在1842年,英國天文學家喬治·比德爾·艾里(George B. Airy)第一次觀察日全食。他回憶說陰影帶適量點之一:"隨著全食的逼近,牆壁和地面上出現了奇怪的光波動。景象是如此的驚人,以至於在有些地方的孩子們追趕著,並試圖用手去抓住它他回憶說,陰影帶是亮點之一:"隨著整體的臨近,牆壁和地面上出現了奇怪的光波動,如此驚人,以至於在有些地方,孩子們追趕它,試圖用手抓住它。 [8]。"
^Strickling, Wolfgang. Wolfgang Strickling's eclipse observations 2001 page. 2007-01-26 [24 July 2010]. (原始内容存档于2019-05-11). The best theory for the emergence of the shadow bands is published by Codona 1986 [2]. His theory meanwhile accepted by the most scientists. ... movement of the shadow bands is caused by winds in the different atmospheric levels.
^Guillermier, Pierre; Koutchmy, Serge. Total Eclipses: Science, Observations, Myths and Legends. Springer Publishing. 1999: 151. The phenomenon of shadow bands – a success of light and dark striations – is somewhat random. German astronomer Hermann Goldschmidt was the first to remark upon this complex refraction phenomenon, in 1820.
^Maunder, Michael J. de F.; Moore, Patrick. Eclipses – General Principles. The Sun in Eclipse. Springer Publishing. 1998: 55. Shadow Bands. In 1820 the German astronomer Hermann Goldschmidt was the first to notice wavy lines seen across the Earth's surface just before totality. These so-called shadow bands [...]