2016年12月,Google设立了“Actions on Google”,一个为Google助理打造的开发者平台。“Actions on Google”允许第三方开发者为Google助理开发内部小程序。[21][22]2017年3月,Google添加了用于在“Actions on Google”上进行开发的新工具,以支持为Google助理开发游戏。[23]最初“Actions on Google”只适用于智能音箱Google Home。但2017年5月,“Actions on Google”拓展到了Android和iOS平台,[24][25]并同时引入了一个概览兼容产品与设备的App名录。[26]为激励开发者,Google宣布举办一个比赛,第一名可以获得2018年开发者大会的入场券、$10,000,以及游览Google园区的机会。第二名和第三名则可以获得一个Google Home,并分别可以取得$7,500和$5,000的奖金。[27]

2017年4月,Google发行了一个軟體開發套件,允许第三方开发者开发能够运行Google助理的硬件。[28][29]因此,Google助理可应用于树莓派[30][31]奥迪汽车、沃尔沃汽车、[32][33]iRobotLG通用电气友訊科技等企业的智能家电,包括冰箱、洗衣机和烤箱。[34][35][36]Google于2017年12月更新了開發套件,添加了以前仅支持Google Home智能扬声器和Google Assistant智能手机的多项功能,包括:

  • 让第三方设备制造商为各自的产品加入自己的“Actions on Google”指令
  • 加入基于文本的交互和更多语言
  • 允许用户为设备设置精确的地理位置,以改善针对特定位置的查询。[37][38]



Google助理最初选用琪琪·贝瑟尔(Kiki Baessell)的声音为美国女性声音,自2010年以来,该声音一直是Google Voice语音信箱系统的声音。[40]在2018年5月8日的开发者大会上,Google的SEO宣布为个人助理加入六种新的声音,其中一个是歌手約翰·傳奇的。[41]DeepMind开发的语音合成器WaveNet大大减少了语音演员创建语音模型所需的音频样本数量。[42]2019年10月11日,演员伊莎·蕾的声音也被宣布将成为Google助理语音的新选择,用户可以通过“Okay, Google, talk like Issa”的指令激发此选项。[43]






Google助理可以提供与Google即时类似的功能有搜尋網路、安排行程與鬧鈴、調整用戶裝置的硬體設定,以及顯示用戶Google帳號內的資訊。但不像Google即時資訊,Google助理使用Google的自然语言处理介入雙向對話,搜尋結果會以卡片格式呈現並與用戶互動。[51]2017年2月,Google宣布讓Google Home的用戶可以完全以聲音通过Google Express英语Google Express购物服务购买全食超市好市多沃爾格林PetSmart英语PetSmartBed Bath & Beyond的部分商品。[52][53]在接下来的几个月中,随着新的合作伙伴关系的建立,其他一些零售商的商品购买也加入了服务。[54][55]使用Google助理可以管理购物清单;该模块以前是在Google Keep上应用的,但于2017年4月移至Google Express和Google Home中,导致了部分功能缺失。[56][57]

2017年5月,Google宣布个人助理将支持物体识别、[58][59]在线汇款等功能。[60][61]同年11月,个人助理增加了识别当前正在播放的歌曲功能。[62][63]2018年7月,Google Home版本的个人助理加入了单个语音指令触发的多个操作的功能。[64]

Google Duplex

在2018年5月,Google推出了Google助理的扩展功能Duplex。它可以通过模仿人类语音来进行自然对话,其方式与語音自動電話英语robocall类似。[65]Duplex可以自主完成如致电美发沙龙进行预约、安排餐厅预订以及致电企业以确认假期营业时间等动作。[66]通过使用例如“ hmm”和“ uh”之类的填充词,“mhm”和“gotcha”之类的常用口语,以及许多拟人化的語調和响应延迟进行语音干扰,Duplex可以用更自然的声音和用语进行交流。[67][68][69]2018年年底,位于亚特兰大、纽约、凤凰城和旧金山的Pixel用户可以使用Duplex进行餐厅预订。[70]






