1940年9月15日《两个世界》(Revue des deux Mondes)杂志上,贝当对原是法兰西共和国的国家格言“自由、平等、博爱”做出了以下评论:“当我们的年轻人[…]成年后,我们应该对他们说[…]若不在他们必须服从的权威的指导下,他们不能取得真正的自由[…]。我们应该告诉他们平等本身是在等级制度的框架下的[…]最后,我们应该告诉他们除了在自然形成的族群、家庭、城镇、祖国间,不存在真正的博爱”[2]。
^France has a written constitution so that each time political pressures are such as to require its radical rewriting, the new system is given a new name. The current constitution is that of the Fifth Republic but there have been two empires, a consulate and a state. In the same way, Germany had used the term Reich (State). Under the conditions of 1940, this appears to have influenced the choice of the equivalent French term, Etat. The then current Reich was the third one.
^Maréchal Pétain, Politique sociale de l'avenir (Future Social Policy) , La Revue des Deux Mondes, 15 September 1940
^Albert Kéchichian, Les Croix-de-feu à l'âge des fascismes – Travail, Famille, Patrie, Éditions Champ Vallon, 2006
Study Centre Edmond Michelet, Vichy family policy on the centremichelet.org site (法文)