爪哇擬青黴(Paecilomyces javanicus)是一種能從鉛污染土壤中收集並生物礦化形成磷氯鉛礦的黴菌。[11]
- ^ Warr, L.N. IMA–CNMNC approved mineral symbols. Mineralogical Magazine. 2021, 85: 291–320 [2022-12-10]. (原始内容存档于2021-12-13).
- ^ Handbook of Mineralogy (PDF). [2022-12-10]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2012-03-08).
- ^ 3.0 3.1 Pyromorphite. Webmineral data. [2022-12-10]. (原始内容存档于2023-08-11).
- ^ Pyromorphite. Mindat.org. [2022-12-10]. (原始内容存档于2019-03-26).
- ^ Klaproth. Von dem Wassereisen, als einem mit Phosphorsäure verbundenen Eisenkalke. 1784 (德语).
On hydrosiderum [i.e., iron phosphide, Fe2P] as a calcined [i,e, roasted] iron [that is] bonded with phosphoric acid), Chemische Annalen für die Freunde der Naturlehre … , 1 (5) : 390–399. From p. 394: After remarking that lead ores that contain phosphorus can be treated with strong acids to produce phosphoric acid, Klaproth notes that: " … wie solches zuerst Hr. Gahn in Schweden entdeckt, ich selbst aber bey Unersuchung des krystallisirten grünen Bleyerzes von der heil. Dreyfaltigkeit zu Zschopau bestätigt gefunden habe." ( … as such Mr. Gahn in Sweden first discovered, I myself, however, have found [to be] confirmed by investigation of the crystallized green lead ore [i.e., pyromorphite] from the Holy Trinity at Zschopau in Germany]
- ^ Details of Klaproth's chemical analysis of pyromorphite appear in: Klaproth (1785) "Ueber die Phosphorsäure im Zschopauer grünen Bleyspathe" (On phosphoric acid in green lead spar from Zschopau), Beyträge zu den chemischen Annalen, 1 (1) : 13–21.
- ^ LXXXVII. Chemische Untersuchung der phosphorsauren Bleierze: I. Zeisiggrünes Bleierz von Zschopau. (87. Chemical investigation of the lead ores [containing] phosphoric acid: I. Siskin-green lead ore from Zschopau) in: Klaproth, Martin Heinrich, Beiträge zur chemischen Kenntnis der Mineralkörper [Contributions to our chemical knowledge of minerals] 3. Posen, (Germany): Decker und Co. ; Berlin, Germany: Heinrich August Rottmann. 1802: 146–153.
- ^ Dr. Thomas Witzke. Entdeckung von Pyromorphit (Discovery of pyromorphite). [2022-12-10]. (原始内容存档于2022-12-10) (德语).
- ^ Hausmann, Johann Friedrich Ludwig. Handbuch der Mineralogie. Göttingen, Germany: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht. 1813: 1090–1093 [2022-12-10]. (原始内容存档于2022-12-10).
- ^ Chester, Albert Huntington. A Dictionary of the Names of Minerals Including Their History and Etymology. New York, New York: John Wiley & Sons. 1896: 224.
- ^ Young Joon Rheea; Stephen Hillier; Helen Pendlowskic; Geoffrey Michael Gadd. Fungal transformation of metallic lead to pyromorphite in liquid medium. Chemosphere. October 2014, 113: 17–21. Bibcode:2014Chmsp.113...17R. doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2014.03.085.