  1. ^ Google Assistant. [2023年3月10日]. 
  2. ^ Lynley, Matthew. Google unveils Google Assistant, a virtual assistant that’s a big upgrade to Google Now. TechCrunch. AOL. 2016-05-18 [2017-03-17]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-26). 
  3. ^ de Looper, Christian. Google wants to make its next personal assistant more personable by giving it a childhood. Digital Trends英语Digital Trends. 2016-05-31 [2017-03-17]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-10). 
  4. ^ Savov, Vlad. Pixel ‘phone by Google’ announced. The Verge. Vox Media. 2016-10-04 [2017-03-17]. (原始内容存档于2017-02-10). 
  5. ^ Bohn, Dieter. The Google Assistant is coming to Marshmallow and Nougat Android phones starting this week. The Verge. Vox Media. 2017-02-26 [2017-03-17]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-10). 
  6. ^ Lunden, Ingrid. Google Assistant, its AI-based personal helper, rolls out to Nougat and Marshmallow handsets. TechCrunch. AOL. 2017-02-26 [2017-03-17]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-10). 
  7. ^ El Khoury, Rita. Google confirms wider Assistant rollout will not reach tablets. Android Police. 2017-03-16 [2017-03-17]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-10). 
  8. ^ Kastrenakes, Jacob. Android tablets aren't getting Google Assistant anytime soon. The Verge. Vox Media. 2017-03-16 [2017-03-17]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-10). 
  9. ^ Amadeo, Ron. Report: Android Wear 2.0 to launch February 9. Ars Technica. Condé Nast. 2017-01-17 [2017-03-17]. (原始内容存档于2020-12-01). 
  10. ^ Ingraham, Nathan. The Google Assistant is coming to Android TV. Engadget. AOL. 2017-01-04 [2017-03-17]. (原始内容存档于2020-03-07). 
  11. ^ Singleton, Micah. Google Assistant is coming to Android TV later this year. The Verge. Vox Media. 2017-05-17 [2017-05-30]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-10). 
  12. ^ Amadeo, Ron. Google Assistant comes to every Android phone, 6.0 and up. Ars Technica. Condé Nast. 2017-02-26 [2017-03-17]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-10). 
  13. ^ Field, Matthew. Google launches Pixelbook as first laptop with Google Assistant. The Daily Telegraph (Telegraph Media Group). 2017-10-04 [2017-12-15]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-10). 
  14. ^ Johnson, Khari. Google Pixel Buds review: Google Assistant makes a home in your ears. VentureBeat. 2017-11-11 [2017-12-10]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-09). 
  15. ^ Lardinois, Frederic. Google Assistant is coming to older Android phones and tablets. TechCrunch. Oath Inc. 2017-12-13 [2017-12-13]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-10). 
  16. ^ Ruddock, David. Google will announce Assistant for iOS soon, in the US only at launch. Android Police. 2017-05-15 [2017-05-30]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-10). 
  17. ^ Garun, Natt. Hey Siri, Google Assistant is on the iPhone now. The Verge. Vox Media. 2017-05-17 [2017-05-17]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-11). 
  18. ^ Dillet, Romain. Google launches Google Assistant on the iPhone. TechCrunch. AOL. 2017-05-17 [2017-05-17]. (原始内容存档于2020-09-29). 
  19. ^ Baig, Edward. Google Assistant is coming to smart screens, rivaling Amazon Echo Show. USA Today. 2018-01-09 [2018-01-13] –通过WBIR-TV英语WBIR-TV. [失效連結]
  20. ^ Lee, Nicole. CES showed us smart displays will be the new normal. Engadget. 2018-01-12 [2018-01-13]. (原始内容存档于2020-01-15). 
  21. ^ Miller, Paul. Google Assistant will open up to developers in December with 'Actions on Google'. The Verge. Vox Media. 2016-10-04 [2017-05-08]. (原始内容存档于2020-05-16). 
  22. ^ Low, Cherlynn. Google opens up its Assistant actions to developers. Engadget. AOL. 2016-12-08 [2017-05-08]. (原始内容存档于2019-12-10). 
  23. ^ Vemuri, Sunil. Game developers rejoice—new tools for developing on Actions on Google. Google Developers Blog. Google. 2017-03-30 [2017-05-08]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-10). 
  24. ^ Bohn, Dieter. Third-party actions will soon work on Google Assistant on the phone. The Verge. Vox Media. 2017-05-17 [2017-05-30]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-10). 
  25. ^ Perez, Sarah. Google Actions expand to Android and iPhone. TechCrunch. AOL. 2017-05-17 [2017-05-30]. (原始内容存档于2018-12-01). 
  26. ^ Whitwam, Ryan. Google Assistant gets an app directory with categories and sample commands. Android Police. 2017-05-18 [2017-05-30]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-10). 
