東華醫院 (美國)

San Francisco Chinese Hospital
File:San Francisco Chinese Hospital, logo, Oct 2016.gif
地址 美国加利福尼亞州舊金山
坐标37°47′44″N 122°24′33″W / 37.79556°N 122.4092°W / 37.79556; -122.4092

東華醫院(英語:San Francisco Chinese Hospital)是一間位於美國加利福尼亞州舊金山社區醫院,同時也是美國境內唯一一間華人醫院[1][2]。東華醫院位於舊金山唐人街

東華醫院主要服務舊金山地區的老年人、窮人及中國移民,並為具有語言障礙的居民提供舊金山總醫院英语San Francisco General Hospital以外的選擇[1],其職員可提供廣東話、普通話、英語、台山話等語言服務。東華醫院同時營運華人保健計劃[3]



歷史學家麥禮謙英语Him Mark Lai指出有三個因素導致早期華人移民難以尋求醫療協助[4]

  1. 許多醫院拒絕治療華人病人
  2. 多數醫院遠離唐人街,預期病人有可能在路上遭到襲擊
  3. 多數華人移民不會說英語,難以與美國醫院溝通

1888年,中國醫院協會請求批准在大學丘英语Neighborhoods in San Francisco興建醫院,但舊金山參事委員會則因既有業主的反對而將請求轉往健康及警察委員會[5]。舊金山於19世紀末設立了若干聲稱為中國醫院的私營機構,然而聲譽較差,主要功能為療養院和太平間[6][7][8]

東華醫院的歷史可以追溯至1899年[9],當年與香港東華三院有聯繫的東方藥局在薩克拉門托街業主抗議下成立[10][11]。東華醫局開設於薩克拉門托街828號,現時作為黃顯護英语Willie "Woo Woo" Wong/東華遊樂場之用[4]1906年舊金山大地震及大火後,東華醫局搬遷至特倫頓街14號[4]。但是東華醫局建築物太小,只有7.6米乘18.3米,不足以應付社區需求[4]






2012年,東華醫院公佈計劃興建一座新醫院大樓取代現時的1924年大樓。新大樓將由1979年大樓接管病人護理,而1924年大樓則因不防震不安全而計劃拆除[15]。計劃雖然遭到國家歷史保護基金英语National Trust for Historic Preservation的強烈反對,仍然得到通過,1924年大樓因而拆除[16]。基金將1924年大樓的拆除稱為2013年十大歷史遺蹟損失之一[17]。1924年大樓後方的一處41個車位的停車場也遭到拆除以興建新大樓[12][15]





