絕命律師 (第五季)

Better Call Saul (Season 5)
国家/地区 美国
播出日期2020年2月23日 (2020-02-23)—4月20日 (2020-04-20)


該季承接第四季完結時的劇情,時間背景是2004年,亦即是薩爾·古德曼華特·懷特布莱恩·科兰斯顿 飾)和傑西·平克曼亚伦·保尔 飾)相遇的四年前。該季進一步展示吉米·麥吉爾(鮑勃·奧登科克 飾)在重新獲得律師執照後,以“薩爾·古德曼”的身份擔任專為罪犯服務的刑事辯護律師的轉變;霍華德·漢姆林英语Howard Hamlin帕特里克·法比安 飾)在吉米的哥哥查克去世後一直對他釋出善意,但吉米卻完全拒絕;金·魏斯勒英语Kim Wexler蕾亚·塞洪 飾)對吉米陣發的詭密天性以及自己願意接受吉米道德上模棱兩可的行徑來推動她的職業生涯感到沮喪;拉洛·薩拉曼卡英语Lalo Salamanca托尼·代尔顿 飾)在阿爾伯克基的存在破壞了葛斯·弗林詹卡洛·埃斯波西托 飾)的合法餐廳業務以及他在華雷斯販毒集團英语Juárez Cartel的聲譽;擔心父親安全的納丘·瓦加迈克尔·曼多 飾),以及掙扎著應付殺害維爾納·齊格勒(Werner Ziegler)後的情緒的麥克·艾曼翠岳喬納森·班克斯 飾)都被夾在葛斯和拉洛的衝突之間,而吉米和金最終也被捲入其中。

該季獲得評論家的普遍讚譽,特別是與前幾季相比的表演和高度緊張氣氛,更獲得第72届黄金时段艾美奖的四項提名,其中包括最佳劇情類劇集英语Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Drama Series






411魔法哥英语Magic Man (Better Call Saul)
Magic Man
布朗溫·休斯英语Bronwen Hughes彼得·古爾德2020年2月23日 (2020-02-23)1.60[6]
422打5折英语50% Off
50% Off
諾貝托·巴爾巴英语Norberto Barba艾莉森·塔洛克(Alison Tatlock2020年2月24日 (2020-02-24)1.06[7]
433非你莫屬英语The Guy for This
The Guy for This
邁克爾·莫里斯英语Michael Morris (director)安·切爾基斯(Ann Cherkis2020年3月2日 (2020-03-02)1.18[8]
444合十禮英语Namaste (Better Call Saul)
戈登·史密斯英语Gordon Smith (screenwriter)戈登·史密斯2020年3月9日 (2020-03-09)1.22[9]
455盡全力英语Dedicado a Max
Dedicado a Max
吉姆·麥凱希瑟·馬里恩(Heather Marion2020年3月16日 (2020-03-16)1.45[10]
466魏斯勒對古德曼英语Wexler v. Goodman
Wexler v. Goodman
邁克爾·莫里斯托馬斯·施瑙茲英语Thomas Schnauz2020年3月23日 (2020-03-23)1.40[11]
477JMM英语JMM (Better Call Saul)
梅麗莎·伯恩斯坦(Melissa Bernstein艾莉森·塔洛克2020年3月30日 (2020-03-30)1.30[12]
488中間人英语Bagman (Better Call Saul)
文斯·吉利根戈登·史密斯2020年4月6日 (2020-04-06)1.42[13]
499上錯路英语Bad Choice Road
Bad Choice Road
托馬斯·施瑙茲托馬斯·施瑙茲2020年4月13日 (2020-04-13)1.51[14]
5010不可原諒之事英语Something Unforgivable
Something Unforgivable
彼得·古爾德彼得·古爾德、愛麗兒·萊文(Ariel Levine2020年4月20日 (2020-04-20)1.59[15]



2018年7月28日,AMC在第四季播出前續訂《絕命律師》第五季。[16]第五季在續訂時尚未確定總集數,甚至在2018年10月第四季結束後該劇的聯合開創者彼得·古爾德表示仍在與索尼影视电视討論第五季的長度,因為《絕命律師》的內容數量有限。[17]2019年11月,AMC確認第五季將會有十集,並將於2020年2月23日首播。[18][19]關於對第五季的期待,古爾德說吉米·麥吉爾/薩爾·古德曼的第一步是“試圖利用他在銷售預付費電話世界中的所有聯絡人。”他還提出一個關於薩爾“不僅是一名刑事律師,還是一名罪犯律師英语Attorney misconduct?”的聲譽問題。[20]



所有主要演員都繼續主演該季;鮑勃·奧登科克飾演吉米·麥吉爾/薩爾·古德曼喬納森·班克斯飾演麥克·艾曼翠岳蕾亚·塞洪飾演金·魏斯勒英语Kim Wexler[20]帕特里克·法比安飾演霍華德·漢姆林英语Howard Hamlin[21]迈克尔·曼多飾演納丘·瓦加[22]以及詹卡洛·埃斯波西托飾演葛斯·弗林[20]上一季飾演常設角色拉洛·薩拉曼卡英语Lalo Salamanca托尼·代尔顿在第五季晉升為主要演員。[23]

