老州议会大厦(Old State House)是美国波士顿的一座古老的红砖建筑,兴建于1712-1713年,1711年第一座木质的市政厅(建于1657年)毁于火灾之后[2]。老州议会大厦位于华盛顿街(Washington Street)和州街(State Street)的路口。这是波士顿最古老的公共建筑,也是自由之路的一站。
Boston Celebrates July '76, Boston 200 Office of the Boston Bicentennial, Kevin H. White, Mayor. Published Boston, MA: Addison House, 1976. ISBN 0-89169-011-5 (paperback) and 0-89169-010-7 (cloth).
King's handbook of Boston. 1885.
Michael Hollleran. "The Old South: the meetinghouse and the American preservation movement," in Old-Time New England, spring/summer 1998.