有一項關於樂斯梅林的軼事,敘述1940年至1945年間,在納粹德軍武裝佔領挪威(英语:German occupation of Norway)、一旦展示挪威旗幟或紋章就可能招致牢獄之災或死刑的年代裡,挪威市民將「H」和「7」的字樣隱藏在樂斯梅林彩繪的中間,以對他們流亡海外的國王——哈康七世和挪威皇室表達支持,而德國佔領軍並未發現其中的玄機,因此見到市民展示這些彩繪時也沒進行干預。印有此類樂斯梅林的聖誕卡特別受到歡迎,不但免於被戰爭摧殘的命運,並且在歷史中留下記載[5]。
Albrecht, Gary Rosemaling : reflections on the art. (G. Albrecht, Madison, Wis. 1985)
Bergan, Donna; Linda Alexander Rosemaling patterns for Christmas tree ornaments / contribution from American rosemalers (Vesterheim, Decorah, Iowa. 1985)
Blanck, Helen Elizabeth Rosemaling : the beautiful Norwegian art (Woodland Park Fine Arts, Saint Paul, Minn. 1975)
Edwards, Diane Design basics for Telemark rosemaling (D. Edwards, Alamosa, Colo. 1994)
Edwards, Sybil Decorative folk art: exciting techniques to transform everyday objects (David & Charles, London: 1994)
Ellingsgard, Nils Norwegian rose painting in America : what the immigrants brought (Scandinavian University Press, Oslo: 1993)
Martin, Philip Rosemaling in the Upper Midwest : a story of region & revival (Wisconsin Folk Museum, Mount Horeb, Wis. 1989)
Miller, Margaret M.; Sigmund Aarseth' Norwegian rosemaling : decorative painting on wood (Scribners, New York: 1974)
Liste Oram, Gayle M. Rosemaling Styles and Study, Volume 2 (Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum. 2001)