2020年1月宣佈《絕命毒師》演員狄恩·諾里斯史蒂芬·麥可·奎查達英语Steven Michael Quezada將重新飾演他們在該劇的角色漢克·史瑞德英语Hank Schrader史蒂夫·戈麥斯英语List of characters in the Breaking Bad franchise#Steven Gomez,而現實中過世的演員罗伯特·佛斯特則以《续命之徒:绝命毒师电影》中預錄影片的形式重新飾演埃德·加爾布雷思英语List of characters in the Breaking Bad franchise#Ed Galbraith[3]該季的第一集是獻給佛斯特的。[24]威廉·弗雷戴歷·伯爾原定在“盡全力英语Dedicado a Max”一集中回歸飾演帕特里克·庫比英语List of characters in the Breaking Bad franchise#Patrick Kuby,但由於他需要處理個人事務,因此最終安排失敗。[25][26]



在該季首播集的第一個場景中,薩爾(以化名吉恩·塔卡維奇(Gene Takavic)隱藏自己的真實身份)正在內布拉斯加州Cinnabon英语Cinnabon工作。[30]這個場景以奧馬哈為背景,但實際上是在新墨西哥州阿爾伯克基的卡頓伍德購物中心英语Cottonwood Mall (Albuquerque, New Mexico)拍攝。[31]

該劇的聯合開創者文斯·吉利根說“中間人英语Bagman (Better Call Saul)”這一集是他迄今為止執導的最具“挑戰性”的一集。[32]


在美國,該季於2020年2月23日星期日和2月24日星期一進行兩晚首播,隨後又回到其常規時段。[4]在該季首播前的幾星期,AMC播出《絕命毒師》馬拉松英语Marathon (media),並在其中播放《续命之徒:绝命毒师电影》作為《絕命律師》第五季的前奏。[33]關於在第四季完結後將近一年半才播出第五季的決定,AMC電視網的娛樂網路集團總裁莎拉·巴內特(Sarah Barnett)表示長時間的中斷是“由人才需求導致的,因為這會導致節目質量下降,所以我們將不會忽視”。[34]




《絕命律師》 (第五季):评论家对各集的回应



電視指南》的凱莉·康諾利(Kelly Connolly)給該季四顆半星(滿分五顆星)的評價,她認為《絕命律師》比其他前傳劇集更出色,稱該劇“清楚明白命運的悲劇已融入故事”。[38]為《Collider》撰稿的亞當·奇特伍德(Adam Chitwood)給該季完美的五顆星評價,稱該劇可能比《絕命毒師》還要出色,並將其表演描述為“目前電視上的其他任何內容都無與倫比”。[39]

綜藝》的丹尼爾·達達里奧(Daniel D'Addario)對該季前幾集給予正面評價,稱“《絕命律師》在第五季也是倒數第二季的初期仍然保持驚險刺激但真正抑制的畫面。”[40]禿鷲博客英语New_York_(magazine)#Digital》的珍·錢尼(Jen Chaney)表示金成長為與吉米相似的角色,讓觀看該季成為一種“比平常更使人心煩的體驗——用最好的方式,儘管仍然會引發焦慮。”[41]The Ringer英语The Ringer (website)》的艾莉森·赫爾曼(Alison Herman)特別強調該季的最後幾集,因為她提到《絕命律師》終於讓吉米涉及法律工作的故事和麥克涉及販毒集團的故事在幾季後完全相交,這起到很好的效果。[42]

中間人英语Bagman (Better Call Saul)”一集獲得評論家和觀眾的普遍讚譽,有些人認為這是該劇最出色的一集;[43][44][45]接著一集“上錯路英语Bad Choice Road”亦獲得類似的好評。[46]

蕾亚·塞洪在第五季中飾演金的演出被一些評論家視為該季的出色演出。其中一名來自《滾石雜誌》的評論家艾倫·塞平沃爾英语Alan Sepinwall將施翰描述為“《絕命律師》的MVP”,[47]而另一名評論家布賴恩·塔萊里科(Brian Tallerico)則將施翰的表演稱為“過去十年所有節目中最好的演出之一”。[48]Collider》的麗茲·香農·米勒(Liz Shannon Miller)在談到她對艾美獎的冷落時寫道:“施翰在交出職業生涯最好的作品後尤其受傷;金·魏斯勒在第五季的旅程令人心碎,甚至是包括令人不寒而栗的經歷。”[49]CNN》的布賴恩·洛瑞(Brian Lowry)強調“上錯路英语Bad Choice Road”的最後一幕——金為吉米挺身而出——稱“真的是施翰的一年,她將金吸引到吉米的原因具體化”,這顯示了“角色的力量”。[50]TVLine英语TVLine》將施翰評為“本星期最佳演員”,以表彰她在“上錯路英语Bad Choice Road”中的演出——特別是最後一幕;他們寫道施翰正“在電視上提供最好的演出之一”。[51]


