他最後在1645年病逝於巴達維亞。荷蘭東印度公司給予其妻一筆豐厚的慰問金,使她得以返回荷蘭安享晚年。她的名字留在紐西蘭北島上的極西點「Cape Maria van Diemen」;這是阿贝尔·塔斯曼在1643年所命名的地方。另外一處則在塔斯曼尼亞島的東岸的「Maria Island」。
Van der Kraan, Alfons. "Anthony van Diemen: From Bankrupt to Governor-General, 1593-1636", The Great Circle: Journal of the Australian Association of Maritime History, 26.2, (2004:3-23).
Van der Kraan, Alfons. "Anthony van Diemen: Patron of Discovery and Exploration, 1636-45", The Great Circle, Journal of the Australian Association of Maritime History, 27.1, (2005:3-33).
Leonard Blussé and Nie Dening (2018). The Chinese Annals of Batavia, the Kai Ba Lidai Shiji and Other Stories (1610–1795). Brill. Leiden, Netherlands. ISBN 978-90-04-35670-2.
^ The name "Van Diemen's Land" name was retained when British settlement began there in 1803. It became a byword for horror in England because of the severity of its convict settlements such as Port Arthur and Macquarie Harbour. The name had acquired such odium that when it became a self-governing colony in 1855, one of the first acts of the new legislature was to change its name to Tasmania. "Tasmania is preferred, because 'Van Diemen's Land' is associated among all nations with bondage and guilt"John West remarked at the opening of his History of Tasmania (Launceston: Dowling) 1852, vol I:4). But the old name lingered for many years—Tasmanians were referred to as Vandemonians until the turn of the century