
科学分类 编辑
Missing taxonomy template修正): Vaccinium subg. Oxycoccus
大果越橘 V. macrocarpon
Vaccinium macrocarpon
Aiton 1789
  • Vaccinium oxycoccos var. oblongifolium Michx.
  • Schollera macrocarpos (Aiton) Britton
  • Oxycoca macrocarpa (Aiton) Raf.
  • Oxycoccus macrocarpos (Aiton) Pers.
  • Oxycoccus macrocarpus (Aiton) Pers.
  • Oxycoccus palustris var. macrocarpos (Aiton) Pers.
  • Schollera macrocarpa (Aiton) Steud.
  • Vaccinium propinquum Salisb.

大果越橘學名Vaccinium macrocarpon)是蔓越橘的一種,原產於北美,屬越橘屬[3]。大果越橘是多年生灌木,開白色或粉色果實為紅色粉色,有酸味[4][5][6]


  1. ^ Tropicos, Vaccinium macrocarpon Aiton. [2023-04-12]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-17). 
  2. ^ The Plant List, Vaccinium macrocarpon Aiton. [2023-04-12]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-17). 
  3. ^ Oszmiański, Jan; Kolniak-Ostek, Joanna; Lachowicz, Sabina; Gorzelany, Józef; Matłok, Natalia. Phytochemical Compounds and Antioxidant Activity in Different Cultivars of Cranberry (Vaccinium Macrocarpon L). Journal of Food Science. 2017-11-11, 82 (11): 2569–2575 [2023-04-12]. ISSN 1750-3841. PMID 28973819. doi:10.1111/1750-3841.13924. (原始内容存档于2023-04-12). 
  4. ^ Flora of North America, Vaccinium macrocarpon Aiton, 1789. Cranberry, canneberge gros fruits. [2023-04-12]. (原始内容存档于2022-07-09). 
  5. ^ Aiton, William. 1789. Hortus Kewensis, or, A catalogue of the plants cultivated in the Royal Botanic Garden at Kew 2: 13 and plate 7页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) description in Latin on page 13; full-page color illustration on plate 7 (between pages 12 and 13)
  6. ^ USDA. Plant Profile for Vaccinium macrocarpon (cranberry). USDA PLANTS. USDA. [15 March 2021]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-22). 
