1974年的一个案例(Howard Smith Ltd v Ampol Ltd [1974] AC 832)突出了一个少数人在董事会决策的作用的问题。在这个案例中,董事们在决定发放新的股票的权力方面,引起的争议。董事们被指责故意发放了大量的新股票仅仅是为了让特定的股东失去他的控股权。曾经有建议说发行新股的权力只能在有新资产的时候才能履行,但是后来被拒绝了,因为过于严厉,并且一些情况下,股东向大公司发现股票是保证本公司财务稳定的一种正当的行为,或者是一种协议出让公司采矿权的方式。[19]在这种情况下,仅仅的不利情况是(也许这是期望的)一个股东失去了控股权,或者一个并购要约被击退,这些并不能说明发行新股是不恰当的。但是如果目的仅仅是为了摧毁一个股东的控股权,或者反击一个并购要约,那么就是一个不恰当的目的。
^Gower, 公司法原理 (第六版), citing Isle of Wight Railway v Tahourdin (1883) 25 Ch D 320.
^See Gower, Principles of Company Law (6th ed.) at 185.
^For example, in the United Kingdom, see section 303 of the Companies Act 1985
^In the United Kingdom it is 28 days' notice, see sections 303(2) and 379 of the Companies Act 1985
^In the United Kingdom, see section 304(1) of the Companies Act 1985. A private company cannot use a written resolution under section 381A - a meeting must be held.
^In the United Kingdom, see sections 303(2) and (3) of the Companies Act 1985
^See for example Barber's Case (1877) 5 Ch D 963 and Re Portuguese Consolidated Copper Mines (1889) 42 Ch D 160
^Breckland Group Holdings Ltd v London and Suffolk Properties [1989] BCLC 100
^For example, if the board is authorised by the shareholders to negotiate with a takeover bidder. It has been held in New Zealand that "depending upon all the surround circumstances and the nature of the responsibility which in a real and practical sense the director has assumed towards the shareholder," Coleman v Myers [1977] 2 NZLR 225
^This division was rejected in British Columbia in Teck Corporation v Millar (1972) 33 DLR (3d) 288
^Although as Gower points out, as well understood as the rule is, there is a paucity of authority on the point. But see Clark v Workman [1920] 1 Ir R 107 and Dawson International plc v Coats Paton plc 1989 SLT 655