The Welfare of Birds at Slaughter: Humane Society of the United States comparison of controlled-atmosphere killing (CAK) to electrical water-bath stunning
^氩气、氢气、氦气和氮气都是惰性气体,如果存在的浓度足够高,足以将空气中的氧气稀释到危险的水平,就会导致窒息。[...........]窒息是呼吸衰竭的同义词,可被定义为细胞层面的氧气不足。单纯的窒息剂是生理性的惰性气体。它们不会抑制心脏输出量,也不会改变血红蛋白的功能。相反,它们只有在高浓度的情况下才会引起窒息,从而使受激空气中的O2浓度降低到血氧饱和度下降的水平,导致组织中的O2输送不足。Quoted from Simple Asphyxiants, Mark Wilkenfield, M.D. Chapter 34, pp. 556–7. in: Environmental and Occupational Medicine Editors William N. Rom, Steven B. Markawitz. 4th Edition, Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2007. ISBN0781762995, 9780781762991.
^Chemical Safety Board Bulletin互联网档案馆的存檔,存档日期2016-03-04. This is a government summary of accidental 80 nitrogen inhalation deaths, mostly in occupational circumstances. For a presentation form with additional material, see [1]互联网档案馆的存檔,存档日期2016-03-04.