標題 播出日期 收視率
1 魔法哥英语Magic Man (Better Call Saul) 2020年2月23日 (2020-02-23) 0.5 1.60[6] 0.5 1.69 1.0 3.29[52]
2 打5折英语50% Off 2020年2月24日 (2020-02-24) 0.3 1.06[7] 0.3 1.29 0.6 2.34[53]
3 非你莫屬英语The Guy for This 2020年3月2日 (2020-03-02) 0.3 1.18[8] 0.4 1.45 0.7 2.63[54]
4 合十禮英语Namaste (Better Call Saul) 2020年3月9日 (2020-03-09) 0.3 1.22[9] 0.4 1.49 0.8 2.71[55]
5 盡全力英语Dedicado a Max 2020年3月16日 (2020-03-16) 0.4 1.45[10] 0.5 1.55 0.9 3.00[56]
6 魏斯勒對古德曼英语Wexler v. Goodman 2020年3月23日 (2020-03-23) 0.3 1.40[11] 0.5 1.67 0.9 3.07[57]
7 JMM英语JMM (Better Call Saul) 2020年3月30日 (2020-03-30) 0.3 1.30[12] 0.5 1.54 0.8 2.84[58]
8 中間人英语Bagman (Better Call Saul) 2020年4月6日 (2020-04-06) 0.3 1.42[13] 0.4 1.34 0.7 2.76[59]
9 上錯路英语Bad Choice Road 2020年4月13日 (2020-04-13) 0.4 1.51[14] 0.4 1.39 0.8 2.90[60]
10 不可原諒之事英语Something Unforgivable 2020年4月20日 (2020-04-20) 0.4 1.59[15] 0.4 1.44 0.8 3.03[61]


典禮 類別 入圍者 結果 來源
第36屆電視評論家協會獎英语36th TCA Awards 年度最佳節目英语TCA Award for Program of the Year 絕命律師 提名 [62]
最佳劇情類成就英语TCA Award for Outstanding Achievement in Drama 絕命律師 提名
劇情類個人成就英语TCA Award for Individual Achievement in Drama 蕾亚·塞洪 提名
第72届黄金时段艾美奖 最佳劇情類劇集英语Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Drama Series 絕命律師 提名 [64]
最佳劇情類劇集男配角英语Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series 詹卡洛·埃斯波西托 提名
最佳劇情類劇集編劇英语Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Writing for a Drama Series 托馬斯·施瑙茲英语Thomas Schnauz
;憑“上錯路英语Bad Choice Road”一集
戈登·史密斯英语Gordon Smith (screenwriter)
;憑“中間人英语Bagman (Better Call Saul)”一集
第72屆黃金時段創意藝術艾美獎英语72nd Primetime Creative Arts Emmy Awards 最佳音樂監督英语Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Music Supervision 托馬斯·戈盧比奇英语Thomas Golubić
;憑“非你莫屬英语The Guy for This”一集
提名 [65]
最佳喜劇類或劇情類劇集音效剪輯英语Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Sound Editing for a Comedy or Drama Series 尼克·福沙格英语Nick Forshager、凱瑟琳·馬德森(Kathryn Madsen)、馬特·坦普爾(Matt Temple)、
托德·圖恩(Todd Toon)、傑夫·克蘭福德(Jeff Cranford)、簡·博格爾(Jane Boegel)、
傑森·紐曼(Jason Newman)、格雷格·巴巴內爾英语Gregg Barbanell、亞歷克斯·烏爾里希(Alex Ullrich
;憑“中間人英语Bagman (Better Call Saul)”一集
最佳喜劇類或劇情類劇集混音英语Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Sound Mixing for a Comedy or Drama Series 菲利普·W·帕爾默(Phillip W. Palmer)、拉里·本傑明(Larry Benjamin)、凱文·瓦倫丁英语Kevin Valentine
;憑“中間人英语Bagman (Better Call Saul)”一集