  27. ^ Davenport, Corbin. Google is offering up to $10,000 to developers making Google Assistant actions. Android Police. 2017-05-29 [2017-06-01]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-10). 
  28. ^ Amadeo, Ron. The Google Assistant SDK will let you run the Assistant on anything. Ars Technica. Condé Nast. 2017-04-27 [2017-04-28]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-11). 
  29. ^ Bohn, Dieter. Anybody can make a Google Assistant gadget with this new toolkit. The Verge. Vox Media. 2017-04-27 [2017-04-28]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-10). 
  30. ^ Gordon, Scott Adam. Google voice control comes to the Raspberry Pi via new DIY kit. Android Authority. 2017-05-04 [2017-05-08]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-10). 
  31. ^ Vincent, James. You can now use Google’s AI to add voice commands to your Raspberry Pi. The Verge. Vox Media. 2017-05-04 [2017-05-08]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-10). 
  32. ^ Gurman, Mark; Bergen, Mark. Google Wants Android and Its Assistant to Power Your Car Too. Bloomberg Technology. Bloomberg L.P. 2017-05-15 [2017-05-17]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-14). 
  33. ^ O'Kane, Sean. Audi and Volvo will use Android as the operating system in upcoming cars. The Verge. Vox Media. 2017-05-15 [2017-05-17]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-10). 
  34. ^ El Khoury, Rita. Google Assistant can now control more appliances and smart home devices including Roomba, LG, GE, and D-Link. Android Police. 2017-05-18 [2017-05-30]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-10). 
  35. ^ Kastrenakes, Jacob. LG and GE add Google Assistant support to fridges, washers, ovens, and more. The Verge. Vox Media. 2017-05-17 [2017-05-30]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-10). 
  36. ^ Wollerton, Megan. Google Assistant makes its way to your large home appliances. CNET. CBS Interactive. 2017-05-17 [2017-05-30]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-10). 
  37. ^ Gartenberg, Chaim. Google’s latest Assistant SDK updates make third-party speakers smarter. The Verge. Vox Media. 2017-12-20 [2017-12-21]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-10). 
  38. ^ Pelegrin, Williams. Google Assistant SDK updated with new languages and features. Android Authority. 2017-12-20 [2017-12-21]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-10). 
  39. ^ Kapoor, Sanjay; Fox, Nick. Investing in startups and the future of the Google Assistant. Google Blog. 2018-05-02 [2019-02-12]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-10). 
  40. ^ The new voice of Google Voice. [2019-10-14]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-09). 
  41. ^ Tarantola, Andrew. John Legend is one of six new Google Assistant voices. Engadget. 2018-05-08 [2018-05-09]. (原始内容存档于2019-12-10). 
  42. ^ Martin, Taylor. Try the all-new Google Assistant voices right now. CNET. 2018-05-09 [2018-05-10]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-25). 
  43. ^ Google on Instagram: "Meet the new voice of your Google Assistant: @issarae! 🤩 She's taking over our story today—follow along or say "Hey Google, #TalkLikeIssa"…". Instagram. [2019-10-14]. (原始内容存档于2020-05-24). 
  44. ^ Create shortcut commands. [2018-10-12]. (原始内容存档于2018-10-12). 
  45. ^ Murnane, Kevin. How To Set Up Google Assistant's Little-Known And Super-Useful Shortcuts. Forbes. 2017-05-23 [2018-12-20]. (原始内容存档于2018-10-12). 
  46. ^ Lardinois, Frederic. The Google Assistant is now bilingual. TechCrunch. 2018-08-30 [2018-12-20]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-10). 
  47. ^ Getting Punctuation on Speech-to-Text. [2018-10-12]. (原始内容存档于2018-06-24). 
  48. ^ Bohn, Dieter. You can finally use the keyboard to ask Google Assistant questions. The Verge. Vox Media. 2017-05-17 [2017-05-30]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-10). 
  49. ^ LeFebvre, Rob. Google Assistant now accepts typed and verbal cues. Engadget. AOL. 2017-05-17 [2017-05-30]. (原始内容存档于2019-12-10). 
  50. ^ Whitwam, Ryan. Google Assistant on Android now has query history that you can edit or delete. Android Police. 2017-05-18 [2017-05-30]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-10). 
  51. ^ Purewal, Sarah Jacobsson. The difference between Google Now and Google Assistant. CNET. CBS Interactive. 2016-10-04 [2017-03-17]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-10). 
