理查特結構(英語:Richat Structure、阿拉伯语:قلب الريشات,羅馬化:Qalb ar-Rīšāt),又稱撒哈拉之眼(英語:Eye of the Sahara),是一個位於撒哈拉沙漠西部、茅利塔尼亞境內的巨大同心圓地形。理查特結構的直徑有50公里,海拔高度約400公尺,整體相當平坦;看起來就像個菊石,從繞地球軌道才得見其全貌。
^Woolley, A. R. (2001) Alkaline Rocks and Carbonatites of the World, Part 3: Africa. London, United Kingdom, The Geological Society of London. ISBN978-0-412-61410-1
^Netto, A. M., J. Fabre, J., G. Poupeau, and M. et Champemmois (1992) Datations par traces de fissions de la structure circulaire des Richats.Comptes Rendus de 'Académie des Sciences. v. 314, pp. 1179–86.
^"The breccia core is genetically related to plutonic activity, since doming and the production of hydrothermal fluids were instrumental in creating a favorable setting for dissolution. The resulting fluids were also responsible for subsequent silicification and hydrothermal infilling. To the best of our knowledge, karst collapse phenomena at the summit of an alkaline complex are unique, but may be more frequent than previously believed." (Matton 2005)
Guillaume Matton, Michel Jébrak and James K.W. Lee. Resolving the Richat enigma: Doming and hydrothermal karstification above an alkaline complex. Geology. 2005年8月, 33 (8): 665–668. doi:10.1130/G21542.1.