最佳喜劇類或劇情類劇集短片英语Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Short Form Comedy or Drama Series 《金·魏斯勒道德培訓》 獲獎
第25屆衛星獎英语25th Satellite Awards 最佳電視劇——劇情類英语Satellite Award for Best Television Series – Drama 絕命律師 獲獎 [66]
最佳男主角——劇情類電視劇英语Satellite Award for Best Actor – Television Series Drama 鮑勃·奧登科克 獲獎
第26届评论家选择电影奖 最佳劇情類劇集英语Critics' Choice Television Award for Best Drama Series 絕命律師 提名 [67]
最佳劇情類劇集男主角英语Critics' Choice Television Award for Best Actor in a Drama Series 鮑勃·奧登科克 提名
最佳劇情類劇集男配角英语Critics' Choice Television Award for Best Supporting Actor in a Drama Series 喬納森·班克斯 提名
最佳劇情類劇集女配角英语Critics' Choice Television Award for Best Supporting Actress in a Drama Series 蕾亚·塞洪 提名
(英語:Best Short Form Series
《金·魏斯勒道德培訓》 獲獎
第78届金球奖 劇情類劇集最佳男主角 鮑勃·奧登科克 提名 [69]
第73屆美國編劇工會獎英语73rd Writers Guild of America Awards 電視:劇情類劇集英语Writers Guild of America Award for Television: Dramatic Series 絕命律師 提名 [70]
電視:分集劇情類英语Writers Guild of America Award for Television: Episodic Drama 托馬斯·施瑙茲英语Thomas Schnauz
;憑“上錯路英语Bad Choice Road”一集
艾莉森·塔洛克(Alison Tatlock
;憑“JMM英语JMM (Better Call Saul)”一集
彼得·古爾德、愛麗兒·萊文(Ariel Levine
;憑“不可原諒之事英语Something Unforgivable”一集
(英語:Television: Short Form New Media – Original
《金·魏斯勒道德培訓》 提名
第27届美国演员工会奖 最佳劇情類劇集整體演出英语Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series 喬納森·班克斯托尼·代尔顿詹卡洛·埃斯波西托帕特里克·法比安迈克尔·曼多
提名 [72]
最佳劇情類劇集男演員英语Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Drama Series 鮑勃·奧登科克 提名
第32屆美國製片人工會獎英语32nd Producers Guild of America Awards 最佳分集劇集英语Producers Guild of America Award for Best Episodic Drama 彼得·古爾德文斯·吉利根馬克·約翰遜英语Mark Johnson (producer)、梅麗莎·伯恩斯坦(Melissa Bernstein)、
托馬斯·施瑙茲英语Thomas Schnauz、黛安·默瑟(Diane Mercer)、戈登·史密斯英语Gordon Smith (screenwriter)、艾莉森·塔洛克(Alison Tatlock)、
安·切爾基斯(Ann Cherkis)、鮑勃·奧登科克、佩林茲·奧馬奧尼(Princess O'Mahoney
提名 [73]
(英語:Outstanding Short-Form Program
《金·魏斯勒道德培訓》 提名
第73屆美國導演工會獎英语73rd Directors Guild of America Awards 最佳導演——劇情類劇集英语Directors Guild of America Award for Outstanding Directing – Drama Series 文斯·吉利根 提名 [75]
第46屆土星獎 最佳動作/驚悚電視劇英语Saturn Award for Best Action-Thriller Television Series 絕命律師 獲獎 [76]
最佳電視男主角英语Saturn Award for Best Actor on Television 鮑勃·奧登科克 提名
最佳電視女主角英语Saturn Award for Best Actress on Television 蕾亚·塞洪 提名
最佳電視男配角英语Saturn Award for Best Supporting Actor on Television 喬納森·班克斯 提名
托尼·代尔顿 提名






