Boatman, Robert H. Living With Glocks: The Complete Guide to the New Standard in Combat Handguns. Paladin Press, Boulder. 2002. ISBN1-58160-340-1.
Kasler, Peter Alan. Glock : The New Wave in Combat Handguns. Paladin Press, Boulder. 1992. ISBN0-87364-649-5.
Sweeney, Patrick. The Gun Digest Book of the Glock: A Comprehensive Review: Design, History, Use. Krause Publications, Iola, Wis. 2003. ISBN0-87349-558-6.
Sweeney, Patrick. The Gun Digest Book of the Glock, 2nd Edition. Gun Digest Books, Iola, Wis. 2008. ISBN0-89689-642-0.
Taylor, Robin. The Glock in Competition, 2nd Edition. Taylor Press, Bellingham. 2005. ISBN0-9662517-4-1.