馬丁B-57坎培拉轟炸機(英語:Martin B-57 Canberra)是美國製的雙噴射發動機戰術轟炸機及高空偵察機,於1953年進入美國空軍服役。B-57為英國電氣公司製坎培拉式轟炸機(英语:English Electric Canberra)授權在美國製造的版本,但格倫馬丁公司在原本坎培拉轟炸機的基礎上亦做出許多重大的更動,並由此發展出許多非常特別的衍生型。
Anderton, David A. BofAeE, AFAIA. "Martin B-57 Night Intruders & General Dynamics RB-57F". Aircraft in Profile, Volume 14. Windsor, Berkshire, UK: Profile Publications Ltd., 1974, pp. 1–25. ISBN 0-85383-023-1.
Drendel, Lou. Air War over Southeast Asia, Vol 1, 1962–1966. Carrolton, Texas: Squadron/Signal Publications, Inc, 1982. ISBN 0-89747-134-2.
Hobson, Chris. Vietnam Air Losses, USAF/Navy/Marine, Fixed Wing Aircraft Losses in Southeast 1961-1973. North Branch, Minnesota: Specialty Press, 2001. ISBN 1-8578-0115-6.
Jones, Barry. "A Nice Little Earner". Aeroplane, Volume 34, Number 10, October 2006.
Knaack, Marcelle Size. Encyclopedia of U.S. Air Force Aircraft and Missile Systems: Volume II: Post-World War II Bombers, 1945–1973. Washington, D.C.: Office of Air Force History, 1988. ISBN 0-16-002260-6.
Mesko, Jim. VNAF, South Vietnamese Air Force 1945–1975. Carrolton, Texas: Squadron/Signal Publications, Inc, 1987. ISBN 0-89747-193-8.
Mikesh, Robert. "Buy British, Fly American." Wings, October 1977.
Mikesh, Robert C. "Martin B-57 Canberra. The Complete Record". Atglen, Pennsylvania: Schiffer Publishing Ltd., 1995. ISBN 0-88740-661-0.
Pfau, Richard A. and William H. Greenhalgh, Jr. FM B-57G – Tropic Moon III 1967–1972. Washington, D.C.: Office of Air Force History, Headquarters United States Air Force, 1978.
Smith, Mark E. USAF Reconnaissance in South East Asia(1961–66). San Francisco, California: Headquarters, Pacific Air Force, Department of the Air Force, 1966.