與第三季的《炸雞兄弟員工培訓》(英語:Los Pollos Hermanos Employee Training)和第四季的《牧歌電氣安全培訓》(英語:Madrigal Electromotive Security Training)類似,AMC於第五季播出期間在YouTube和社交媒體帳戶上發佈名為《金·魏斯勒道德培訓》(英語:Ethics Training with Kim Wexler)的一系列十條短片。[83]道德培訓短片繼續以教育影片的形式呈現,結合吉米在幕後拍攝金的真人鏡頭和動畫片段,是“薩爾·古德曼製片公司”的產品。[84]動畫片段包括對《絕命律師》和《絕命毒師》的致敬。[85]該網絡短劇贏得第72屆黃金時段創意藝術艾美獎英语72nd Primetime Creative Arts Emmy Awards最佳喜劇類或劇情類劇集短片英语Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Short Form Comedy or Drama Series[86]


  1. ^ Sepinwall, Alan. 'Better Call Saul' Recap: Girl, Interrupted有限度免费查阅,超限则需付费订阅. Rolling Stone. March 23, 2020 [May 9, 2020]. (原始内容存档于April 1, 2020). 
  2. ^ Snierson, Dan. Better Call Saul season 5 trailer: See first look at Hank Schrader's return. Entertainment Weekly. January 29, 2020 [January 29, 2020]. (原始内容存档于January 30, 2020). 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Snierson, Dan. 'Better Call Saul' season 5 to feature the late Robert Forster, Dean Norris. Entertainment Weekly. January 16, 2020 [January 17, 2020]. (原始内容存档于January 17, 2020). 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 Snierson, Dan. See first photos from 'Better Call Saul' season 5. Entertainment Weekly. November 20, 2019 [November 20, 2019]. (原始内容存档于November 20, 2019). 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 Bojalad, Alec. Better Call Saul Season 5: Madrigal Enters the Story. Den of Geek英语Den of Geek. March 31, 2020 [October 26, 2020]. (原始内容存档于November 16, 2020). 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 Metcalf, Mitch. Updated: ShowBuzzDaily's Top 150 Sunday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 2.23.2020. Showbuzz Daily. February 25, 2020 [February 25, 2020]. (原始内容存档于February 25, 2020). 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 Metcalf, Mitch. Updated: ShowBuzzDaily's Top 150 Monday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 2.24.2020. Showbuzz Daily. February 25, 2020 [February 25, 2020]. (原始内容存档于February 25, 2020). 
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 Metcalf, Mitch. Updated: ShowBuzzDaily's Top 150 Monday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 3.2.2020. Showbuzz Daily. March 3, 2020 [March 3, 2020]. (原始内容存档于March 3, 2020). 
  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 Metcalf, Mitch. Updated: ShowBuzzDaily's Top 150 Monday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 3.9.2020. Showbuzz Daily. March 10, 2020 [March 10, 2020]. (原始内容存档于March 17, 2020). 
  10. ^ 10.0 10.1 Metcalf, Mitch. Updated: ShowBuzzDaily's Top 150 Monday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 3.16.2020. Showbuzz Daily. March 17, 2020 [March 17, 2020]. (原始内容存档于March 17, 2020). 
  11. ^ 11.0 11.1 Metcalf, Mitch. Updated: ShowBuzzDaily's Top 150 Monday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 3.23.2020. Showbuzz Daily. March 24, 2020 [March 24, 2020]. (原始内容存档于March 24, 2020). 
  12. ^ 12.0 12.1 Metcalf, Mitch. Updated: ShowBuzzDaily's Top 150 Monday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 3.30.2020. Showbuzz Daily. March 31, 2020 [March 31, 2020]. (原始内容存档于April 3, 2020). 
  13. ^ 13.0 13.1 Metcalf, Mitch. Updated: ShowBuzzDaily's Top 150 Monday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 4.6.2020. Showbuzz Daily. April 7, 2020 [April 7, 2020]. (原始内容存档于April 8, 2020). 
  14. ^ 14.0 14.1 Metcalf, Mitch. Updated: ShowBuzzDaily's Top 150 Monday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 4.13.2020. Showbuzz Daily. April 14, 2020 [April 14, 2020]. (原始内容存档于April 20, 2020). 
  15. ^ 15.0 15.1 Metcalf, Mitch. Updated: ShowBuzzDaily's Top 150 Monday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 4.20.2020. Showbuzz Daily. April 21, 2020 [April 21, 2020]. (原始内容存档于April 21, 2020). 
  16. ^ Otterson, Joe. 'Better Call Saul,' 'Fear the Walking Dead,' 'McMafia' Renewed at AMC. Variety. July 28, 2018 [November 25, 2018]. (原始内容存档于August 15, 2018). 
  17. ^ Fienberg, Daniel. 'Better Call Saul' Season 4 Finale: Jimmy Is Closer to Saul Than Ever. The Hollywood Reporter. October 8, 2018 [April 21, 2020]. (原始内容存档于April 27, 2020). 
