约翰·布拉德肖(英語:John Bradshaw,1602年7月12日—1659年10月31日),是英国斯图亚特王朝时期的圆颅党人、法学家。布拉德肖在1649年1月被任命为审判国王查理一世的大法官,其后他亦参与查理一世死刑判决书的签署[1]。英格兰联邦成立后他先后担任国务会议主席与兰开斯特公国大臣,但因为反对克伦威尔的护国公体制而辞职。1658年9月克伦威尔死后他再度被选为下议院议员,不久因患疟疾回到西敏寺休养,并于次年10月逝世。斯图亚特王朝复辟之后,布拉德肖同克伦威尔、亨利·艾尔顿的尸体被掘出挂在绞刑架示众[2],随即遭到斩首。
- ^ "Bradshaw, John". The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. VIII, 1921.
- ^ William L. Sachse, "England's "Black Tribunal": an Analysis of the Regicide Court", in: The Journal of British Studies 12 (1973), p. 69–85.
- Biography of John Bradshaw 互联网档案馆的存檔,存档日期30 September 2007. British Civil Wars website.
- Bridges, George Wilson. The Annals of Jamaica 2. J. Murray. 1828: 446.
- Bowden, Brett; Davis, Michael T. Regicide and Tyrannicide. Terror: From Tyrannicide to Terrorism. University of Queensland Press. 2008: 57–60. ISBN 978-0-7022-3599-3.
- Urban, Sylvanus (编). Gentleman's Magazine, and Historical Chronicle 54. 1784: 833–835.
- Kirby, Michael. The trial of King Charles I – defining moment for our constitutional liberties (PDF). To the Anglo-Australasian Lawyers' association. 22 January 1999 [2024-09-22]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2014-02-12). .
- Robertson, Geoffrey. The tyrannicide brief: the story of the man who sent Charles I to the scaffold. Chatto & Windus/Vintage. 2005. ISBN 978-0-09-945919-4.
- Ludlow, Edmund. C.H. Firth, M.A. , 编. The Memoirs of Edmund Ludlow, Lieutenant-General of the Horse in the Army of the Commonwealth of England, 1625–1672 2. Clarendon Press. 1894: 140–141.
- Robertson, Geoffrey. Introduction to Kirby Project. Geoffrey Robertson Website. October 2008 [12 June 2018]. (原始内容存档于11 July 2011).
- Devereux, Charlie. The tyrant's flaw: Geoffrey Robertson interviewed. opendemocracy.net. 31 October 2005 [12 June 2018]. (原始内容存档于2018-11-18).