  52. ^ Steele, Billy. Google Assistant now helps with your shopping on Google Home (updated). Engadget. Oath Inc. 2017-02-16 [2017-12-10]. (原始内容存档于2019-02-03). 
  53. ^ Martin, Taylor. Google Home now lets you shop for everyday items with your voice. CNET. CBS Interactive. 2017-02-16 [2017-12-10]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-10). 
  54. ^ Ingraham, Nathan. Order from Walmart by chatting with Google Home. Engadget. Verizon Media. 2017-09-25 [2017-12-10]. (原始内容存档于2020-03-22). 
  55. ^ D'innocenzio, Anne. Target is joining forces with Google to take on Amazon. Business Insider. Axel Springer SE. 2017-10-12 [2017-12-10]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-10). 
  56. ^ Amadeo, Ron. Google ruins the Assistant’s shopping list, turns it into a big Google Express ad. Ars Technica. Condé Nast. 2017-04-11 [2017-05-30]. (原始内容存档于2020-12-22). 
  57. ^ Garun, Natt. Google Assistant's shopping lists are moving to the Home app today. The Verge. Vox Media. 2017-04-10 [2017-05-30]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-10). 
  58. ^ Welch, Chris. Google Assistant will soon search by sight with your smartphone camera. The Verge. Vox Media. 2017-05-17 [2017-05-30]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-10). 
  59. ^ Conditt, Jessica. Google Lens is a powerful, AI-driven visual search app. Engadget. AOL. 2017-05-17 [2017-05-30]. (原始内容存档于2020-02-04). 
  60. ^ Scrivens, Scott. Google Assistant will soon support sending money with your Google account. Android Police. 2017-05-18 [2017-05-30]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-10). 
  61. ^ Miller, Paul. You'll soon be able to send money with Google Assistant. The Verge. Vox Media. 2017-05-18 [2017-05-30]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-10). 
  62. ^ Liao, Shannon. Google Assistant can now tell you what song is playing near you. The Verge. Vox Media. 2017-11-06 [2017-12-10]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-10). 
  63. ^ Li, Abner. Google Assistant can finally recognize music and songs, rolling out now. 9to5Google. 2017-11-06 [2017-12-10]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-10). 
  64. ^ Whitwam, Ryan. Google Assistant: Awesome features you need to start using. Trigger multiple commands.. PC 2018-07-03 [2018-10-12]. (原始内容存档于2018-04-05). 
  65. ^ Google Duplex: An AI System for Accomplishing Real-World Tasks Over the Phone. Google AI Blog. [2018-10-15]. (原始内容存档于2021-02-01). 
  66. ^ Nieva, Richard. Google Assistant’s one step closer to passing the Turing test. CNET. 2018-05-09 [2018-05-10]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-10). 
  67. ^ Leviathan, Yaniv; Matias, Yossi. Google Duplex: An AI System for Accomplishing Real-World Tasks Over the Phone. Google AI Blog. 2018-05-08 [2018-05-10]. (原始内容存档于2021-02-01). 
  68. ^ Carey, Bridget. Human or bot? Google Duplex scares me. CNET. 2018-05-09 [2018-05-10]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-10). 
  69. ^ Bergen, Mark. Google Grapples With ‘Horrifying’ Reaction to Uncanny AI Tech. Bloomberg. 2018-05-10 [2018-12-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-31). 
  70. ^ Simonite, Tom. Google Duplex, the Human-Sounding Phone Bot, Comes to the Pixel. Wired. 2018-10-09 [2018-10-10]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-10). 
  71. ^ Low, Cherlynn. Google’s AI advances are equal parts worry and wonder. Engadget. 2018-05-11 [2018-05-14]. (原始内容存档于2019-06-10). 
  72. ^ Gershgorn, Dave. It’s Google’s turn to ask the questions. Quartz. 2018-05-12 [2018-05-14]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-10). 
  73. ^ 73.0 73.1 Vomiero, Jessica. Google’s AI assistant must identify itself as a robot during phone calls: report. Global News. 2018-05-12 [2018-05-14]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-12). 
  74. ^ Jeong, Sarah. No one knows how Google Duplex will work with eavesdropping laws. The Verge. 2018-05-11 [2018-05-14]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-10). 
  75. ^ Lulwani, Mona. Personal Assistants are Ushering in the Age of AI at home. Engadget. 2016-10-05 [2018-05-30]. (原始内容存档于2019-12-10). 
  76. ^ Google now says controversial AI voice calling system will identify itself to humans. The Verge. [2018-05-14]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-20). 
  77. ^ Bergen, Mark. Google's Duplex AI Robot Will Warn That Calls Are Recorded. 2018-05-18 [2018-05-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-09). 