  18. ^ Blistein, Joe. 'Better Call Saul' Cooks Up Clever Cinnabon Spot for Season Five Premiere有限度免费查阅,超限则需付费订阅. Rolling Stone. November 20, 2019 [April 21, 2020]. (原始内容存档于April 2, 2020). 
  19. ^ Herzog, Kenny. Better Call Saul Season Finale Recap: Lalo the Leader有限度免费查阅,超限则需付费订阅. Vulture (网站). April 20, 2020 [August 11, 2020]. (原始内容存档于November 16, 2020). 
  20. ^ 20.0 20.1 20.2 Snierson, Dan. 'Better Call Saul' creator on what lies ahead in season 5 – and the return of Gene. Entertainment Weekly. December 12, 2018 [December 14, 2018]. (原始内容存档于December 13, 2018). 
  21. ^ Pai, Akshay. 'Better Call Saul' star Patrick Fabian on the evolution of Howard, his soft spot for Rhea Seehorn and what to expect from season 5. Meaww. November 13, 2018 [December 24, 2018]. (原始内容存档于December 24, 2018). 
  22. ^ Scott, Savannah. Michael Mando Is Living a Real Life Hollywood Fairy Tale. L'Officiel. December 11, 2018 [December 24, 2018]. (原始内容存档于December 24, 2018). 
  23. ^ Ramos, Dino-Ray. 'Better Call Saul' Adds Tony Dalton As Series Regular For Season 5. Deadline Hollywood. April 8, 2019 [April 9, 2019]. (原始内容存档于April 9, 2019). 
  24. ^ Sepinwall, Alan. 'Better Call Saul' Season Premiere Recap: 'Magic Man'有限度免费查阅,超限则需付费订阅. Rolling Stone. February 23, 2020 [February 23, 2020]. (原始内容存档于February 24, 2020). 
  25. ^ Sepinwall, Alan. 'Better Call Saul' Writer on Finally Entering the World of 'Breaking Bad'有限度免费查阅,超限则需付费订阅. Rolling Stone. August 1, 2022 [August 2, 2022]. (原始内容存档于August 2, 2022). 
  26. ^ Mullen, Amanda. 'Better Call Saul': Why Bill Burr Didn't Return for the 'Breaking Bad' Prequel. Showbiz Cheatsheet. September 27, 2021 [October 23, 2021]. (原始内容存档于November 5, 2021). 
  27. ^ Flook, Ray. 'Better Call Saul' Season 5: AMC Confirms Filming Begins This Week; Patrick Fabian (Briefly) Talks Howard Hopes. Bleeding Cool英语Bleeding Cool. April 9, 2019 [April 10, 2019]. (原始内容存档于April 10, 2019). 
  28. ^ Gomez, Adrian. 'Better Call Saul' begins filming season 5 in ABQ需要付费订阅. Albuquerque Journal英语Albuquerque Journal. April 8, 2019 [April 14, 2019]. (原始内容存档于April 14, 2019). 
  29. ^ Darwish, Meaghan. 'Better Call Saul' Wraps Season 5 — Could It Be the Show's Last?. TV Insider英语TV Guide#TV Insider. September 9, 2019 [October 25, 2020]. (原始内容存档于November 16, 2020). 
  30. ^ Sepinwall, Alan. 'Better Call Saul' Season Premiere Recap: 'Magic Man'有限度免费查阅,超限则需付费订阅. Rolling Stone. February 23, 2020 [October 26, 2020]. (原始内容存档于February 24, 2020). 
  31. ^ Snierson, Dan. Go behind the scenes of Better Call Saul's iconic Albuquerque locations. Entertainment Weekly. March 9, 2020 [October 25, 2020]. (原始内容存档于March 11, 2020). 
  32. ^ Schneider, Michael. Better Call Saul' Co-Creator Vince Gilligan on Directing the Most Challenging Episode of His Career. Variety. April 6, 2020 [November 27, 2020]. (原始内容存档于April 7, 2020). 
  33. ^ Mitovich, Matt Webb. Breaking Bad Movie Gets AMC Premiere Date, Following a Full Series Marathon. TVLine英语TVLine. January 7, 2020 [January 7, 2020]. (原始内容存档于January 8, 2020). 
  34. ^ Adalian, Josef. Why AMC Networks Is Betting So Heavily on Killing Eve有限度免费查阅,超限则需付费订阅. Vulture (网站). April 5, 2019 [April 9, 2019]. (原始内容存档于April 9, 2019). 
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  38. ^ Connolly, Kelly. Better Call Saul Review: Jimmy Becomes Saul Goodman in a Fantastically Devastating Season 5. TV Guide. February 6, 2020 [February 7, 2020]. (原始内容存档于February 6, 2020). 
  39. ^ Chitwood, Adam. 'Better Call Saul' Season 5 Review: Saul Goodman Finally Steps into the Spotlight. Collider. February 5, 2020 [February 7, 2020]. (原始内容存档于February 6, 2020). 
  40. ^ D'Addario, Daniel. 'Better Call Saul,' Season 5: TV Review. Variety. February 11, 2020 [January 15, 2021]. (原始内容存档于August 8, 2020). 
  41. ^ Chaney, Jen. Better Call Saul Finally Gets to the Goodman. Vulture (网站). February 24, 2020 [November 22, 2020]. (原始内容存档于November 29, 2020). 
  42. ^ Herman, Alison. In Season 5, the Two Sides of 'Better Call Saul' Became One. The Ringer英语The Ringer (website). April 20, 2020 [May 7, 2020]. (原始内容存档于April 27, 2020). 