  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Chinese Hospital. SanFranciscoChinatown.com. [March 31, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2022-07-09). 
  2. ^ Torassa, Ulysses. The healing power of community / City's top-ranked Chinese Hospital offers western medicine with eastern touch. San Francisco Chronicle. May 19, 2002 [October 14, 2016]. (原始内容存档于2021-11-22). 
  3. ^ Medical Staff & Clinics. San Francisco Chinese Hospital. [November 20, 2016]. (原始内容存档于2022-01-19). 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 Him Mark Lai. Chinese Hospital: An institution of, for, and by the Chinese community (PDF). East/West. January 16, 1974 [11 June 2021]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2023-12-18). 
  5. ^ The Supervisors. Various Municipal Matters Are Quickly Disposed Of.. Daily Alta 42 (14151). 29 May 1888 [October 14, 2016]. (原始内容存档于2021-11-22). At the regular weekly meeting of the Board of Supervisors last night a petition was received from the Chinese Hospital Association, asking permission to erect a hospital on Block 98 of the University Mound Tract. The matter was referred to the Health and Police Committee. It will be remembered that the Board refused to take action on the protest of property-owners against the erection of the proposed hospital. 
  6. ^ Neighboring Places. Los Angeles Herald 41 (100). January 29, 1894 [October 14, 2016]. (原始内容存档于2021-11-23). Senator Gwin died in 1887, and his family mansion on Jackson street has been a Chinese hospital for sixteen years. 
  7. ^ Ghastly Dens in Chinatown. San Francisco Call 79 (97). March 6, 1896 [October 14, 2016]. (原始内容存档于2021-11-22). These are the Chinatown morgues, or hospitals, and deadhouses combined. They are little rooms at the end of long, foul alleys, where those who are dead and those who are dying lie together until their friends ship their dry bones back to China for burial. There are several of these places in Chinatown. [...] A few years ago the Chinese merchants raised a large fund to erect a hospital. Plans were drawn up and submitted to the City authorities, but for some reason the Chinese were not permitted to build. Large sums of money are subscribed by missionary societies to erect hospitals in China, but there is no place in the Christian City of San Francisco where a sick and friendless Chinaman can breathe his last, except among coffins and boxes of bones in a Chinese charnel-house. In some cases they are dumped into these hideous "chambers of peace" and left to die unattended, except a peep now and then to see when life is extinct. 
  8. ^ Slavery in San Francisco. San Francisco Call 82 (54). July 24, 1897 [October 14, 2016]. (原始内容存档于2021-11-22). There is work for the Board of Health and for the police authorities in the dark dens of the Chinese quarter. The revelations made within the last few days concerning the dread horrors of the Chinese hospitals and the inhuman and even murderous treatment of Chinese girls who are held in most accursed bondage are enough in themselves to spur the proper authorities to remedial action without delay. 
  9. ^ Incorporations. Los Angeles Herald (162). March 11, 1899 [October 14, 2016]. (原始内容存档于2023-12-18). 
  10. ^ Hospital for Sick Chinese. San Francisco Call 87 (177). May 16, 1900 [October 14, 2016]. (原始内容存档于2023-12-18). 
  11. ^ Perrault Exposes a Peculiar Condition. San Francisco Call 86 (27). June 27, 1899 [October 14, 2016]. (原始内容存档于2023-12-23). The following protests were received and referred to the proper committees: Property owners [...], against establishment of Chinese hospital on Sacramento street below Stockton [...] 
  12. ^ 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 Draft Environmental Impact Report—835-845 Jackson Street: Chinese Hospital Replacement Project (PDF) (报告). Planning Department, City and County of San Francisco. April 16, 2012 [October 14, 2016]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2023-12-23).  |issue=被忽略 (帮助)
  13. ^ 'Frisco Chinatown Being Modernized. Healdsburg Tribune (60). United Press. January 14, 1926 [October 14, 2016]. (原始内容存档于2023-12-18). 
  14. ^ Hom, Laureen D. Early Chinese immigrants organizing for healthcare: The establishment of the Chinese Hospital in San Francisco G.J. Yoo et al., Handbook of Asian American Health. New York: Springer. 2013: 353–362. ISBN 978-14614-2226-6. 
  15. ^ 15.0 15.1 Wildermuth, John. Chinese Hospital plans new $160 million building. San Francisco Chronicle. May 10, 2012 [October 14, 2016]. (原始内容存档于2021-11-23). 
  16. ^ Turner, Brian R. Commons on Draft EIR 835-845 Jackson Street Chinese Hospital Replacement Project, Case No. 2008.0762E (PDF) (Letter). Letter to Mr. Bill Wycko. May 30, 2012 [October 13, 2016]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2023-12-18) (English). 
  17. ^ A look at 10 historic sites saved, 10 lost in 2013. Post Crescent. Associated Press. January 5, 2014: F3 [January 19, 2014]. (原始内容存档于October 14, 2016). 
  18. ^ Veklerov, Kimberly. Chinatown hospital set to unveil 8-story, $180 million building. San Francisco Chronicle. April 15, 2016 [October 14, 2016]. (原始内容存档于2021-11-22). 
  19. ^ Wildermuth, John. Rose Pak, SF political powerhouse, dies. San Francisco Chronicle. September 21, 2016 [October 14, 2016]. (原始内容存档于2022-08-18). 
  20. ^ De Anda, Juan. Tourism For Locals: San Francisco was Bruce Lee's Native City and There's No Homage to It [BLOG]. SF Weekly. November 14, 2014 [October 14, 2016]. (原始内容存档于2021-12-12). 
  21. ^ Hua, Vanessa. Chinese Hospital Gives New Meaning to Family Medicine. NBC News. May 26, 2015 [October 14, 2016]. (原始内容存档于2023-12-18). 
  22. ^ Stamos, Alyson; Wu, Meiying. How San Francisco's Chinatown Got Ahead Of the Coronavirus需要付费订阅. April 17, 2020 [19 April 2020]. (原始内容存档于2023-12-18).