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Cet article est une ébauche concernant l’islam et le Haut Moyen Âge. Vous pouvez partager vos connaissances en l’améliorant (comment ?) selon les recommandations des projets correspondants. Safiyya bint HuyayyBiographieNaissance Vers 610MédineDécès 670MédineSépulture Al BaqiNom dans la langue maternelle صفية بنت حيي‎Père Huyayy ibn AkhtabMère Barra binte Samawal (en)Conjoints Mahomet (de 629 à 632)Kenana ibn al-RabiSallam ibn Mishkam (en)modifier - modifier le...



34 Battalion/202 BattalionSWATF 34 Battalion emblemDisbanded1990–91Country Namibia,  South AfricaAllegiance South AfricaBranch South African Army,TypeLight InfantryPart ofSouth West African Territorial ForceGarrison/HQRundu (17°57′55″S 19°43′56″E / 17.96528°S 19.73222°E / -17.96528; 19.73222)Nickname(s)Kavangoland BattalionCommandersLast Commanding OfficerCommandant Van Der MerweLast 2nd in CommandMajor ZeemanLast RSMWO1 F.J.S. Sh...

Questa voce sull'argomento calciatori tedeschi è solo un abbozzo. Contribuisci a migliorarla secondo le convenzioni di Wikipedia. Segui i suggerimenti del progetto di riferimento. Matthias Zimmermann Nazionalità  Germania Altezza 178[1] cm Peso 73[1] kg Calcio Ruolo Difensore Squadra  Fortuna Düsseldorf CarrieraGiovanili 2002-2010 KarlsruheSquadre di club1 2009-2010 Karlsruhe II10 (1)2009-2011 Karlsruhe50 (1)2011-2015 Borussia M'gladbach1...



Gaomiaocun高庙村Chongqing Rail TransitLokasiDistrik Shapingba, ChongqingTiongkokOperatorChongqing Rail Transit Corp., LtdJalurGalat Lua: expandTemplate: template "CRT lines" does not exist.SejarahDibuka28 Juli 2011 (2011-07-28)Operasi layanan Stasiun sebelumnya   Chongqing Rail Transit   Stasiun berikutnya Shiqiaopumenuju [[Stasiun Templat:S-line/CRT left/1|Templat:S-line/CRT left/1]] Templat:CRT linesMajiayanmenuju [[Stasiun Templat:S-line/CRT right/1|Templat:S-li...



