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  • 住在高雄市三民區民族一路的70歲吳姓婦人不滿居住60年的房屋將被高雄市政府拆除,情緒激動在家中以頭撞牆,揚言「死給高雄市政府看」。吳婦的71歲丈夫薛姓男子與友人報案,救護人員將吳婦送醫急救。薛姓男子表示,他們居住的平房有30坪,是60年前合法向地主購買,不料高雄市政府強制徵收,高雄市政府一紙公文就想拆屋,「30坪只願意賠我們(新臺幣)50萬元」[18]
  • 中國國民黨第19屆第4次全國代表大會,通過黨主席洪秀柱提出的新版政策綱領。新版政策綱領分為5大總論、4項立場、10大政綱,涵蓋外交、兩岸、民主、經濟、教育、司法等面向。新版政策綱領與前主席朱立倫時代修訂的政策綱領最大差異,在於不強調一中各表,僅提到「在中華民國憲法的基礎上,深化九二共識[19]。洪秀柱在開幕致詞宣告,國民黨要以「和平政綱」對抗民進黨台獨黨綱[20]








  • 反迫遷團體前往行政院前抗議,蔡英文政府執政以後,迫遷及強拆仍持續發生,不符合蔡英文政府執政以前民進黨所作的「改變」承諾。反台南鐵路東移全線自救聯合會會長陳致曉直言,蔡英文政府執政以後,「反迫遷團體頻繁上街頭,比國民黨時代更忙」。徐世榮怒批,民進黨在意的轉型正義只是為了民進黨的一黨私利,對眼前亟需轉型正義平反的被迫遷戶視而不見,「轉型正義應該是全民的、而不是一個黨的」[29]


  • 63個反迫遷團體發動「925土地正義重返凱道」定點抗議行動,聚集於臺北市凱達格蘭大道前抗議,要求蔡英文承諾給他們一個無迫遷、能安心居住的家園[30]。集會發言人徐亦甫說,60多個徵收案的共通點是「政府都在回應財團開發的期待」,反迫遷團體期待的是行政權可以介入各個徵收案[31]。反迫遷團體指出,蔡英文政府應該提出一套具體作法協調中央與地方政府暫停有疑慮的個案,但在目前內政部的回應中並沒有看到這一點。蔡英文未接見反迫遷團體。徐世榮揚言,本次行動只是抗爭的開始,未來全台各地反迫遷團體的抗爭將會延燒到所有相關的政府機關[32]


  • 反台南鐵路東移全線自救聯合會赴臺北市中山堂民進黨30週年黨慶「創黨30挑戰30紀念影像展」開展記者會會場外抗議,痛批民進黨執政的南鐵案與高雄市三民區果菜市場遷移都未曾好好跟民眾溝通,呼籲民進黨「消費民主不如落實民主」[33]



  • 民進黨官方facebook頁面公布蔡英文的公開信〈創黨三十週年蔡英文主席給民主進步黨黨員的信〉,蔡英文在信中說,民進黨一定會堅守一些價值,「我們要力抗中國的壓力,發展與其他國家的關係;我們要擺脫對於中國的過度依賴,形塑一個健康的、正常的經濟關係」[35]。同日,美國國務院東亞暨太平洋事務局發言人崔·葛瑞斯(Grace Choi)在回覆中央通訊社記者詢問的電子郵件中重申美國長期以來的一貫立場,她說,在兩岸關係的和平穩定上,美國有深遠利益,美國歡迎兩岸執政當局降低緊張、改善兩岸關係的步驟,美國鼓勵兩岸執政當局在尊嚴與尊重的基礎上進行建設性對話[36]



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2022 documentary film directed by Kartiki Gonsalves For the 2009 book, see The Elephant Whisperer. The Elephant WhisperersOfficial release posterDirected byKartiki GonsalvesProduced byGuneet MongaAchin JainCinematographyKaran ThapliyalKrish MakhijaAnand BansalKartiki GonsalvesEdited bySanchari Das MollickDouglas BlushMusic bySven FaulconerProductioncompanySikhya EntertainmentDistributed byNetflixRelease date 8 December 2022 (2022-12-08) Running time39 minutesCountriesIndia United …

Qatar Amiri Flight IATA ICAO Kode panggil - QAF AMIRI Didirikan1977PenghubungBandar Udara Internasional DohaArmada13TujuanSeluruh dunia tergantung permintaanPerusahaan indukPemerintah QatarKantor pusatDoha, Qatar Qatar Amiri Flight adalah maskapai penerbangan VIP yang dimiliki oleh pemerintah Qatar. Maskapai ini mengoperasikan layanan penerbangan sewaan ke seluruh dunia tergantung permintaan dan melayani penerbangan khusus untuk keluarga kerajaan Qatar dan staf pemerintah lainnya. Sebagian besar…

Swedish-Danish politician Liselott BlixtBlixt in 2017Member of the FolketingIncumbentAssumed office 13 November 2007 - 1 November 2022ConstituencyZealand Personal detailsBorn (1965-02-22) 22 February 1965 (age 58)Lund, SwedenPolitical partyDanish People's Party (until 2022) Liselott Blixt (born 22 February 1965 in Lund) is a Swedish-Danish politician, who is a member of the Folketing for the Danish People's Party. She was elected into the Folketing in the 2007 Danish general election.&#…

