Louis Gossett Jr.

Louis Gossett Jr.
Louis Cameron Gossett Jr.

27-may 1936-yil (1936-05-27) (88 yosh)
Brooklyn, New York City, A. Q. Sh.
Vafoti 29-mart 2024[1]
Fuqaroligi AQSh
Kasbi Aktyor
Faoliyat yillari 1953–hozirga qadar
Turmush oʻrtogʻi
  • Hattie Glascoe
    (turm. 1967; bekor. 1968)
  • Christina Mangosing
    (turm. 1973; ajr. 1975)
  • Cyndi James-Reese
    (turm. 1987; ajr. 1992)
Bolalari 2

Louis Cameron Gossett (talaffuzi: „Lui Kemeron Gossett“, 1936-yil 27-may — 2024-yil 29-mart) — amerikalik aktyor. 1960-yillarda xalq qo‘shiqchisi bo‘lgan. U 1982-yilda „An Officier and a Gentleman“ filmidagi qurolchi serjant Emil Foley roli bilan tanilgan va unga „Eng yaxshi ikkinchi plandagi aktyor“ nominatsiyasida Oskar mukofotini qo'lga kiritgan. U, shuningdek, 1977-yilda ABC telekanalining „Roots“ miniserialidagi Fiddler roli uchun Emmy mukofotiga sazovor bo'ldgan.

Erta hayot va ta'lim

Gossett Nyu-Yorkning Bruklin shtati Koni-Aylend shahrida hamshira Hellen Rebecca (niyasi Wray) va yuk tashuvchi Louis Gosset Sr. oilasida tug'ilgan. Louis Mark Tven va Abraham Lincoln o'rta maktabi bitiruvchisi. Uning sahnadagi debyuti 17 yoshida, „You Can't Take it with You“ nomli maktab spektaklida, sport jarohati tufayli aktyorlik saboqini olishga qaror qilganida sodir bo'ldi.


Gossett The New York Times drama tanqidchilari tomonidan yilning 10 ta eng yaxshi shoularidan biri sifatida tanlab olingan Brodveydagi[2] Take a Giant Step filmida Spenser Scott rolini egalladi. U 17 yoshda edi va hali ham Abraham Lincoln oʻrta maktabining talabasi edi va hech qanday rasmiy dramatik taʼlimga ega emas edi.

Gossettning Brodvey teatri ijodlari orasida A Raisin in the Sun (1959) filmida debyutini oʻtkazdi.

Shaxsiy hayoti

Gossett uch marta uylangan. Uning bir oʻgʻil bor va bir oʻgʻilni asrab olgan. Birinchi nikohi Hattie Glaskoe bilan boʻlgan va u bekor qilingan. Ikkinchisi, Christina Mangosing, 1973-yil 1-avgustda boʻlib oʻtdi. Ularning oʻgʻli Satie 1974-yilda tugʻilgan. Gossett va Mangosing 1975-yilda ajrashishdi. Uning uchinchi nikohi, Star Search chempioni Cindy 1987-yil 25-dekabrda boʻlib oʻtdi. Ular Sharron ismli oʻgʻilni (1977-yilda tugʻilgan) asrab olishdi. Gossett va James-Reese 1992-yilda ajrashishdi[3].


Yil Sarlavha Rol Izohlar
1961 Raisin in the Sun, AA Raisin in the Sun George Murchison
1969 Bushbaby, TheThe Bushbaby Tembo
1970 Landlord, TheThe Landlord Copee
1971 Skin Game Jason OʻRourke
1972 Travels with My Aunt Zachary / 'Wordsworth'
1973 The Fuzz Brothers Francis Fuzz
1973 Laughing Policeman, TheThe Laughing Policeman Inspector James Larrimore
1974 White Dawn, TheThe White Dawn Portagee
1976 River Niger, TheThe River Niger Doktor Dudley Stanton
1976 J. D.'s Revenge Reverend Elija Bliss
1977 Deep, TheThe Deep Henri Cloche
1977 Choirboys, TheThe Choirboys Calvin Motts
1980 It Rained All Night the Day I Left Leo Garcia
1982 Officer and a Gentleman, AnAn Officer and a Gentleman Gunnery Sergeant Emil Foley Academy Award
1983 Jaws 3-D Calvin Bouchard Nominatsiya – Golden Raspberry Award
1984 Finders Keepers Century
1985 Enemy Mine Jareeba 'Jerry' Sheegan Nominatsiya – Saturn Award
1986 Iron Eagle Colonel Charles 'Chappy' Sinclair
1986 Firewalker Leo Porter
1987 Principal, TheThe Principal Jake Phillips
1987 A Gathering of Old Men Mathu
1988 Iron Eagle II Colonel / Brigadier General Charles 'Chappy' Sinclair
1989 Punisher, TheThe Punisher Detektiv Jake Berkowitz
1991 Cover Up CIA Chief Lou Jackson
1991 Toy Soldiers Dean Parker
1992 Aces: Iron Eagle III Brigadier General Charles 'Chappy' Sinclair
1992 Diggstown Roy 'Honey Roy' Palmer
1993 Monolith Captain MacCandless
1994 Flashfire Ben Durand
1994 Blue Chips Father Dawkins
1994 Good Man in Africa, AA Good Man in Africa Professor Sam Adekunle
1994 Curse of the Starving Class Ellis
1995 Iron Eagle on the Attack Brigadier General Charles 'Chappy' Sinclair (Ret.)
1996 Managua Paul
1997 Wall That Heals, TheThe Wall That Heals
1997 Bram Stoker’s Legend of the Mummy Corbeck
1999 Terminal Countdown Morgan
2000 The Highwayman Phil Bishop
2002 Deceived Colonel David Garrett
2005 Window Ralph Stanley
2005 Left Behind: World at War President Gerald Fitzhugh
2006 All In Caps
2006 Club Soda 'Doc'
2007 Daddy’s Little Girls Willie
2007 Cover Detektiv Hicks
2008 Perfect Game, TheThe Perfect Game Cool Papa Bell
2008 Delgo Zahn Dublyaj
2009 Dog Jack Jed
2009 Shannonʼs Rainbow Max Donovan
2009 Least Among You, TheThe Least Among You Samuel Benton
2010 Smitty Janob Smith
2010 Why Did I Get Married Too? Porter
2011 Grace Card, TheThe Grace Card George Wright
2011 Fonder Heart, AA Fonder Heart Glen
2011 Lamp, TheThe Lamp The Genie
2012 The Undershepherd Bishop Redford
2014 A Fighting Man 'Cubby'
2014 The Dependables Lou Jones
2015 Boiling Pot Detektiv Haven
2017 Undercover Grandpa Ona
2017 Double Play 'Cocoʻ
2017 Breaking Brooklyn Miles Bryant
2019 Foster Boy Sudya
2019 The Cuban Louiss Garcia
2019 Supervized Pendle
2021 Not to Forget Pastor John
2022 Three Months Benny
2023 The Color Purple Not yet released Ol' Mister Prodyuser


  1. (unspecified title)Assoshieyted press.
  2. „Take A Giant Step“. Jan Hus Playhouse. Lortel Archives. 2012-yil 7-oktyabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2012-yil 27-oktyabr.
  3. „Louis Gossett Jr.“. Superior Pics. Qaraldi: 2018-yil 26-noyabr.[sayt ishlamaydi]