  43. ^ Bagman. Rotten Tomatoes. [April 7, 2020]. (原始内容存档于April 8, 2020). 
  44. ^ Greene, Steve. 'Better Call Saul' Review: 'Bagman' Is About as Good as This Show Has Ever Been. IndieWire. April 6, 2020 [April 12, 2020]. (原始内容存档于April 10, 2020). 
  45. ^ Tassi, Paul. 'Better Call Saul' Just Had Its Highest Rated Episode Ever, Up There With 'Breaking Bad' Classics有限度免费查阅,超限则需付费订阅. Forbes. April 10, 2020 [April 12, 2020]. (原始内容存档于April 11, 2020). 
  46. ^ Greene, Steve. 'Better Call Saul' Review: Masterful 'Bad Choice Road' Sets Up a Season-Capping Standoff. IndieWire. April 13, 2020 [April 18, 2020]. (原始内容存档于April 15, 2020). 
  47. ^ Sepinwall, Alan. How Rhea Seehorn Became the MVP of 'Better Call Saul'有限度免费查阅,超限则需付费订阅. Rolling Stone. March 25, 2020 [January 14, 2021]. (原始内容存档于April 8, 2020). 
  48. ^ 48.0 48.1 Tallerico, Brian. Emmys 2020 Nominations: 12 Biggest Snubs and Surprises有限度免费查阅,超限则需付费订阅. Rolling Stone. July 28, 2020 [July 30, 2020]. (原始内容存档于July 29, 2020). 
  49. ^ 49.0 49.1 Miller, Liz Shannon. Emmys 2020: This Year's Biggest Snubs and Surprises, From 'Watchmen' to 'Better Call Saul'. Collider. July 28, 2020 [July 30, 2020]. (原始内容存档于July 28, 2020). 
  50. ^ Lowry, Brian. 'Better Call Saul' plants the seeds for a killer final season. CNN. April 21, 2020 [April 26, 2020]. (原始内容存档于November 16, 2020). 
  51. ^ Performers of the Week — Our First-Ever Three-Way Tie: Christopher Lloyd, Uzo Aduba and Rhea Seehorn. TVLine英语TVLine. April 18, 2020 [February 8, 2021]. (原始内容存档于June 19, 2020). 
  52. ^ Pucci, Douglas. Live+7 Weekly Ratings: 'Criminal Minds' Concludes its Series Run Among Top Ten Dramas in Raw Adults 18-49 Lifts. Programming Insider. March 3, 2020 [March 3, 2020]. (原始内容存档于September 17, 2020). 
  53. ^ Pucci, Douglas. Live+7 Weekly Ratings: Four NBC Dramas Among Top-7 Raw Gainers in Total Viewers and Adults 18-49. Programming Insider. March 13, 2020 [March 13, 2020]. (原始内容存档于September 2, 2020). 
  54. ^ Pucci, Douglas. Live+7 Weekly Ratings: 'The Good Doctor' Tops Raw Gains in Both Total Viewers and Adults 18-49. Programming Insider. March 17, 2020 [March 17, 2020]. (原始内容存档于September 2, 2020). 
  55. ^ Pucci, Douglas. Live+7 Weekly Ratings: Four ABC Dramas in Top-8 of Adults 18-49 Raw Gainers, Four CBS Dramas in Top-8 of Total-Viewer Raw Gainers. Programming Insider. March 25, 2020 [March 25, 2020]. (原始内容存档于March 25, 2020). 
  56. ^ Pucci, Douglas. Live+7 Weekly Ratings: NBC Dramas 'This Is Us', 'New Amsterdam' and 'Chicago PD' Among Top Six Raw Gainers in Each Total Viewers and Adults 18-49. Programming Insider. April 3, 2020 [April 3, 2020]. (原始内容存档于April 6, 2020). 
  57. ^ Pucci, Douglas. Live+7 Weekly Ratings: 'This Is Us' Tops Raw Adults 18-49 Gains in Each Respective Week of its Entire 18-Episode Fourth Season. Programming Insider. April 9, 2020 [April 9, 2020]. (原始内容存档于April 10, 2020). 
  58. ^ Pucci, Douglas. Live+7 Weekly Ratings: ABC Claims Four of the Top Eight Raw Gainers in Adults 18-49 Including 'The Good Doctor' Third Season Finale. Programming Insider. April 15, 2020 [April 15, 2020]. (原始内容存档于April 16, 2020). 
  59. ^ Pucci, Douglas. Live+7 Weekly Ratings: 'Jersey Shore: Family Vacation' and 'Better Call Saul' Lead All Cable Telecasts in Raw Gains. Programming Insider. April 21, 2020 [April 21, 2020]. (原始内容存档于April 23, 2020). 
  60. ^ Pucci, Douglas. Live+7 Weekly Ratings: 'Disney Family Singalong' Leads All Unscripted Offerings in Raw Lifts. Programming Insider. April 29, 2020 [April 29, 2020]. (原始内容存档于April 29, 2020). 
  61. ^ Pucci, Douglas. Live+7 Weekly Ratings: 'Will & Grace' Series Finale Tops All Comedy Telecasts in Overall Raw Gains. Programming Insider. May 8, 2020 [May 8, 2020]. (原始内容存档于May 9, 2020). 
  62. ^ Hayes, Dade. 'Watchmen', 'Unbelievable' Lead TCA Award Nominations With Four Apiece; HBO Tops With 16 Overall Noms. Deadline Hollywood. July 9, 2020 [December 11, 2020]. (原始内容存档于December 11, 2020). 
  63. ^ Cordero, Rosy. Regina King, Catherine O'Hara, The Last Dance among 2020 TCA winners. Entertainment Weekly. September 14, 2020 [December 11, 2020]. (原始内容存档于December 11, 2020). 