Kapan Pindah RumahPoster film resmiSutradara Herwin Novianto Produser Agung Haryanto Ditulis oleh Lottati Mulyani SkenarioLottati MulyaniBerdasarkanKapan Pindah Rumaholeh Annisa Diandari PutriPemeran Cut Mini Clara Bernadeth Mahalini Raharja Indro Warkop Abun Sungkar SinematograferGunung Nusa PelitaPenyuntingAdhi PrasetyoPerusahaanproduksiKlikFilm ProductionsDistributorKlikFilmTanggal rilis 17 Desember 2021 (2021-12-17) Durasi82 menitNegara Indonesia Bahasa Indonesia Kapan Pindah Rumah adal…

Plan to reduce vehicle emissions based on license plate number This article relies excessively on references to primary sources. Please improve this article by adding secondary or tertiary sources. Find sources: Hoy No Circula – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (February 2010) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) Weekday Plate's last digit Sticker color Monday 5 or 6 yellow Tuesday 7 or 8 pink Wednesday 3 or 4 red Thursday 1 or …

Incomplete structure in Yekaterinburg, Russia Yekaterinburg TV Tower Demolition of the tower Yekaterinburg TV Tower (Russian: Екатеринбу́ргская телеба́шня) was a tall incomplete structure in Yekaterinburg, Russia. Construction work started 1983, but was put on hold in 1991, following the collapse of the Soviet Union,[1] as its shaft reached the height of 220 m (720 ft).[2] According to plans, the tower was intended to reach a structural height…

Reading of a screenplay or script by actors with speaking parts For the Space Ghost Coast to Coast episode, see Table Read (Space Ghost Coast to Coast). Read-through of sitcom pilot The read-through, table-read, or table work is a stage of film, television, radio, and theatre production when an organized reading of the screenplay or script is conducted around a table by the actors with speaking parts.[1][2] In addition to the cast members with speaking parts, the read-through is …

American electronics manufacturer Sylvania Electric Products Inc.FormerlyHygrade Sylvania Corporation (1931–1942)IndustryElectronicsPredecessorsNILCOSylvaniaHygrade Lamp CompanyFounded1931; 92 years ago (1931)Defunct1959 (1959)FateMerged with General TelephoneSuccessorGeneral Telephone and Electronics (GTE) Sylvania Electric Products Inc. was an American manufacturer of diverse electrical equipment, including at various times radio transceivers, vacuum tubes, semiconduct…

ビジ語北トゥチャ語 Bdřitz'a発音 IPA: /bi̊dʒisa/話される国 中華人民共和国地域 主に湖南省の湘西トゥチャ族ミャオ族自治州及び隣接地区話者数 10万以上(2011年)言語系統 シナ・チベット語族 チベット・ビルマ語派チアン語群トゥチャ諸語ビジ語公的地位公用語 なし統制機関 なし言語コードISO 639-2 sitISO 639-3 tji消滅危険度評価 Severely endangered (Moseley 2010)テンプレートを表示 …

Final battles as well as the surrender by Nazi Germany This article includes a list of general references, but it lacks sufficient corresponding inline citations. Please help to improve this article by introducing more precise citations. (April 2022) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) Third and last page of the instrument of unconditional surrender signed in Berlin on 8 May 1945 vteWestern Front(1944–1945) Overlord Chastity Dragoon Paris Siegfried Line campaign Channel Coast …

Database engine built by Microsoft This article is about JET Red used in Microsoft Access. For the JET Blue ISAM implementation, see Extensible Storage Engine. Access Database EngineOther namesACE Database EngineOffice Access Connectivity Engine (ACE)Microsoft JET EngineMicrosoft Jet Database EngineJet RedJoint Engine Technology (JET)Developer(s)MicrosoftInitial release1992; 31 years ago (1992)Stable releaseACE 16 Operating systemMicrosoft WindowsTypeDatabase engineWebsiteoffic…

Pete Mickeal Datos personalesNombre completo Fenton Pete MickealNacimiento Rock Island, Illinois  Estados Unidos22 de febrero de 1978 (46 años)Nacionalidad(es) EstadounidenseAltura 1,99 m (6′ 6″)Peso 80 kg (176 lb)Carrera deportivaDeporte BaloncestoEquipo universitario Indians Hills CC (1996–1998)Cincinnati (1998–2000)Estado retiradoClub profesionalDraft de la NBA 2.ª ronda (puesto 58), 2000 por Dallas MavericksPosición AleroDorsal(es) 11, 33Retirada deportiva…

هذه المقالة يتيمة إذ تصل إليها مقالات أخرى قليلة جدًا. فضلًا، ساعد بإضافة وصلة إليها في مقالات متعلقة بها. (أكتوبر 2015) تان تان وأسماك قرش البحر الأحمر   النوع مغامرة السلسلة مغامرات تان تان (الترتيب: 19)  تأليف هيرجي إخراج هيرجي سيناريو هيرجي البلد بلجيكا  لغة العمل فر…

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