校園面積約為1,100英畝(4平方公里)。這包括校園東邊一個佔地400英畝(1.4平方公里)的生物保護區,地質學和生物學等科學教授可以在那裡上課。Granville的Denison Golf Club是一個由Donald Ross(英语:Donald Ross (golfer))設計的18洞高爾夫球場,距離學術校園0.4英里,於2014年捐贈給該大學。[3]2013年,大学购买并翻新了Granville Inn。[4]多恩圖書館建於1937年,如今擁有超過500,000本書和裝訂期刊。
Doane Administration (1895)
William Howard Doane Library (1937)
Beth Eden (1901) and Swasey Chapel (1924)
Swasey Chapel (1924, inside)
Barney Davis Hall (1894)
Michael D. Eisner Center for the Performing Arts
Cleveland Hall (1904) – Bryant Arts Center at East College Street gate
Labyrinth at the Open House
Deeds Field-Piper Stadium
Monomoy Place (1863), home to Alumni & Family Engagement[5]
131 W Broadway is home to the Denison University President and family.[5]
Chapel Walk
Pipe organ(管風琴) donated to Denison University by William Howard Doane
Granville Inn
Granville Inn
Broadway shops, Granville, Ohio
Broadway shops, Granville, Ohio
Downtown Scene in the Village of Granville
Granville Farmers Market, Granville, Ohio
Lake Hudson, Granville, Ohio
Lake Hudson, Granville, Ohio
Lake Hudson, Granville, Ohio
Granville Historic District
Granville Historic District
Public Library, Granville, Ohio,
Public Library, Granville, Ohio,
Granville Historic District
St. Luke's Episcopal Church in Granville
Saint Edward the Confessor Church (Granville, Ohio) - exterior of original section of the church
St. Edward the Confessor (Granville) - exterior
St. Edward the Confessor (Granville) - interior
Sugar Loaf Park, Granville, Ohio
Sugar Loaf Park, Granville, Ohio
Sugar Loaf Park, Granville, Ohio
Slayter Union 設有休息室、小吃店、學習桌、書店、食品市場、學生郵箱和包裹服務、302 個座位的禮堂和電影院、深夜餐廳以及學生組織的辦公室。[6]校園景觀由著名景观建筑公司 Frederick Law Olmsted Sons 設計, Frederick Law Olmsted Sons的创始人是纽约市中央公园、芝加哥一些著名的湖滨公园以及斯坦福和威爾斯利學院等著名大学校园的设计师。其为丹尼森设计了创新设计.“奥姆斯特德计划”或“大丹尼森計畫”是根據整個上校區的四邊形布局設計的,旨在反映建築功能。此舉旨在幫助培養校園團體之間的社區意識。該計劃背後的目標是為山頂上的大學提供美觀和實用的功能。景觀設計旨在戰略性地保護自然地形,但也考慮到每個四邊形內建築物的邏輯和對稱布置。[7]
在 2019 年一篇关于有争议的大学录取丑闻的文章中,丹尼森在著名段落"Every parent assumed that whatever alchemy of good genes and good credit had gotten his child a spot at the prep school was the same one that would land him a spot at a hyper-selective college. It was true that a quarter of the class went to the Ivy League, and another quarter to places such as Stanford, MIT, and Amherst. But that still left half the class, and I was the one who had to tell their parents that they were going to have to be flexible. Before each meeting, I prepared a list of good colleges that the kid had a strong chance of getting into, but these parents didn’t want colleges their kids had a strong chance of getting into; they wanted colleges their kids didn’t have a chance in hell of getting into. A successful first meeting often consisted of walking them back from the crack pipe of Harvard to the Adderall crash of Middlebury and then scheduling a follow-up meeting to douse them with the bong water of Denison."中與哈佛大學齊被點名。[10]