波士頓茶葉事件後,英國國會通過了四項《強制法案》,旨在重申英國政府於殖民地的管治權威,並鎮壓叛逆的麻薩諸塞灣殖民地,引來麻薩諸塞的反叛者更大反抗。更有甚者,《強制法案》強化了英國總督於各個殖民地議會的權力,變相削弱殖民者長久以來的自治權利;同時期通過的《魁北克法令》,又令殖民者擔憂向西殖民的權限會受削弱。結果殖民者將《法案》通稱為「五條不可容忍法案」(Five Intolerable Acts),各殖民地更組織了協會委員會(Committees of Correspondence),恢復對英國東印度公司的貿易抵制,互相通報消息,收集軍用物資,並吸納背景不同的人士加入。議會此時更醖釀支持麻薩諸塞。[1]
事態發展完全出乎蓋奇意料之外。為免局勢惡化,蓋奇最終取消了針對烏斯特縣的後續徵收行動。[6]恐於民兵的動員速度及規模,蓋奇先將正規軍集中到波士頓防守,同時向駐陸軍部大臣(Secretary at War)巴靈頓子爵寫信,要求派軍增援。信中蓋奇寫道:[7]
如果您(在強制法案一事上)堅決不讓,殖民者的反抗將很快出現。若然您認為派一萬人便足以平亂,請派上二萬人吧;若然您認為派一百萬人才足夠平亂,請派上二百萬人吧。今日多派一倍兵力,最終必會減少帝國的國庫與人命損失。須知龐大部隊不但可威懾敵人,更可招徠盟友;而中等規模的部隊只會刺激反抗,並使盟友卻步…… If you will resist and not yield, that resistance should be effectual at the beginning. If you think ten thousand men sufficient, send twenty, if one million is thought enough, give two; you will save both blood and treasure in the end. A large force will terrify, and engage many to join you, a middling one will encourage resistance and gain no friends.
當英國軍艦炮轟波士頓的可怕謠言傳抵費城時,吾等為此飽受折騰兩日。然而此事亦可見大陸殖民者上下一心,在苛政面前堅毅不屈。連日以來,與會者的戰爭呼聲不絕於耳。其聲勢之宏大,可與昔日羅馬及今日英國議會之雄辯家相比。若然英國動武的謠言屬實,恐怕大陸議會早已團結一致,以雷霆萬鈞之勢反擊矣。 When the horrid news was brought here of the bombardment of Boston, which made us completely miserable for two days, we saw proofs of both the sympathy and the resolution of the continent. War! war! war! was the cry, and it was pronounced in a tone which would have done honor to the oratory of a Briton or a Roman. If it had proved true, you would have heard the thunder of an American Congress.
另外,紐波特、普洛威頓斯、新倫敦的保皇黨與反叛者爭相搶奪火藥,並從波士頓等地走私火炮。1775年2月27日,英軍派出亞歷山大·列斯利的第64步兵軍團(64th Regiment of Foot)240名士兵,乘坐活力號(HMS Lively),到商業重鎮塞勒姆緝查火炮走私。在當地居民阻撓下,走私者及時搬走火炮,使英軍撲空。英軍雖與聚集的民兵口角,但未有動武。[11]
French, Allen, The Siege of Boston, New York: McMillan, 1911, OCLC 3927532(英语)
Frothingham, Jr, Richard, History of the Siege of Boston and of the Battles of Lexington, Concord, and Bunker Hill, Boston: Little and Brown, 1851, OCLC 11529241(英语)
Massachusetts Provincial Congress, The Journals of Each Provincial Congress of Massachusetts in 1774 and 1775, Dutton and Wentworth, Printers to the state, 1774 (英语)
Peckham, Howard H., The War for Independence: A Military History, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1958 (英语)
Raphael, Ray, The First American Revolution: Before Lexington and Concord, New York: The New Press, 2002, ISBN 978-1-56584-815-3, OCLC 1571226(英语)
Tagney, Ronald N, A County in Revolution: Essex County at the dawning of independence, Manchester, MA: The Cricket Press, 1976, OCLC 3423404(英语)
Volo, Dorothy Denneen; Volo, James M, Daily Life During the American Revolution, Greenwood Publishing Group, 2003, ISBN 978-0-313-31844-3, OCLC 473265703(英语)