  64. ^ Greene, Steve. Emmys 2020: All of This Year's Winners and Nominees. IndieWire. September 20, 2020 [December 11, 2020]. (原始内容存档于December 11, 2020). 
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  68. ^ Davis, Clayton. Critics Choice Awards 2021 Full Winners: Chloe Zhao's 'Nomadland' Continues Its Reign on Awards Season. Variety. March 7, 2021 [March 8, 2021]. (原始内容存档于March 8, 2021). 
  69. ^ Oganesyan, Natalie; Moreau, Jordan. Golden Globes 2021: The Complete Nominations List. Variety. February 3, 2021 [February 3, 2021]. (原始内容存档于February 3, 2021). 
  70. ^ Lewis, Hilary. WGA Awards: 'Better Call Saul' Scores Leading 5 Noms as TV, New Media, News Categories Unveiled. The Hollywood Reporter. February 3, 2021 [February 5, 2021]. (原始内容存档于February 4, 2021). 
  71. ^ Petski, Denise; D'Alessandro, Anthony; Hayes, Dade. WGA Awards: 'Promising Young Woman', 'Borat Subsequent Moviefilm' Take Marquee Film Honors;' 'The Crown', 'Ted Lasso' Top TV — The Complete List Of Winners. Deadline Hollywood. March 21, 2021 [March 22, 2021]. (原始内容存档于March 22, 2021). 
  72. ^ Hipes, Patrick. SAG Awards Nominations: 'Ma Rainey', 'Minari' Lead Film List; 'The Crown', 'Schitt's Creek' Top TV And 'Bridgerton' Arrives – Full List. Deadline Hollywood. February 3, 2021 [February 3, 2021]. (原始内容存档于February 3, 2021). 
  73. ^ Pederson, Erik. PGA Awards Nominations: 'Borat', 'Ma Rainey', 'Chicago 7', 'Nomadland', 'Mank' & 'Minari' Among Pics Vying For Marquee Prize. Deadline Hollywood. March 8, 2021 [March 8, 2021]. (原始内容存档于March 8, 2021). 
  74. ^ Schneider, Michael. Producers Guild Awards Reveals 2021 Nominations for Sports, Children's and Short Form TV Categories. Variety. February 26, 2021 [March 8, 2021]. (原始内容存档于March 8, 2021). 
  75. ^ Hipes, Patrick. DGA Awards TV Noms Include 'Ted Lasso', 'The Mandalorian', 'Bridgerton' And 'Curb Your Enthusiasm' Helmers. Deadline Hollywood. March 8, 2021 [March 8, 2021]. (原始内容存档于March 8, 2021). 
  76. ^ Hipes, Patrick. Saturn Awards Nominations: 'Star Wars: Rise Of Skywalker', 'Tenet', 'Walking Dead', 'Outlander' Lead List. Deadline Hollywood. March 4, 2021 [March 4, 2021]. (原始内容存档于March 4, 2021). 
  77. ^ Tartaglione, Nancy. Saturn Awards Winners: 'Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker' Leads With Five Prizes – Full List. Deadline Hollywood. October 27, 2021 [September 4, 2022]. (原始内容存档于October 27, 2021). 
  78. ^ Travers, Ben. Emmys Snub 'Better Call Saul' Cast, 'Big Little Lies' — Honor Zendaya and 'The Mandalorian'. IndieWire. July 28, 2020 [July 30, 2020]. (原始内容存档于November 16, 2020). 
  79. ^ Sarner, Lauren. Emmy nominations 2020 snubs: 'Better Call Saul,' Reese Witherspoon, more. New York Post. July 28, 2020 [July 30, 2020]. (原始内容存档于November 16, 2020). 
  80. ^ Budowski, Jade. The Emmys Should Be Embarrassed For Snubbing Rhea Seehorn (Again). Decider英语New York Post#Decider. July 28, 2020 [July 30, 2020]. (原始内容存档于November 16, 2020). 
  81. ^ Foran-McHale, Katie. New on DVD Nov. 24: Look who's breaking bad in 'Better Call Saul: Season Five'. 普罗维登斯日报. Tribune News Service英语Tribune Content Agency. November 19, 2020 [November 22, 2020]. (原始内容存档于November 22, 2020). 
  82. ^ Better Call Saul: Season Five Blu-ray. Blu-ray.com. October 2, 2020 [November 22, 2020]. (原始内容存档于November 29, 2020). 
  83. ^ Surrey, Miles. The Surreal, Comforting Pleasures of the 'Better Call Saul' YouTube Videos. The Ringer英语The Ringer (website). March 18, 2020 [April 26, 2020]. (原始内容存档于April 24, 2020). 
  84. ^ Enrlich, Brenna. Kim Wexler's Ethics Course Has Us Hoping She'll Get Her Own 'Better Call Saul' Spinoff有限度免费查阅,超限则需付费订阅. Rolling Stone. February 27, 2020 [April 26, 2020]. (原始内容存档于April 8, 2020). 
  85. ^ Shoemaker, Allison. Kim Wexler teaches legal ethics in this Better Call Saul short. The A.V. Club. February 24, 2020 [April 26, 2020]. (原始内容存档于February 25, 2020). 
  86. ^ Murphy, Chris. All the Winners From Night 4 of the Creative Arts Emmys有限度免费查阅,超限则需付费订阅. Vulture (网站). September 18, 2020 [September 21, 2020]. (原始内容存档于November 16, 2020). 
