早期的MCSD是以WOSA(Windows Open System Architecture)为主,考验开发人员对Windows环境的熟悉度,然后搭配两科与应用程序开发有关的考试作为选考科目,当时微软将MFC以及OLE开发等纳入选考科目中,以及当时初次进入认证考试Visual Basic 5.0产品。
Exam 70-160: Microsoft Windows Architecture I
Exam 70-161: Microsoft Windows Architecture II
Exam 70-024: Developing Applications with C++ Using the Microsoft Foundation Class Library
Exam 70-025: Implementing OLE in Microsoft Foundation Class Applications
Exam 70-165: Developing Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic 5.0
Exam 70-027: Implementing a Database Design on Microsoft SQL Server 6.5
Exam 70-069: Application Development with Microsoft Access for Windows 95 and the Microsoft Access Developer's Toolkit
MCSD on Visual Studio 6.0
在Visual Studio 6.0(1998年6月发行)发表的時期,微软对于MCSD认证的要求做了大幅的修改,其主要原因是Windows DNA架构的发展,以及分散式应用程序的发展等,同时首次把系統分析的项目纳入MCSD的测试范围,因此核心考科定为三科,选考科目为一科。同時微软第一次將Visual FoxPro纳入考試科目中,但也是最后一次。
Exam 70-100: Analyzing Requirement and Defining Solution Architecture
Exam 70-016: Designing and Implementing Desktop Applications by using Visual C++ 6.0
Exam 70-156: Designing and Implementing Desktop Applications by using Visual FoxPro 6.0
Exam 70-176: Designing and Implementing Desktop Applications by using Visual Basic 6.0
Exam 70-015: Designing and Implementing Distributed Applications by using Visual C++ 6.0
Exam 70-155: Designing and Implementing Distributed Applications by using Visual FoxPro 6.0
Exam 70-175: Designing and Implementing Distributed Applications by using Visual Basic 6.0
在.NET Framework推出時,MCSD也順勢升級到Microsoft .NET(2002年正式发行)技術,同時也調整考試的測驗方向,切割為Windows應用程式,Web應用程式以及分散式應用程式的考試科目,同時仍然要測驗系統分析的能力,MCSD on Microsoft .NET的考試科目即擴增到五科。
Exam 70-300: Analyzing Requirement and Defining Microsoft .NET Solution Architecture
Exam 70-316: Developing and Implementing Windows-Based Applications by using Visual C#.NET and Visual Studio .NET
Exam 70-306: Developing and Implementing Windows-Based Applications by using Visual Basic.NET and Visual Studio .NET
Exam 70-315: Developing and Implementing Web-Based Applications by using Visual C#.NET and Visual Studio .NET
Exam 70-305: Developing and Implementing Web-Based Applications by using Visual Basic.NET and Visual Studio .NET
Exam 70-320: Developing and Implementing XML Web Services and Server Components by using Visual C#.NET and Visual Studio .NET
Exam 70-310: Developing and Implementing XML Web Services and Server Components by using Visual Basic.NET and Visual Studio .NET