Online video rental redirects here. For rental of streaming or downloaded video, see video on demand. E-commerce Digital content Ebook Software Streaming media Retail goods and services Advertising Auctions Banking DVD-by-mail Distribution Food ordering Grocery Marketplace Pharmacy Ride-hailing Travel Online shopping Comparison shopping Social commerce Trading communities Wallet Mobile commerce Payment Ticketing Customer service Call centre Help desk Live support software E-procurement Purcha...

Державний комітет телебачення і радіомовлення України (Держкомтелерадіо) Приміщення комітетуЗагальна інформаціяКраїна  УкраїнаДата створення 2003Керівне відомство Кабінет Міністрів УкраїниРічний бюджет 1 964 898 500 ₴[1]Голова Олег НаливайкоПідвідомчі ор...



Bilateral relationsNepal–Russia relations Nepal Russia Nepal–Russia relations (Russian: Российско-непальские отношения, Nepali: नेपाल रुस सम्बन्ध) are the bilateral relations between Russia and Nepal. Background Nepal and the Soviet Union had established diplomatic relations on June 5 - July 9, 1956. In April 1959, the countries signed several agreements, including the ones on economic and technical aid (foresaw free assistance in ...



У Вікіпедії є статті про інші значення цього терміна: Волощина (значення). Цѣра Рȣмѫнѣскъ Князівство Волощина васал османської імперії (1415 – 19 ст.) протекторат Російської імперії (18 – 19 ст.) 1330 – 1859 Прапор Герб Волощини: історичні кордони на карті Столиця Кимпулунг-...

ヨハネス12世 第130代 ローマ教皇 教皇就任 955年12月16日教皇離任 964年5月14日先代 アガペトゥス2世次代 レオ8世個人情報出生 937年スポレート公国(中部イタリア)スポレート死去 964年5月14日 教皇領、ローマ原国籍 スポレート公国親 父アルベリーコ2世(スポレート公)、母アルダその他のヨハネステンプレートを表示 ヨハネス12世(Ioannes XII、937年 - 964年5月14日)は、ロ...



Bendera Papua Nugini   Negara anggota   Calon: Papua Nugini dan Timor-Leste   Calon pengamat potensial: Bangladesh dan Fiji Aksesi Papua Nugini ke Perhimpunan Bangsa-Bangsa Asia Tenggara masih dibahas. Maraknya kejahatan, guncangan politik, buruknya infrastruktur, hukum yang diskriminatif, dan tenaga kerja yang tidak terampil[1] memperkecil peluang keanggotaan Papua Nugini di ASEAN. Selain itu, negara ini lebih dekat secara budaya dan geografis dengan kep...



Alai ParakKelurahanMasjid Raya Sumatera Barat di Sudut pertemuan Jl. Khatib Sulaiman dengan Jl. Raya Ampang, Alai Parak Kopi, Kota PadangNegara IndonesiaProvinsiSumatera BaratKotaPadangKecamatanPadang UtaraKode Kemendagri13.71.04.1006 Kode BPS1371070019 Luas-Jumlah penduduk-Kepadatan- Alai Parak adalah salah satu kelurahan yang terletak di Kecamatan Padang Utara, Padang, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia. Di kelurahan ini terdapat Balai Adat LKAAM Sumbar dan Masjid Raya Sumatera Barat. Kelurahan...

This article is about the building. For other uses, see Barn (disambiguation), Barns (surname), and Barnes (disambiguation). Farm building redirects here. For farm living quarters, see farmhouse. Agricultural building used for storage and as a covered workplace Timber framed with siding of vertical boards was typical in early New England. The traditional color is the result of iron oxide stain applied to protect the wood from UV damage. The Texas Technological College Dairy Barn in Lubbock, T...



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