在年度的「驅逐混沌」( Banishing of Chaos)儀式中,祭司會建造一座包含埃及所有邪惡與黑暗的阿佩普肖像,接著將其燒毀以保護人們免於受到祂的危害。祭司擁有一本《推翻阿佩普》(The Books of Overthrowing Apep)的詳細指導書,章節內描述了逐步肢解的處理流程[11]:
^Erman, Adolf, and Hermann Grapow, eds. 1926–1953. Wörterbuch der aegyptischen Sprache im Auftrage der deutschen Akademien. 6 vols. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs'schen Buchhandlungen. (Reprinted Berlin: Akademie-Verlag GmbH, 1971).
^Hieroglyph as per Budge Gods of the Ancient Egyptians (1969), Vol. I, 180.
^C. Wolterman, in Jaarbericht van Ex Oriente Lux, Leiden Nr.37 (2002).
^J. Assmann, Egyptian Solar Religion in the New Kingdom, transl. by A. Alcock (London, 1995), 49-57.
^Borghouts, J. F. (1973). "The Evil Eye of Apopis". The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 59. 114–115.
^Borghouts, J. F. (1973). "The Evil Eye of Apopis". The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 59. 116.
^G. Pinch, Egyptian Mythology, (2004), pp. 107–108
^P.Kousoulis, Magic and Religion as Performative Theological Unity: the Apotropaic Ritual of Overthrowing Apophis, Ph.D. dissertation, University of Liverpool (Liverpool, 1999), chapters 3-5.
^J.F.Borghouts, Book of the Dead [39]: From Shouting to Structure (Studien zum Altaegyptischen Totenbuch 10, Wiesbaden, 2007).